New shooting in DC started at White House


The all clear sign has been given but lots of questions remain about a reported shooting and car chase in the nation’s capital. Preliminary reports suggest a car tried to breach security at the White House, that that evolved into a car chase, rumors are the suspect has been captured or killed.

Via Pete Williams live ‘at about 2 PM the driver of this car tried to ram one of the White House security gates. Driver then tried to drive away, a car high speed dramatic chase ensued up Pennsylvania Ave until the car crashed a block past the capital building. The female driver then jumped out, and a shoot out occurred in which she was killed and at least one DC police was hurt and transported to ER by helicopter.’

There are rumor on Twitter of another suspect in custody. By the way, those capital police are furloughed and working without pay today.

Update: It appears the second occupant in the shooter’s car was a child for chrisakes. The shooter may have been hurt in the car crash and not shot. But she is in custody.

Republicans discovering Obamacare saves them money

This shutdown and debt ceiling stalemate is now solidly trending toward catastrophe for the Teaparty. But it could get a lot worse. There have been just a few stories like the one below trickling in from grass roots conservatives, but if that turns into a deluge, it’s a full-blown Teaparty nightmare. I realize these clowns don’t think much, but did they really assume there would be no Republicans among the throngs of Americans signing up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act? Or that some of them might soon discover the hated Obamacare is nothing more ominous than a set of boring websites with affordable health insurance policies that saves them loads of money? [Read more…]

Cruz led “Republicans into traffic and wandered away”

Day 1 Recap: 4.7mm visitors to 190k calls. Uninsured Americans are enrolling. Millions want to #GetCovered @Katie44


As the saying goes, success has many fathers but failure is an orphan. Ted Cruz may find few willing to adopt him at this rate. After a couple of quieter days more or less out the Klieg lights, conservatives are refocusing their angst on the junior Senator from Texas. They’re not happy that he stirred up this hornet’s nest for political profit, presumably knowing he couldn’t deliver.

But what really has them pissed, Cruz is raising large sums of money to fund his Senate Conservatives Fund, and using it to run oppo hits against fellow conservatives. Some of Cruz’s victims are lining up for the kill shot anonymously and some are willing to pitch in by name. : [Read more…]

Mysterious goings on with the shutdown


Cruz above gives you an idea of how far some will push this con. They’re ruthless and reckless often, but right now more than ever. Cruz is feeling the heat, his body language is subtle but clear. Most of our intel and other super-secret assets are furloughed because of the Republican Shutdown. So, like a good strategist, he’s setting up to deflect blame for any terrorist attack that might come and get dumped on the GOP, and on Cruz most deservedly. If Cruz is rattled they all are, regardless if it helped out their personal warchests runing the funding plea con, the concern and possible consequences for the party as a whole are getting through. Enough that Cruz knows he’s lost control of the news cycle and trends, he knows he has to take some bigger chances now. What if we could use that growing awareness of futility against them?

Desperate opponents make for productive negotiation. A meeting is underway between President Obama and leading members of both parties from the House and Senate. That has everyone nervous. The Teaparty is nervous their suicide bomber may lose his nerve and the rest of us are nervous Obama might be enticed. I don’t know that we have to worry about that part: [Read more…]

Revisionism & wishful thinking backfires on Teaparty

Anyone who has gotten into a discussion with someone whose basic premise is facts don’t count understands the frustration of dealing with today’s cult-like conservative movement. But that has a downside: Teaparty conservatives are barreling toward party suicide utterly unaware of the danger, indeed convinced, that what they’re doing is politically safe for their party because its wildly popular across the nation.

Boehner makes a feeble, desperate play for time

Over the course of this busy day its become clear the Republican government shutdown over Obamacare is profoundly unpopular, plus they’re getting blamed for it, hard. The timing couldn’t have been worse, by the end of this day millions of people will have learned the dreaded Obamacare is simply a website with a bunch of boring healthcare insurance policies. On a hilarious side note, Teaparty Jeremiad’s have lowered their Obamacare threat level from “Worst Nazi death law ever that will destroy the country and end freedom” to “there are … err.. dangerous intermittent site glitches”.

Even time is against them now; the longer this draws out the more likely a debt deal will have to be included. So the House pulled another lame stalling tactic: [Read more…]