The Digital Pack-Rat, Vol. 17

Yeah, I know, it has been nearly two months. But in all that time, there is only enough pack-rat material for one post. (Seriously, it took over a week before I could read the news without rewriting each story in rhyme–but I forced myself. Now, it is taking me a bit to get back into form…)

The first… I poked my head up out of my hiding-place to write a few lines about homeopathy, when the swine flu scare brought the snake-oil salesweasels out into the open.

I would never give plain water
To my wife, or son, or daughter
Any more than I would bleed them, or would chant some silly spell.
If their symptoms verge on flu-ish
I want medicine that’s true-ish
Give me proven (double-blind) effective drugs, or go to hell.

Next… I don’t ordinarily include limericks in the pack-rat volumes, but if I don’t, this will be a too-brief post. The topic? Creating dinosaurs, through genetic modification of … chickens.

Though the task is a little complex,
Given time, we can work out the specs–
With the motive and means,
We can juggle the genes:
From a chicken, derive a T-rex!

Though the papers will claim that I’m mad,
There is nothing I’ve done that’s so bad–
This isn’t designing,
But merely refining–
I’m giving them back what they had!

Every egg that you’ve scrambled or fried
Is a dinosaur’s sibling that died–
If you’ve cooked up your dozens,
I’m telling you, cousins,
It’s time that you’d best run and hide!

Just one day later, PZ published back-to-back posts. One wrote of his commencement speech at Keck. The other wrote of email he got from Heck. Come on; that’s just not fair…

By juxtaposing Keck and Heck,
You’ve fashioned me a nervous wreck–
The one is nice, the other, dreck;
My head so spun, I sprained my neck.
So now I type (well, hunt and peck)
And try to keep my thoughts in check;
Please, next time, won’t you wait a sec
Or maybe holler “clear the deck!”
Before you deign to flick that speck?

Next, a singular(ity) verse… I must write at length about the singularity at some point–I actually have well-considered opinions, backed up with consistent logic and (even better!) evidence. But for now…

My mind, they say, will fit in lots
Of itsy bitsy nanobots–
Assuming such a thing could be,
That thing, of course, would not be me.

The same day (wow, I must have had lots of grading due or something), PZ had to write about “Men in fancy hats”. Hats are, to a verse-monger, what a red flag is to a bull. Too much metaphor, too easily rhymed. Ask Dr. Seuss.

I saw a man who wore a hat,
So big, so bright, so tall–
So heavy on his head, it sat,
The biggest hat of all.

He carried this tremendous weight,
Although his neck did strain,
Because it made him contemplate
Christ’s suffering and pain.

It made him feel that pain is good–
It fortified his soul.
He suffered greatly, as he should,
For thus is mankind’s role.

He wore it proudly, even though
The atheists would scoff;
It hurt his head, but even so
He would not take it off.

The moral here, I think you’ll find,
Is easy to apply:
Take off that hat, and free your mind,
And hold your head up high.

Almost done now, I promise!

Again, I blame PZ. He shares his Mr. Birdnow with us, and Birdnow mangles John Donne.

Though “thee” and “we”, it seems to me,
Are similar, phonetically,
The use of each in proper speech
Is out of Mr. Birdnow’s reach.
Ask not for whom we sit and fume
Ask not whose writing gives us gloom
For now, as ever, the bell, so clever,
Tolls and tolls for Mr. Birdnever.

Lastly (!!!), a bit of wordplay with Thunderf00t and Luskin. Just because.

Thunderf00t’s not mean, or brusque; in
Fact, when he exposes Luskin,
Leaving just a tattered husk, in
Pieces on the floor,
He does so in his usual Thunder-
F00tish manner; Luskin’s blunders
Neatly listed. It’s no wonder
All of us want more.

Again, I remind you to vote in the poll (over there to the right–it is clearly the most important poll on its subject that there has ever been). And donate blood, tip your waitress/waiter, hug your loved ones, and don’t make me come over there.

