Another blogger attacked in Bangladesh

Tasneem found a report in English on that blogger attacked in Dhaka.

Saniur Rahman, 28, was stabbed in the  head and legs at around 8:30pm near Purabi Cinema Hall.

The Shahbagh  uprising activist was returning to his home in Rupnagar Eastern  Housing.

Residents of the neighborhood rescued Shamiur and rushed him to  a local hospital, he added.

Saniur said that he used to write articles in blogs against  communalism and the riotous activities run by rowdy activists of the  Jamaat-e-Islam and its student wing Islami Chattra Shibir.

Asif  Mohiuddin, another blogger and online activist who was also stabbed seriously in  the city’s Uttara on the night of Jan 15, commented about the criminal attack on  the latest assault in his Facebook status. “He (Saniur) often used to write on  Facebook. I also met him once or twice, he is a very well-behaved young  man.”

“He was a supporter and activist of the Shahbagh movement, and  often used to harshly criticise the religion-based parties like Jamaat, Shibir  and Hizb Ut-Tahrir.”

He’s out of danger, the article says, so that’s good, but not being attacked at all would be better.

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