
  1. Ice Swimmer says

    Looks quite different from the male. I guess camouflage (and hers looks “military”) is helpful when laying eggs in other birds’ nests.

    She looks a bit Gollum-esque and the head position is reminiscent of ancient Egyptian art. I think she might have seen you, there’s a vague human shape in the reflection in the eye.

  2. says

    The female’s colouring and patterns are similar to that of House Wrens, Pine Siskins, and a few others. She was paying attention to me, but not overly concerned.

  3. blf says

    She was paying attention to me, but not overly concerned.

    More trying to convince you to let her out of the puppet. It’s cramped in there!

  4. Kengi says

    Looks quite different from the male.

    So different I was mistaking it for an unknown grosbeak of some kind when I was seeing them in my yard. In different light they look a much lighter gray.

  5. blf says

    So different I was mistaking it for an unknown grosbeak

    Different puppet, same rat inside.

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