Cute, Cute, Cutie

In the latest Telemundo Soap Opera, Father Alberto Cutie (KOO’-tee-ay, the papers helpfully add) has left the Catholic Church, choosing the brunette on the beach over the one on the cross. Sadly, although he clearly sees that the arbitrary rules are… well, arbitrary, and is in a position to see through the whole charade, he has instead simply chosen to join the Episcopal Church. (I am reminded of a friend who thought switching to filtered cigarettes from unfiltered was pretty much the same thing as quitting smoking altogether.)

The tale of Padre Cutie—
Who found himself a beauty, a
Brunette with whom he frolicked and cavorted on the beach—
Pitted god against temptation,
And the latest revelation?
As in Eden with the apple, God now loses to a peach.

It’s rarely for the hell of it
You choose a path that’s celibate—
We must assume the Padre was committed to his life—
But to love and serve God only
Leaves a man a little lonely
And Alberto can’t be faulted if he wants to take a wife.

But the men in hats and dresses,
Those who judge what he confesses,
Say the rules are very clear against the marrying of priests
If the good Miami Padre
Is to join their little cadre
He must hold himself to standards much, much higher than the beasts’.

So he thought, and asked, and prayed:
“Should I serve God? Or else get laid?”
(From the atheist perspective, what a silly thing to ask!)
And he said “Oh, God who made me,
If I cannot play, then trade me!
I’ll no longer hide my feelings, with my vestments as my mask!”

Having looked behind the curtain
He, of all men, should be certain
Any organized religion is, at best, a silly scheme;
To the Catholics, he’s alien,
He’s now Episcopalian
He knows the game is silly, he just chose another team.

Oh–I added a poll (over there, on the right), to test whether PZ’s pavlovian conditioning is complete. The poll is utterly without point (it is, after all, about intelligent design), but will he be able to resist? It is an empirical question…

Oh, Oh! I forgot… I got an email a day or so ago, informing me that my book is now available from! The email said that my book had “been selected”–I suspect the same sort of selection that gets sweepstakes entries sent to my house, but what do I know? Anyway, take a look on Amazon for it, and if you are moved to, write something nice, or whatever it is that people do on Amazon. At least in theory, this opens me up to a much wider audience, although I am not exactly sure how.

A Cunning Plan… (thank you, California Supreme Court)

I am very nearly back–I will hand in grades tomorrow, and will post a bit of a personal update after that, and try my inadequate best to thank people who have helped me more than they could possibly know. For now, all I will say is Thank You All, so very much, for your kind words and deeds.

First, though, a regular post…

Ok, California, you have pissed me off. But you have given me an idea.

I read it in the news today—
The Cali courts have had their say,
And if the gods have made you gay
No more can you get married.
The logic that the judges wrote
(Except in the dissenting note):
Fifty percent, plus one more vote
Gets any measure carried.

And so it is with great delight
I urge you now to stand and fight—
Our cause, you’ll see, is wholly right,
If I can be so candid;
The group that we will now oppose,
The proper person’s fearful foes—
Our enemies, of course, are those
Who choose to be left-handed.

In writings since the Ancient Greeks
Left-handers have been viewed as freaks;
They’re sinister—their form bespeaks
A tendency toward sin!
But now (he said, with evil laugh)
The court has simplified the graph:
If we can gather just one half
Plus one more vote—we win!

So join with me—we’re on a mission,
Seeking to restore tradition;
Sign our “Right Is Right” petition
And join the teeming throng.
Stand up! Say no to left-hand choice!
The courts are with us, so rejoice
And join right in, in righteous voice:
“If it’s not right, it’s wrong!”

Even right-thinking (pun intended) southpaws should sign this one–the notion that the civil rights of a minority are at the mercy of the majority’s caprice and whim is… short sighted. If I were in writing form, I’d throw in some reference to a house divided against itself, or of separate but equal, or some such, but I am a bit rusty. Instead, I simply offer a heavy-handed “modest proposal” in the manner of Jonathan Swift. Right-handers are in the majority–why do we put up with the obviously inferior and literally sinister left-handers? Fifty percent plus one vote, and we can take away their rights!

