Mitt Romney debates Mitt Romney

I usually avoid so-called presidential debates. But it will be interesting to see Mitt Romney debate Mitt Romney this fall. There are clear contrasts between the two candidates on important issues. Here’s just one good example: Mitt Romney took a hard-line against Mitt Romney again yesterday, pointing out correctly that Mitt Romney opposed the highly successful auto bailout process that Mitt Romney strongly supports:

(Seattle PI) — Campaigning in the backyard of America’s auto industry, Mitt Romney re-ignited the bailout debate by suggesting he deserves “a lot of credit” for the recent successes of the nation’s largest car companies. That claims comes in spite of his stance that Detroit should have been allowed to go bankrupt.

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee told a Cleveland television station on Monday that President Barack Obama followed his lead when he ushered auto companies through a managed bankruptcy soon after taking office.

This can get confusing because the two candidates have almost identical sounding names and look like twins. But on issue after issue Mitt Romney and Mitt Romney clearly differ. Only voters can decide which one, Mitt or Mitt, is fit to be it!


  1. Aliasalpha says

    “I say your six cent titanium tax goes too far!”
    “And I say your six cent titanium tax doesn’t go too far enough!”

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