The Vatican’s “secretary of state” is sad about the Irish vote.
Cardinal Pietro Parolin says the church needs to do a better job of forcing its warped and antiquated views on every human being.
“The Church must take account of this reality, but in the sense of reinforcing its commitment to evangelization,” he said.
“I think that you cannot just talk of a defeat for Christian principles, but of a defeat for humanity.
“The family remains at the centre and we have to do everything to defend it and promote it.”
Where to begin.
This “family” bullshit is very modern; the Catholic church has certainly not put “the family” at the center throughout its history; on the contrary. “It is better to marry than to burn” is not what you’d call a hearty endorsement of family life.
And then, if the family is so very central, why is the entirety of the core church hierarchy officially anti-family? Mandatory celibacy also is not a robust endorsement of family life.
And then, equal marriage promotes families and family life, it doesn’t dent or destroy them.
In Italy, the government of Prime Minister Matteo Renzi is preparing to present legislation that would allow civil unions between gay couples.
The Irish referendum has also boosted calls in Germany, which allow same-sex civil unions, to go further and legalise same-sex marriage.
Pressure has started to grow in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU), which opposes any change.
“One would think that what the Catholic Irish can do, we can do too,” CDU parliamentarian Jens Spahn told the German Die Welt newspaper.
Suck it up, Cardinal Parolin.
You can’t sell what nobody wants to buy – Marketing 101. Though, if memory serves, the example was usually dead cats or some such.