Fair’s fair. I pointed at him for being a poopyhead so it’s only right to point out that he’s agreed he was a poopyhead and apologized for being it.
Here is Edelman’s newest statement, via his personal website:
Many people have seen my emails with Ran Duan of Sichuan Garden restaurant in Brookline.
Having reflected on my interaction with Ran, including what I said and how I said it, it’s clear that I was very much out of line. I aspire to act with great respect and humility in dealing with others, no matter what the situation. Clearly I failed to do so. I am sorry, and I intend to do better in the future.
I have reached out to Ran and will apologize to him personally as well.
Now that’s an apology.
Good outcome.
Good for him.
Wow. That’s pretty awesome.
I’m impressed. An actual apology, with no weaseling.
good for him
Nice! He very publicly made an ass of himself and now he very publicly apologized, sincerely. Great that he’s reaching out to also apologize personally, but since the offense was public the apology really needed to be public as well, to be fair.
It’s very refreshing that he didn’t offer some kind of weak notpology instead, or worse yet, double-down. He didn’t trivialize it in any way or make excuses. He acknowledged his fault and vowed to do better in the future. He didn’t mince words and he didn’t shy away from making the apology public.
We agree entirely, spot on!
Hang on. Are you sure that’s an apology? It didn’t attempt to defend him or say that mistakes were made or express regret that others were offended…
Oh wait, that’s a not-pology, right. Been so long since I saw one of these real apologies out in the wild!
Good for him.
And then it gets worse:
So that happened.
A similar exchange has now surfaced with another Asian restaurant from several years ago. He’s a serial something-or-other. And the Streisand Effect is in full operation.
themann1086 at #6: It now says,
Drmccoy: this story gets weirder and weirder! Thanks for the update.
Is he going to pay the restaurant triple damages?
There’s another story, though, showing that this isn’t Edelman’s first pissing match with a restaurant. He threatened to go after a sushi restaurant’s liquor license for not allowing him to use his Groupon towards the prix fixe menu — horrors!