It’s an issue that cuts across racial and religious, socioeconomic and educational lines. It is an economic issue–must we really make left-handed scissors? Left-handed desks? What next, left-handed cars? Driving on the left? It’s unamerican! Lefties have disproportionately more industrial accidents–why should they have the right to work at all? They increase our insurance rates while diluting our gene pool! They are unnatural and wrong! It is time we did something about it, and the California Supreme Court has sent us a welcome signal! All it takes is a bare majority!

Left-handers should not have the right to marry. They should not have the right to separate facilities and/or equipment. They are not equal; they should not be treated as equals.

California, you know what to do.

If lefties want rights, they can move to Vermont.

Life 1, Cuttlefish 0

Something had to give. It is the time of the semester when assignments come due, and grading piles up. It is the time of the year when furnaces, cars, bikes, and computers break down (I don’t know how they conspire to do this, but they do). It is the time of life when the maximum number of offspring are requiring tuition to be paid, loans to be applied for, this that and the other to be bought. It is the time of the economy when two decades worth of savings are worth less than a decade ago, as if ten years of work was for nothing. It is one of those rare years when I have no summer teaching at all, and thus no summer income to speak of. It is the time of my life when, with finances like this, my 25th anniversary is coming up in a couple of months. We’ll likely split a can of soup in celebration.

Something had to give. I can’t cut back on my job, or they won’t pay me. I can’t cut back on parenting or spousing, just because. I can cut back on doing something I very much like to do, but which takes time I don’t really have right now. So this might be it, or this might be it for a while. I really don’t know right now.

I love my readers. They have helped me through so much already. I don’t regret a moment of my time spent putting life into silly rhymed verses. I still owe some of my readers a signed copy of my book (I haven’t forgotten!), and I will do that. One kind and talented reader is helping me (the delay is all mine) to re-write the book, add some commentary and re-organize, so that may come out eventually… and I will, of course, keep checking email and comments.

But something had to give, and so I am, at the very least, taking a break. I hope to see you soon, but if not, I still thank you from the bottom of all three hearts for supporting me, for enabling my obsession, for helping to create the Cuttlefish persona.

For now, though… Good-bye.

The Digital Pack-Rat, Vol. 16

The real world is hitting the fan, so I don’t have time to put these in their contexts. I think all were from Pharyngula this time, though, so there’s that much at least.

Congrats, MAJeff

Worth the hassle? Worth the fuss?
To join the club–be one of us?
Now you’ve looked behind the curtain
(You once suspected, now are certain)
And seen the truth: that Ph. D.’s
Are roughly well-trained chimpanzees,
Hairless apes with advanced degrees,
And narrow fields of expertise.

You ran the maze, you beat the rats;
I offer my sincere congrats
Now all the strain and toil and wait
Is done–it’s time to celebrate!
So here’s to MAJeff! And here’s
To all the work, and all the years
And laughter, heartache, sweat and tears–
(You need to hydrate. Drink some beers!)

PZ’s trouble & strife

Oh, trouble and strife! The Trophy Wife
Doesn’t quite get the cephalofetish?
But think, if she did, and dressed up like a squid
To entice you to someplace that’s wettish–
She would use both her charms and her tentacle arms
To entrap you in utter delight–
We’d just stare at the walls, while Pharyngula stalls
Cos you’re too effing busy to write!

Sniffs of snails on pheromone trails

The mucous trail that shows a snail
Has recently passed by
Will not grow stale before a male
Decides to go say hi.
At such a scale, the fine detail
The pheromones supply
Will never fail as they assail
The mollusk’s roving eye
(to no avail, I’ll moan and wail
I meant not to imply
The “eye” is hale–it may need braille,
It’s metaphor, not lie!)
My verse is frail–let sense prevail;
Let no one here deny
A snail may nail a bit of tail,
And who’d complain? … not I.

