The mother of all fiscal cliff deals … breaking, final vote to be held soon

9:00 PM it passes! Fiscal cliff averted, fiscal cliff averted!


8: 20 PM Central Update: If people hogged the mic like this in a workplace meeting you’d want them fired, immediately. They think about 10 PM 11 PM central still to final vote. Unrelated note, pretty sure Dreier (R-Douche) copped to climate change data, awfully convenient since he is leaving the House.

7:40 House back in session, bill called up for one hour of debate then there will be a vote. This mess could soon be over folks. It’s funny, even moving at breakneck emergency ramming speed the House talking heads can barely keep my attention during this debate.

Breaking Update 7:30 PM Central: Vote could begin early! It’s intresting enough that I’m glued to CSPAN now. It was mostly House repubs whining about the debt they created with tax cuts, two wars, and an utter and complete demonstration of the catastrophic result of deregulation on the financial products industry. But this is a death rattle, The bell just rang to bring them back and I think this will pass. EtV, estimated time of vote? Supposedly 9:00 – 9:30 PM but it could start any minute now. It takes 218 voites to pass, there are currently 242 republicans and 193 democrats in the House of Representatives. [Read more…]

Happy Yew Near Free Thinkers (Hic)!

Ah the baby New Year, welcome child. We hope you are far superior to that loser geriatric son of bitch with the 2012 sash hanging across his frail old body. So buoyed was I by the prospect of starting anew, I went to a house party. Wherein I was the oldest person in attendance and one of the only ones without a date. Awk-Ward.

But I was introduced by the merciful host to a snappy looking young lady as “my friend I told you about who writes on the Internet,” at which point a discussion of journalism and new media websites ensued. She asked me if I was the Daily Kos guy who writes about science “What’s your name there, the Dark One or something …?”. It was one of my many tens of tepid fans! [Read more…]

Ignore history and you are doomed to repeat it


The chart provides a quick reminder of how we got here: tax cuts, deregulation leading to the banking meltdown, and war. Of the current 13.6 trillion dollar national debt, 10 trillion dollars were piled up under Republican presidents. The remaining 3.6 trillion could be attributed to Obama in the sense he was sworn in when it accrued, but that does not tell the whole story. The vast majority of “Obama’s debt” came from the Bush tax cuts, the Bush wars, and the Bush recession. A stark contrast with Reagan and Bush II, both of whom inherited a balanced budget. The one thing Obama actually did do, the stimulus, was a tiny, one time addition to the treasure trove lost thanks to conservative policies. And note the one thing you don’t see on that chart: Social Security and Medicare. Keep that in mind as you hear conservatives howl in anger this week demanding we punish future recipients of earned benefits for past Republican cluster fucks.