The Don’t Vote campaign

WalesOnline reports on theocratic efforts to discourage people from voting:

Stickers encouraging people not to vote because “none have the right to vote but Allah” have appeared in Cardiff.

The stickers have been put up on lampposts around the Corporation Road area of Grangetown.


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Via Twitter

The yellow warning sticker reads: “Democracy is a system whereby man violates the right of Allah.

“Islam is the only real workable solution for the UK”.

They carry the hashtag #Dontvoteformanmadelaw.

It also says “None have the right to legislate except Allah.”

Oh really. How does that work then? What’s the line of transmission? How does Allah tell us what legislation Allah has passed?

If the answer is the Koran, that won’t do, because things have changed since the Koran was written. If it’s something else – what is it?

Cardiff council’s cleansing team have begun to remove the posters.

The council say any religiously motivated or offensive stickers will be removed as a priority.

The BBC also reports, and in its usual mindless way it talks to a “Muslim Council” which is an affiliate of the MCB.

Akmal Hanuk, a trustee at the Muslim Council of Wales, said: “It is not representing the views of the majority of Muslims. I think the majority of Muslims want to vote and will.

“From a Muslim Council of Wales perspective, we encourage them to vote and to have a say in the democratic system.”

The BBC could have talked to a liberal Muslim group or person, but as so often, it didn’t.


  1. Holms says

    The BBC also reports, and in its usual mindless way it talks to a “Muslim Council” which is an affiliate of the MCB.

    Akmal Hanuk, a trustee at the Muslim Council of Wales, said: “It is not representing the views of the majority of Muslims. I think the majority of Muslims want to vote and will.

    “From a Muslim Council of Wales perspective, we encourage them to vote and to have a say in the democratic system.”

    That actually seems pretty reasonable to me; by encouraging muslims (and others, but only muslims are going to pay mind to this silly campaign) to not vote, they are encouraging muslims to have less influence at election time.

  2. says

    Yeh, it’s not that it’s an unreasonable thing to say, it’s that the BBC has always bought into the MCB’s self-appointment as representative of all Muslims in Britain.

  3. Pierce R. Butler says

    Does anyone know why Anglophone Muslims tend to use English for every word but “god”?

  4. Crys T says

    I live in that part of Cardiff & one of these was slapped at the bottom of the timetable at my bus stop yesterday. TBH, I didn’t even realise it was religiously motivated – I just thought it was a Russell Brand-type thing.

  5. RJW says

    “by encouraging muslims (and others, but only muslims are going to pay mind to this silly campaign) to not vote, they are encouraging muslims to have less influence at election time.”

    Yes, they are, but Kuffar law and institutions are irrelevant, aren’t they? It’s a way of distinguishing and separating Muslims from the rest of society, it’s not a ‘silly’ campaign at all. Where’s the loss in surrendering a ‘right’ that has no value?

  6. mithrandir says

    See, I would’ve thought it was an unusually clever campaign by Islamophobes to reduce Muslim influence in elections. But then, I’m from the U.S., where we have conservative groups doing things like this, so I’m primed to assume anything trying to discourage a group from voting is the opposition’s attempt to suppress the group.

  7. sc_770d159609e0f8deaa72849e3731a29d says

    As everything happens by the will of allah, surely if people vote and pass legislation that is by the will of allah too, so it’s quite all right.

  8. RJW says

    @6 mithrandir,

    Attempts by conservative politicians to restrict the plebs from voting are not confined to the U.S, however, in countries with independent Electoral Commisiions, fraud is not so easy. We have to watch the bastards, usually any proposed electoral ‘reform’ by conservative politicians is calculated to disadvantage lower-income or progressive voters in some way.
    That said, my money’s on ultra-conservative Islamic separatists, not conservatives.

  9. says

    This is not meant to be a flippant question: Who are they trying to intimidate with the signs?

    Is it to prevent muslims from voting, to keep them from exercising their rights and subjugating them to an imam’s dictums? Or are they trying to stop non-muslims from voting, in the hope that muslims will vote the way imams tell them and get their way?

    Almost certainly it’s the former, but one can never tell. It wouldn’t surprise if it were either.

  10. medivh says

    @mithrandir: Aussie checking in here, from where that kind of thing doesn’t seem to happen… much. Compulsory voting rather than voluntary or worse.

    My first thought was a BNP false flag op, too. So, there’s that. polishsalami’s correct, though, in that the twitters implicate Rofi Islam (and Anjem Choudary).

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