Ken Ham still stupid—film at eleven.

Creationism always finds
That change occurs within their “kinds”
No dog had kitten for its whelp
So god, of course, has had to help.
The change we see is always small
And sometimes there’s no change at all,
Example one is Ken Ham’s mind
Which has not had to change its kind
He’s calcified his stupid views
And so, of course… this is not news.

Slug Sex

The hugs of slugs, the tricks of dicks,
Hermaphroditic bliss;
To climb, make slime, perchance to dance,
Much closer than a kiss.
Their bed, a thread that’s slung or hung
From branch, or jutting rocks,
Where they display a gay ballet
Of intertwining cocks.
This sex may vex the prude, as rude,
Or deviant or odd;
To spin as sin, we know, would show
A very boring god!

Buffy was fictional, Boston

Vampires, draped in capes of satin,
Roam the halls of Boston Latin!
Pay no heed to calls for quiet—
Hell awaits; so go on—riot!
Bring your garlic, wear your crosses,
Try to cut your vampire losses,
Better still, just stay at home
Where monsters are afraid to roam.
The school can use the room, to teach
The ones whose brains aren’t out of reach.

Kent Hovind wants our money and our prayers

We’ll pray and pray, and pray some more,
To open up his prison door;
We’ll pray all day and pray all night
And not give up our prayerful fight;
We’ll pray all night and pray all day
Till God hears what we have to say;
We’ll pray on hill and pray in dale
For God to let him out of jail;
We’ll pray in dale and pray on hill
That Hovind’s freedom is God’s will;
We’ll pray until our throats are hoarse
For God to do the work, of course;
We’ll pray–and if you think that’s funny,
Look: it sure beats sending money.

Fossil Octopods

They look like modern octopods—they share the basic plan—
The same way that gorillas share the form of modern man.
Creationists will argue, but let’s drop them down a peg:
An octopus is more than just a way to show some leg.

Religious freedom or insanity defense?

In this kid’s death, I fear I see
Religion in conspiracy;
The church should also share the blame
For crimes committed in their name.
Indict them all! A public trial
Will let the people see how vile
A group can be–and what is more,
The other churches, by the score,
Will have to choose to take a side:
To let these horrid monsters hide
Behind “religious freedom”, or
To try to shut that legal door.
Does freedom of religion mean
Support for actions this obscene?
Let churches choose–they made this bed,
Now sleep–like the kid. Oh, wait. He’s dead.


In days of old, when Popes wore gold
But no one wore a condom
One’s rod or staff was kept from gaffe
By blessings heaped upon dem
With nothing there but hopeful prayer
To guard against diseases
Not even Popes had any hopes
Of doing as one pleases

To keep the chap from getting clap
The Pope starts staying celibate
His health at stake, he must not break
This vow just for the helibate
The rule holds, too, for me and you;
The reasons, though, not quite:
He says “no glove when you make love”
But only out of spite.

On cephalopod toxins

Pay attention, all you boys ‘n
Girls, and stay away from poison!
Toxic proteins work for me,
Because I use a pen, you see.
This poison poet always mocks in
Toxic ink, or inky toxin.
(That line appears intoxicated;
Maybe I’m just addle-pated.)
I think up verses, then I pen ’em,
Dripping with my protein venom.
I bite, or write; my victims curse.
Remember, poison could be verse!

Hangs around with men: check!

PZ reports on the Catholic Church’s ongoing war on Teh Gay. Specifically, this time it is Melbourne (Oz) considering testing priests for homosexuality. Those who “appear to be gay” will be given the boot.

