I’m really into webcomics. I like the art, the writing, the humor. I appreciate the low barrier to entry, which means all the stuff that people complain there isn’t enough of in movies or TV (like queer representation) is available in webcomics in abundance. And I like how a good webcomic develops its story at a trickle pace over the course of many years.
Of course, the problem is that sometimes a webcomic stops before finishing, or I stop reading before it finishes. When a webcomic is done well, the journey is worthwhile even if you don’t make it to the end. But still… it’s nice to make it to the end.
I have a list of webcomics that I read to completion, and I’d like to share them. Most of these, I read many years ago, so I won’t remember all the details, but the fact that I can say anything is a testament to their value. And if you’d like to relive the experience of getting webcomic updates at a trickle pace, I recommend Comic Rocket, which keeps bookmarks, and generates customizable rss feeds.