
  1. Jean says

    I’d like to see at least one of the 150 have enough intellectual integrity to realise their mistake and enough humility to announce it publicly. Am I dreaming?

  2. Rich Roberts says

    I would like to ask these 150 writers if they would also condemn Norman Lear for creating the television show All in the Family and specifically the character Archie Bunker. Surely, they understand that Norman didn’t create the Archie Bunker character to venerate bigotry but to mock it?

  3. moarscienceplz says

    Surely, they understand that Norman didn’t create the Archie Bunker character to venerate bigotry but to mock it?

    Hmmm. I suspect there were at least some on the left who thought not that Archie Bunker was mocking bigotry but rather mocking bigots. And since the bigots were privileged whites, they were fine with that. It would be interesting to remake AITF except Archie loses his job and his house due to offshoring, yet he continues to blame non-whites for his financial woes. In other words, he becomes a Tea Party supporter. Would the left support such a show, or would they condemn it as being classist?

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