This too is from last month. You probably already know about it. I saw a headline or two, but didn’t follow it up. Dozens of Iraqi teenagers with emo haircuts were stoned to death.
Pictures below the fold.
Activists told the Lebanon-based al-Akhbar daily that at least 90 Iraqi teenagers with “emo” appearances have been stoned to death by the Moral Police in the country in the past month. The violent crackdown against “emo” Iraqi teenagers came after the Iraqi interior ministry declared them as “devil worshippers.”
“The ‘Emo phenomenon’ or devil worshiping is being probed by the Moral Police who have the approval to eliminate it as soon as possible since it’s detrimentally affecting the society and becoming a danger,” according to a statement by the interior ministry.
And by “eliminate it” they mean “smash the teenage boys with rocks.” That kind of interior ministry; that kind of Moral Police.
H/t Małgorzata
Judge Dredd is alive and well in Iraq.
But dragging kids out of school and killing them isn’t *strange*, it’s allah’s will!
Fuck. Remind me again why I feel any allegiance to the human race?
And pass the vodka. kthxbai
Funny Aneurysm Moment.
Oh quit yer b******g.
Saddam was a tyrant. Iraq is a better place with him gone, and the whole world is theoretically safer because his theoretical weapons of mass destruction have been theoretically destroyed.
Criticizing Iraq now is a tragic slap to the face of the 1,000,000 or so Iraqi civilians who gave their lives so that Islamic conservatives can police proper moral discipline.
What did Saddam Hussein’s police do with young men who sported ’emo’ haircuts?
a. nothing
b. something
(I think only one of the above is correct. I can’t recall the style being around in Saddam’s time. So I favour b.)
Ian – I think Gingerbaker is being ironic. The repeated use of theoretical in regards to the WMDs that were supposed to be there is a hint.
With respect, the effect of Ginger’s theoretical irony on me cut the other way: that is, in the direction commonly favoured by the ‘anti-war’, pro-totalitarian Left.
The other possibility is that it went completely over my head, and by a country mile. I which case I would agree that it was far too subtle for the likes of me.