Of course, this is misguided. You don’t need me to tell you that. “Appear[ing] to be gay” is not what defines gay men. Heterosexual men (at least, self-proclaimed breeders, happily married and raising kids, never once looking longingly at Brad Pitt instead of Angelina Jolie at the movies) may be effeminate. And gay men may be … well, anyone. I had a student once who surprised our class greatly–tough as nails, South Philly, a real man’s man. Literally, as it turned out. A great guy, he kept track of the heteronormative comments by his classmates just so he could check how each student took his announcement (2/3 of the way through the semester, when he spoke of being spit on and hit with rocks during a gay rights parade). He didn’t “appear to be gay”. And of course, my uncle, who was apparently happily married for 18 years, with three kids, before running off with a Catholic priest. (No, it is not just the Catholics; my uncle was a minister himself.) He didn’t “appear to be gay”.

You know who did appear to be gay? Hanging out with men (12 of them!), no reports of any sexual relations with women, or even relationships, despite being roughly 30 years old. He did hang around with one woman, but again, all reports are that they were just friends… if you don’t count a relatively recent formulaic blockbuster.

When cutting through the crap and lies
We find, with really no surprise,
That Jesus hung around with guys
And told us “love your brothers”

His choice of lifestyle still survives
As priests and monks still live their lives
With one another–never wives–
The brotherhood just smothers.

And when the homosexual beast
That lives within each Catholic priest
Is bottled up, and not released
It’s likely to explode!

So nip the problem in the bud,
With “eat my body, drink my blood”
And each potential priestly stud
Has sanctity bestowed.

The church thinks that the problem’s faced
By having priests assert they’re chaste,
But Freud would say they’ve just displaced
Their homosexual urges.

See, ever since the world began
Some men have loved their fellow man–
A truth the Church can never ban
Despite their futile purges.

There are, of course, some other ways;
They could embrace their fellow gays,
Not blame them for the sad malaise
Of scandal, sin, and shame

The church, not gays, in thought and deed
Has sinned–a fact they won’t concede.
Now more and more, their numbers bleed…
There’s none but them to blame.

A Real-Life Flood (No Arks Involved)

click pic for larger view–seriously, it’s worth it!

I was looking through my blog stats, and found a slow, steady trickle of posts coming from 97KYCK, a country station in North Dakota. Now… I don’t actually like country music (sorry), but I love 97KYCK. The picture above was on their homepage when I checked it, and the moment I saw what it was, I got a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes. The picture is of the central sandbag-filling location at the Fargodome. These people, if you have not been watching the news out of the US midwest, are fighting for their homes, their city, and maybe their lives. The waters are expected to crest at over 40 feet; the latest prediction is 43 feet, which would break a 112-year old record, and which could easily devastate entire towns. This is truly horrible.

The AP reports

Thousands of shivering, tired residents got out while they could and others prayed that miles of sandbagged levees would hold Friday as the surging Red River threatened to unleash the biggest flood North Dakota’s largest city has ever seen. The agonizing decision to stay or go came as the final hours ticked down before an expected crest Saturday evening, when the ice-laden river could climb as high as 43 feet, nearly 3 feet higher than the record set 112 years ago.

I sincerely hope that residents are not relying on prayer as their sole protection. Pray while you sandbag, or pray while you get out of Fargo, or pray while you get to high ground, but please do not just pray! This is one of those times when a bronze-age superstition is not gonna help; gathering with your fellow townspeople and working… may or may not help. I hope it does. I hope the people who wasted their time praying get to tell me “I told you so!”.

But… if the levee fails, if the sandbags do not hold, I am going to be checking with 97KYCK to find out where to send money. I urge any and all of you who can, to do the same, if disaster hits. This is not a good time for any of us (cuttlehouse is certainly not unhit by the financial tough times), but we are hell and gone more fortunate than the people working themselves to exhaustion trying to save Fargo and surrounding towns. I hope your efforts have been enough, ND.

And, Fargo, please don’t take offense, but I will not pray for you. There is no time to waste in prayer.

(Let’s face it, anyone in Fargo who is reading this instead of working is not helping anything at this point. If you are reading this after the flood is over, hey, go nuts.)

