
  1. Saad says

    …and 3 crude dolls.

    This takes me back to the MSN messenger days. At first glance, they looked like the generic avatar MSN would give you if you didn’t have a picture.

    Also, note how even on the generic icons they had to put a hijab.

  2. Funny Diva says

    Plus: Extra Bonus Pink-is-for-Girls color-coding!

    I just can’t even…

    And why are their heads just floating in space above their body blobs?

  3. Saad says

    Funny Diva, #4

    And why are their heads just floating in space above their body blobs?

    Maybe two adult males witnessed them having sex outside of marriage.

  4. David Evans says

    At least the comments on that page are full of brave Muslim women (and one atheist white guy) protesting eloquently. No-one defending it that I can see.

  5. leni says

    Maybe two adult males witnessed them having sex outside of marriage.

    Oh bang!

    I had to look again after this comment because I didn’t even realize they were supposed to be heads. I thought it was some weird lady symbol floating above the a burka’d head. I wtf’d for probably a full minute before I decided to just move on lol.

  6. rjw1 says

    Really, really, creepy, some people from the 7th century are having a conference, in the ‘world’s most liveable city’.

    Virtual hijabs, very clever, and virtual women.

  7. Saad says

    MrFancyPants, #9

    “The Sunnah the Better”


    This would be comedy if it wasn’t so damn real.

  8. leni says

    That’s not the only one, either. There is also this one.

    That… looks like a fencing dementor.

    And I still can’t decide if it’s scarier than the floating heads.

  9. leni says

    I’m sorry- I don’t meant to make light of it, I just don’t don’t even know what to say about why that exists or why that disembodied head thing’s patronus is a fencing Nazgûl.

    So creepy in so many ways. I’m making jokes here because I just don’t even know what do with it- , but I mostly feel horror and anger and fear.

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