Enough of this exotic foreign far away bullshit, let’s look at some humdrum local bullshit. Let’s look at Cindy Jacobs and Bobby Jindal.
“A living prophet that has a direct line to God” was one of the dubious public figures that joined Bobby Jindal at a prayer rally this weekend.
Televangelist Cindy Jacobs, who claims to possess the ability to raise people back from the dead, joined the Republican governor of Louisiana for an event called “The Response,” which many speculated to be the kickoff to his presidential campaign. It was held Saturday at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge, despite protests from students and faculty.
If Cindy Jacobs can raise people from the dead, can she show us? Can she show us one or more people she’s raised? From the dead? Can she raise someone from the dead on live tv while we watch? I ask because I don’t think I believe her claim, and I’d like to know what she’s done to substantiate it.
On Friday’s episode of The Rachel Maddow Show, Rachel Maddow reviewed the many bizarre claims of the self-proclaimed prophet. In addition to the revival of a dead child in Pakistan, Jacobs claimed that she was able to curtail the number of deaths at a past shooting at the Washington Naval Yard.
She also claimed that the repeal of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was responsible for the deaths of thousands of fish and birds, which “fell out of the air” once gays and lesbians were allowed to serve in the military.
Oh well that one’s true. I remember that one. It was a mess.
In the segment, Maddow speculated that the event was an attempt to establish Jindal as the most right-wing of the presidential candidates, yet questioned the wisdom of partnering with bedfellows like Jacobs, as well as the event’s antigay sponsor, the American Family Association.
The competition to be the most ludicrously off-any-maps right-wing presidential candidate is the source of a lot of dead fish.
Bobby Jindal was on the Sunday morning news shows but no one bothered to ask him about any of this. I should say Sunday “news” shows. They just asked a few puff questions about the event and pretty much let him define what it was about, no mention of this woman or anti-gay focus, just an open-to-everyone event for all of those who love god…blah, blah, blah! Exposing this crazy, sick agenda is important. They are starting to become the fringe once again but that would happen much faster if the US media would actually cover them truthfully.
Don’t forget the endless bowl of spaghetti. You can’t ever forget the spaghetti. That’s key to her qualification as a prophet.
Hey I can bring people back from the dead, its just a ‘Reanimate Corpse’ spell in Skyrim.
Oh we are talking real life, not video games….
Resurrect Dead is a 7th Level Cleric spell. The material components are holy water and a diamond worth at least 10K gp.
If she’s going to reanimate a dead person, do we get to pick which one? I read they just recently found a cooler packed with corpses at a funeral home somewhere – why not start there? Line ’em up and let her get to work.
“I see dead people…”
I am so looking forward to the James Randi million buck challenge on this one.
One of the signs of the apocalypse: Plague of flying fish O_O
@2 Art K: About that endless bowl of spaghetti… In John 14:12-14, Jesus says that, once he’s gone, his followers will be able to do *ALL* his little magic tricks – and more!! AND that he’ll answer every prayer (no qualifications) on top of that.
Wow, huh? How’s THAT for brilliant?? Boy oh boy, if only it WERE true!!
But it isn’t. All we get are these transparent losers who say they can do stuff but don’t actually do anything at all while anyone’s watching. And that preacherman in Africa, Pastor Franck Kabele, who invited everyone to watch him walk on water and then drowned. Which may or may not be an urban legend. Good times…good times…
I don’t know, doesn’t an endless bowl of spaghetti suggest Flying Spaghetti Monster more than Jesus? I think she’s attributing her ability to feed the masses to the wrong god.
“She also claimed that the repeal of “Don’t ask, don’t tell” was responsible for the deaths of thousands of fish and birds, which “fell out of the air” once gays and lesbians were allowed to serve in the military.”
oh my god. I kid you not, I started laughing in the middle of the restaurant uncontrollably and food fell out of my mouth as I read this. All these people probably think I’m crazy now.
I’m going to be charitable and assume that most Republicans would find this woman equally ridiculous as I did. It’s a bad political move and establishes Jindal more as an airhead than a serious right-wing politician. Though the line can be pretty thin sometimes.
So reviving the dead wasn’t special when jesus did it? Good to know.
(Actually, I know a doctor who has revived more dead people than jesus ever did)
is now a good time to remind Bobby-J about not being the “party of stupid”? Not now? Well okay then…..later.
Or Strega Nona.
So she’s into zombies?
These kind of events are all about keeping the Overton window from sliding even a little bit back to the left, IMO. Even if they actually wind up completely imploding, they’ve kept the conversation limited to ‘at least we aren’t as krazy as those guys’ while still allowing the teabaggers to maintain their war on women and the poor.