Bag by bag, and hand by hand,
The people build a wall of sand;
As father, mother, son and daughter
Fight against the coming water.
The waters rise; the tension mounts,
And every single second counts;
Each pair of hands that’s clasped in prayer
Is one whose effort’s missing there.
There will be loss of life, I fear,
The wall of water coming here
Could tear the wall of sandbags down
And spread destruction through the town.
I hope I’m wrong, with all my heart—
The town has got a decent start,
A sandbag wall ten meters tall—
I hope that it will hold it all.
The water rises, day by day;
I hope the folks who stopped to pray
Instead of putting sand in sacks
With aching arms and straining backs
Will not regret their wasted time—
Will not perceive their prayer a crime
Will not have lives that they have cost
Because of useful time they lost.
A day or two, and we will know—
The wall could be an inch too low,
Or hold the flood and save the lives
Of sons and daughters, husbands, wives,
The wall, if it should hold, will show
Not heaven’s work, but man’s, below;
If prayer could work, we would not need
To fill up bags at breakneck speed.
It’s effort, not vain fantasy
That keeps a city safe, you see;
A million hands clasped tight in prayer
Mean less than just one working pair.

Does Satan Exist? (and does he organize debates at ABC?)

So last night on ABC’s “Nightline”–ostensibly a news program–the debate was fiery, and on a devil of a topic! Does Satan Exist? ABC apparently found the question important enough to organize their third national “face-off”. (Video and icky story at the link)

But not important enough to actually address the question. Though they say that “[t]he question of whether Satan exists is one of the most contentious theological debates possible”, ABC then chooses the equivalent of going after the most dangerous killer with a cork-gun and two water-pistols. It should not be terribly surprising, but the debate participants were chosen for their ratings-boosting personal quirkiness than for any evidence or insight they could add. There are brilliant theologians (even I admit), there are anthropologists and experimental psychologists, there are philosophers, who could have spoken with authority and data… but how could they compete with the founder of “Hookers For Jesus”? And Deepak Chopra? I once got kicked out of a bookstore because I picked up one of his books and started leafing through it… which led to my trying to retract the stupidity by banging the book against my forehead.

And every panel participant believed in a god! (I say “a”, because only three of the four were explicitly christian.) So it was a debate over somebody else’s invisible friend, hobbled by the requirement not to accidentally disprove one’s own invisible friend! Sure, the audience (at a church) would have shouted down an atheist, but it might have made for decent ratings…

It was a bit like watching a debate over the healthiness of McDonald’s hamburgers, where the expert panel consists of two fry cooks from Burger King, someone who once ate 17 burgers at a sitting and got sick, and a representative for the fast food industry. No nutritionist, no vegetarian (let alone vegan) view, no environmental impact data, no nothing.

This “debate” was junk food. It was fluff. It was a tale told by four idiots and a network full of enablers, full of sound and fury, signifying the depths to which ABC News has dipped.

Tonight, two sides begin debatin’
Whether there’s such thing as Satan,
Whether he is merely some imaginary friend
Like the playmate of a child
Whose imagination’s wild
Or a real and present danger, against which we must defend

ABC’s own Nightline newsies
Says there’s data for these doozies—
That Americans believe that such an entity exists
It’s a very weighty question
That deserves a good digestion,
From the expert theologians that they’ve plucked from off their lists

There’s the fundamental preacher,
Quite a wild and wooly creature
Whose collection plate depends upon his congregation’s fear
And the born-again ex-hooker,
Doesn’t hurt that she’s a looker,
Cos the network lives on ratings and the news must persevere

Next, a bishop, former minister,
Who came to think the sinister
Portrayal of the devil wasn’t bringing folks to God,
And then Dr. Deepak Chopra,
A celebrity, like Oprah,
Whose beliefs are slightly different, and sometimes downright odd.

Not an atheist among them,
One whose questions might have stung them,
Not a single theologian with authority to lend
Anthropologist? Psychologist?
Biologist? Cosmologist?
No solitary skeptic was admitted to attend.

If it really is a question
Worth debating, one suggestion:
Give the sides some ammunition—as it is, they’re shooting blanks.
If it’s worth examination
There’s a certain expectation
That some experts, and some evidence, are welcome in the ranks.

