The cops in Alhambra, California nabbed a tortoise yesterday. They told us about it on their Facebook page, in hopes of reuniting tortoise with human or humans.
It wasn’t your dime-store tortoise.
It has a sweet face. As tortoises do.
It’s back with its people now, and we know its name.
* * * Turtleman Update 08/03/14* * *
The tortoise is actually named “Dirk.” He has been reunited with his human family who actually live in Alhambra. According to 21310 of the Penal Code, it is illegal to possess a “dirk.” We enjoy keeping families together, so an exception was made in this case.
* * * We stand corrected and have edited this post at 4:30 pm* * * The tortoises’ confirmed name is CLARK. Thank you Alhambra partners and FB friends! Until next time . . .
Clark. I’m a little sad, because I liked Dirk – that was a great name for a tortoise.
Happy homecoming, Clark.
He looks more like a Dirk than a Clark. Among other things, Clarks wear glasses.
He wants to be called Dirk. He hates Svlad.
I think the Alhambra PD have way cool cars.
Very Robocop.
What they don’t tell you is that he was originally pulled over for speeding. The complaint was signed by a hare.
Well played, Duke, well played.
Tortoises that size can actually be hard to keep in the yard. One gentleman I met doing a home inspection had an African tortoise a little bigger than Clark. He told me when he’d first moved into the house he came back from work to find his tortoise had gone through the chain link fence. Just got his head under it and kept walking.
Fortunately, there was US Forest Service office nearby, and they’d found him and put him in a horse stable.
dukeofomnium wins the interenet.
I know about tortoises and their ability to escape all right. My father got one back around 1960. It’s still in the family. My sister is taking care of him, but right now, I am in charge (because vacation and so forth). He managed to escape his enclosed area kust two days ago, and we had a big search going. Fortunately, we’re on an island, so the search area is limited, but there are plenty of good hiding places evev for a fairly large tortoise.
I can’t help picturing Clark changing his shell in a phone booth….
Clark’s got a great skeptical face in the second picture. I can just hear him saying, “*sigh* Are you SURE you don’t want to rethink that proposition?”