State Sen. Mike Crane is calling on his fellow lawmakers to meet for a special session to override the governor’s veto of the antigay “religious liberty” bill.
Right-wing Georgia politicians are seeking a special session in an attempt to override Republican Gov. Nathan Deal’s veto of a controversial antigay “religious freedom” bill today.
Only minutes after Deal announced the veto in a press conference, Republican State Sen. Mike Crane called for the special session , reports The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
Crane, currently running for Congress, released a statement on his website, saying, “Our government needs committed conservatives who never stop fighting to protect the constitution.”
He also made a statement that appeared to refer to business opposition to House Bill 757 and threats from entertainment companies to boycott Georgia if the bill became law. “The announcement by Governor Deal is another example of how the political class is bought and paid for by corporations and lobbyists,” Crane said. [Except for when those corporations and lobbyists are doing something in their favour, then it’s just dandy!]
But lawmakers who supported the measure are not giving up yet. The Journal-Constitution reports that Sen. Josh McKoon told Boston NPR station WBUR, “The question we have to resolve is whether or not government is going to be used to punish people with a particular point of view [Oh how I wish irony poisoning was a real thing]. … I fully expect we’ll be back next year debating this again.”
The question we have to resolve is whether or not government is going to be used to punish people with a particular point of view
The problem, Senator, isn’t that you simply hold a point of view, the problem is that you’ve tried to codify that point of view into law to the serious detriment of your constituents.
I am so sick to death of regressives framing their behavior as mere thought, and opposition to their behavior as oppression for their beliefs, when in fact psychics do not exist and the only reason anyone knows what they think is because they insist upon sharing. Loudly. Forcefully. Inhumanely.
Yep. I about choked when I read that line. They never think.
whether or not government is going to be used to punish people with a particular point of view
I’m in for a full-up culture war on these idiots. Maybe its time to retaliate with ballot measures to strip religion of its tax protection. Not full-up, just erode it a little wee bit. Like maybe to allow a special tax to cover police expenses. And maybe foreign wars.
LMFTFY: Georgia: Special Session Call to Lose Federal Funding
Pierce @ 4:
Oh, how I wish.
Georgia: Special Session Call to Lose Federal Funding
Hell, I live in Georgia and I’d derive a perverse sense of pleasure in this. Not enough to make up for the loss of school funding, potholes big enough to swallow Unadilla, but almost.
Meanwhile, the Broun for Congress signs are popping up everywhere. You remember him, right?? “Evolution is a lie straight from the pit of hell.” He doesn’t even live in the district but he’s running against our current representative, whose positions (a bit to the right of Atilla the Hun) are deemed too liberal for the local denizens.
You just can’t win, can you? Too much stupid, everywhere. I read a bit ago that Trump took Hawaii. Fucking Hawaii. I didn’t think that was even possible.