Even before the ascend of Lord Dampnut I have always deliberately ignored black fridays. I am buying things when I need them, not when they are on sale.
Same here, but I don’t ignore things on sale, I’m always happy if what I need or want is on sale, but I have never gone out on Black Friday, and I’m not about to start now.
Amazon is moving into Australia and tried to ignite a Black Friday thing here. No idea if anyone took any notice though.
I noticed. I have been shopping for a new mattress over the last few days. I kept thinking I’d accidentally logged onto American shopping sites instead of Australian ones for a short while. Then I just couldn’t believe it. So this is all Amazon’s fault is it?
Not only amazon. We never had this stupid tradition here in CZ, but now all popular online shops are pushing it hard.
Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trollssays
I have to admit I made a couple of purchases yesterday. I downloaded a couple of books to my iPad. Going to a brick and mortar store? I don’t think so Tim. There is always next week, even if the big sales are over.
Even before the ascend of Lord Dampnut I have always deliberately ignored black fridays. I am buying things when I need them, not when they are on sale.
Same here, but I don’t ignore things on sale, I’m always happy if what I need or want is on sale, but I have never gone out on Black Friday, and I’m not about to start now.
Amazon is moving into Australia and tried to ignite a Black Friday thing here. No idea if anyone took any notice though.
I noticed. I have been shopping for a new mattress over the last few days. I kept thinking I’d accidentally logged onto American shopping sites instead of Australian ones for a short while. Then I just couldn’t believe it. So this is all Amazon’s fault is it?
Not only amazon. We never had this stupid tradition here in CZ, but now all popular online shops are pushing it hard.
I have to admit I made a couple of purchases yesterday. I downloaded a couple of books to my iPad. Going to a brick and mortar store? I don’t think so Tim. There is always next week, even if the big sales are over.