Will we ever get out of kindergarten?
Talking Points Memo has an item from something called the Faith And Freedom Coalition Conference:
The Huffington Post’s Igor Bobic, a former TPM editor, spotted the figurines in the urinals:
Nope, I guess we never will get out of kindergarten.
Kindergarteners have to learn that shit somewhere.
It might have been put there by the cleaners to improve the conference member’s aim. I worked cleaning toilets at one time and we would have done almost anything to make people act in a more civilised way in the rest rooms.
@ ^ Yup.
Also I’m sure a lot of those here would equally be happy to piss on similar political figurines of those on the other side of politics – indeed I just read an admission of that :
Source : http://freethoughtblogs.com/pharyngula/2014/06/23/lets-just-call-them-traitors/
That said, I think such urinal decorations are tasteless, rude, offensive, unhelpful and juvenile.