Teaparty hands electoral victory to progressives

Many autopsies will now be written, but they should all point to a single cause of death: The GOP lost 2012 because of the extremist Tea Party and fanatical relegious elements that have hijacked the Republican Party. Mittens had to go way wide right to win the primary and he never really recovered. Gay bashing, Latino bashing, the War on Women, etc., ad nauseum, did the rest (Conservatives are already hard at work trying to unlearn that stark lesson). That alarming background noise not only preserved Obama’s second term, he’ll win the popular vote and may bag Florida. [Read more…]


President Obama is projected to win a second term! The only question now is how big the win will be. Florida and Virginia are both in play for the WH. There will be healthcare for all in a year and two months. The Teaparty has cost GOP Senate seats in Missouri, Indiana, Colorado, Delaware, and Nevada. Republicans would have won those and therefore the Senate if not for Teaparty nutcases.

Results: CNN, NY Times, & Politico all have a great interactive state by state bitmap with results updating for each state when you mouse over.

Lots of states coming in now

OBAMA Called WINNER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Results: CNN, NY Times, & Politico all have a great interactive state by state bitmap with results updating for each state when you mouse over.   • Poll Closing Times

10 PM CDT Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) picks up incumbant Senator Scott Brown’s (R) seat; Senator Claire McKaskill fights off Todd Legitimate-Rape Akin in MO

Teaparty has cost GOP Senate seats in Missouri, Indiana, Colorado, Delaware, and Nevada. GOP woulda won those if not for RWNJs.

Battleground states that are hugely important: NH, WI, PA, MN, and MI Obama!! Iowa too early to call; Nevada too early to call; Florida too close to call; OH still too close to call, NC (Rom), VA too close to call, CO too early to call

East coast & exit polls

6:20 PM CT CBS News says exit polling razor thin in VA; Ohio polls closing at the bottom of the hour, in ten mins

Via DailyKos: “Exit polling: Obama winning 59-39 among young voters, which is not a particularly good sign for the GOP’s future prospects.”

Vermont called for Obama, two others called for Romney, nothing surprising though.

Polls have closed in Virginia and a few other eastern states. If Obama wins VA, he’s probably in the clear right there. Nothing out yet, except some of the sites I plan to use are already loading super slow. Oh, and Windows decided tonight would be a great time to launch a big update, so my laptop is “updating”. Some tantalizing hints from exit polls soon.

I am uneasy about tonight

Ed’s prediction at Dispatches From the Culture Wars (His reasoning is solid and my own reality-based call would be pretty much identical).

This is it, what’s your call? Popular tally, specific states, down ballot races — I might even have a godless prize[s] for anyone who gets scary close.

I am uneasy down in my gut before every election, at least since I started caring about them around ten years ago, this one especially.  Obama has only the slimmest of leads, a point or two at best in half a dozen key states. Just a tiny number of voters suppressed by GOP shenanigans and a few nut jobs fired up by racism and other forms of ignorance, would cause this election to break Romney’s way. That’s my gut, but as data driven people, we have to go where the data leads. Nate Silver has a promising prognostication there: [Read more…]

Here we go! All your polls belong to me

Below, the latest polling up and down and state-by-state, all in one place, courtesy of Daily Kos. Note that a Romney victory could shoot FTB into the stratosphere, but I have to hope he loses. That way the GOP can’t rob me of my Social Security and Medicare for at least four years. But the biggest impact is on healthcare and the stakes are enormous: if Barack Obama wins a second term I/we will have guaranteed healthcare on Jan 1, 2014.  Conversely, a Romney win means needless suffering and preventable death for zillions of Americans.

Down ballot, who is the biggest asshole you are most hoping loses? Personally, I will consider tonight a partial victory if nutjob Joe Walsh gets his sorry ass kicked out-of-town by Tammy Duckworth.

[Read more…]

Hey girl …

I’ll be here all day Tuesday bringing the good or bad news, assisted by my awesome babesaurus aka Workout Girl, until such time as I/we collapse from happiness or misery. Via Balloon Juice, links to connect with the Obama Campaign in the swing States:

Iowa  •  New Hampshire   •   Colorado   •   Nevada    •   Ohio

Virginia   •   Florida   •   Wisconsin   •   North Carolina

And here is the GOTV link for the rest: vote.barackobama.com. Daily Kos chips in with a GOTV effort that you can plug into at this link. I think women are one huge group that’s gonna bring it this election. But there’s some useful links for you swingin swing staters with both X and Y chromosomes.

It’s all the rage

This all happened once before. A storm season or two roared onshore, average global temps ticked up, the ocean stopped effortlessly absorbing heat, and … nothing much came of it outside of the rise of the Internet know nothings on climate change. Back then of course Bush was in the WH, and Cheney’s energy cronies were running the show. It caused a big stir. But it’s like author Mark Bowen once told me, “You can argue about framing and soundbites all you want, but to get ledge passed that advances your cause means you have to win elections.” [Read more…]