In private emails to football pals

Richard Scudamore, the head of the Premier League, supports women’s football, good on him, but – he talks the drearily familiar way about them when he lets his hair down.

Premier League chief Richard ­Scudamore’s sexist views are today exposed by his former PA.

She reveals how the boss who publicly backs women’s football exchanged sleazy emails with senior colleagues in which females were referred to as “gash”.

Yeah that’s no good. Talking about them as if the hole between the legs were all there is to them – that’s no good.

Scudamore – who will be at Manchester City’s Etihad Stadium today for their expected crowning as Premier League champions – likes to be seen as a champion of equality in the game.

He has joined forces with the FA and Sports England to promote a new FA Women and Girls programme with a £2.4million investment over two years.

The soccer boss has publicly claimed the league strives to be at “the leading edge” of the “whole equality agenda”.

But his former PA saw another side to 54-year-old Scudamore who earns more than £1million a year. She told the Sunday Mirror his emails were sent to her ­automatically while she was working for him at the Premier League last October so she could arrange his diary.

“I can tell you he has no respect for women,” she said. “I don’t think anyone should have to be exposed to such language and opinions at work.

“It was highly offensive. The emails portrayed women in a very derogatory manner. I have worked for very professional organisations and never seen anything like it. That’s why it shocked me.”

But it’s the hip new thing.



  1. captainahags says

    But don’t you see that all those words and phrases are probably used all the time in the UK and are totally normal and in no way can they ever be construed as being misogynistic?

  2. Bernard Bumner says

    It is not surprising that the management of football is saying one thing in public whilst doing another in private – the sport has very publically fought it’s battles against racism and homophones whilst sending get mixed messages from the highest echelons of the world sport. You only have to look at the decision to select Qatar as hosts for the world cup to realise that the public campaigns against discrimination often seem to have their roots lower in the hierarchy and make gains in spite of the private opinions of the leadership.

    The flagship event will be held in an oppressive country and dripping in the blood of migrant workers building the facilities.

    The regional FAs suffer similar problems of selective blindness about mistreatment of people who aren’t either the stars of the game or their blandly uniform keepers.

  3. Crimson Clupeidae says

    Context!!!! UK!!!

    There, I think we’ve covered all the bases….

  4. Bernard Bumner says

    Am I to take it that there will now no longer be any discussion of anything which happens in the UK because of the ongoing argument about that word? Pfft.

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