But if all this fun debating’s
Not for knowledge, but for ratings,
Go ahead and pack the panel with some entertaining fluff
If the overall desire
Is to push the ratings higher
Then the hooker/preacher freakshow is authority enough.

If I stand on these bodies, maybe God will get a better view of how pious I am…

Once again, PZ gets credit for ruining my morning. Sadly, my ruined morning is nothing at all compared to the story he shares. The deaths of 14 people–7 children, 7 adults–are being used to promote a sick agenda. God was punishing them, you see. Because the father of two and grandfather of five of the victims (just think about that loss for a moment. Two daughters, five grandchildren, dead in a plane crash) is the owner of a chain of clinics that, among other services, perform abortions. So, of course, the whole family deserved to die.

Of course, it would be horrible to phrase it that way, so the much more polite phrase “I don’t want to turn this tragic event into some creepy spiritual ‘I told you so’ moment…” Hey, guess what? You just did.

There is no tragic loss of life so great
That someone, somewhere, who has a book to sell
Or vile view to promote, cannot create
A circus, a spectacle, a forum for their hate,
A soapbox platform, from which they can tell
The world–these sinful victims are in Hell.
This crash–with seven kids among the dead;
Whole families lost–is cause for countless tears,
A time to comfort victims’ families. Instead,
The horrid claim the families’ actions led
To this. Their sinful lifestyle, it appears,
Angered God. Now Gingi Edmonds cheers
“Stack the coffins; I’ll use them for my stage!”
And all my sadness turns itself to rage.

If you want the details, read PZ’s post. I will not link to the Christian Newswire source.

A Wing And A Prayer

PZ reports on a trial verdict just out. It stands in stark opposition to the efficient actions of the pilot and crew in the Hudson River emergency landing; today’s ruling finds pilot and several crew members guilty of actions which contributed to the deaths of 16 in a crash-landing in the Mediterranean in 2005.

The fuel gauge had just been replaced with an improper gauge that showed the plane as having more fuel than it actually did; the pilot then ordered insufficient fuel to make the return trip from Sicily. Both engines died within moments of one another; the plane could have been glided to a nearby airport, or procedures could have been initiated to have a safe water landing, but the pilot chose instead to pray. Yup. Loudly enough for the passengers to hear. It must have been quite comforting to know he was praying instead of piloting. See, normally, prayer is the responsibility of the passengers, whose other main job is to sit and do nothing… so they are clearly qualified.

Flying along on a wing and a prayer
Works better for songs than for planes;
Trusting in God, when the fuel isn’t there,
Is a poor way of using your brains!

Turns out that the phrase “a wing and a prayer” originates from a 1943 song and a 1944 movie. Not a true story, a work of fiction. A good one, too. But not a substitute for pilot training. [Correction!!! A knowledgeable reader, Howard, has corrected me–the song is based on a real incident. Read his comment below for more info.]

Flying along on a wing and a prayer
Works better in fiction than fact
When engines conk out and it gives you a scare
It’s time not to pray, but to act!

Anyway, I thought I’d revise the lyrics of the original song, to better suit the 2005 incident. Feel free to sing along.

One of our planes was flying
Over water, just south of Rome
The fuel gauge, sadly, was lying
There was not enough gas to get home
The engines were skipping and stalling
The plane started tossing about
And the passengers found it appalling
When they all heard the pilot shout out:

Comin in on a wing and a prayer
Listen up, god, I know that you’re there
Though we’ve run out of gas
I know god loves my ass
Comin’ in on a wing and a prayer.

What a show, what a flight, boys
We’re gonna hit some whitecaps here tonight
How we pray as we limp through the air
Look below, there’s just waves everywhere
With all our fuel gone
We can still carry on
Comin in on a wing and a prayer

Comin in on a wing and a prayer
Listen up, god, I know that you’re there
Though we’ve run out of gas
I know god loves my ass
Comin’ in on a wing and a [splash].