Herman Cain surging in polls, for now

Herman Cain is the current conservative fave in the not-Romney GOP race to the bottom. Because the Teaparty thinks the problem with the economy is there aren’t enough part-time minimum wage pizza delivery jobs:

Cain checks in as the first choice of 27 percent of Republican voters in the poll, followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney at 23 percent and Perry at 16 percent. After those three, it’s Texas Rep. Ron Paul at 11 percent, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich at 8 percent, Bachmann at 5 percent and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman at 3 percent.

The thought of running against a repugnant, delusional megalo-maniac is a pleasant one. But how long can Cain stay on top if, or rather when, retirees — and those of us within bottle-rocket range of retirement — discover his center-piece 9-9-9 plan is not only somewhere between nationally devastating and ludicrous, it would cut off Social Security and Medicare?

We now have indisputable proof for a Yeti …

Yes, Russian crypto-pseudo zoologists who have nothing to gain — except fame and fortune through books, tapes, and tourism — are, once again, claiming they have incontrovertible proof for a living Yeti. Except the bullshit and backpedaling begins right away:

Russian researchers looking for the yeti — the Asian version of the North American Bigfoot — claim to have found “indisputable proof” of the long-sought mystery beast in Siberia. There isn’t a ton of evidence to work with — just a few strands of hair and some tracks in the snow — but it’s enough that the research team says its 95 percent sure that the yeti exists. Others, however, are mighty skeptical of the findings.

Of course, a few strands of yak hair and some markings in the snow. LOL, oh yeah, it’s bullet proof man! You know what would really be indisputable proof for a Yeti? A Yeti.

Suddenly religion has no place in the GOP

Truly a leg-slapping howler from Mitt Romney:

I would call upon Gov. Perry to repudiate the sentiment and the comments made by that pastor,” Romney told reporters just hours before the pair are scheduled to meet in another presidential debate. “Governor Perry said that introduction hit it out of the park,” Romney added. “I don’t believe that that kind of divisiveness based on religion has a place in this country.”

It’s almost like Mittens lives in some kind of bizarro universe, or maybe he just flat forgot what party he belongs to. But now that the question has beenr aised, you know what I’d like to see asked in the debate tonight? Are followers of Reverend Sun Myung-moon in a cult? Why or why not?

That would be a hoot.

Maybe the American Cancer Society just hates atheists?

Very odd, the American Cancer Society reportedly turned down 250 grand, apparently for no other reason than the donating org was not religious:

Now, in case you’re wondering if this is standard behavior, find someone who works as a development director for a nonprofit. Ask her what her response would be to a $250,000 matching offer from a philanthropic foundation. And ask if her organization would be drooling, celebrating wildly, and bending over backward to make it happen — or if they would be evading, delaying, dodging, deflecting, changing their stories …

I think I figured Herman Cain out

There are a lot of advantages to being rich. But one of the few disadvantages is the honest day-to-day input from friends, coworkers, and family we all take for granted. That simple feedback is often non-existent for the very wealthy. They could literally propose anything or say anything and there would be a line of people stretching around the block waiting to praise their insightful brilliance. That’s the sense I get with Herman Cain when I read stuff like this:

But Cain said the “offensive” criticism is just a familiar tactic to marginalize him. He suggested his status as a prominent black conservative makes him a target, but said the attacks will not succeed. “I left the Democratic plantation a long time ago. And all that they try to do when someone like me … the only tactic that they have to try and intimidate me and shut me up is to call me names, and this sort of thing. It just simply won’t work,” Cain said.

[Read more…]

Hanks Williams Jr., isn’t sorry in the least

After comparing President Obama to Hitler and subsequently issuing an apology, Hank Williams Jr has revealed his true feelings in the poetry of song — and he’s not sorry at all. The country music legacy has released a new tune with lyrics skewing the ‘liberal media,’ which in this case is the hopelessly liberal Fox and Friends, and attacking the President:

Williams told the AP he wrote the song Friday and recorded it in a Nashville studio later that day. It’s expected to be on iTunes late today or early tomorrow. The lyrics also say the U.S. is “going down the drain” and becoming “The United Socialist States of America.”

My guess is Williams hoped he would get his ESPN gig back if he feigned regret. That probably didn’t happen, freeing the racist imbecile up to express his true feelings. But one thing we can say for sure, whatever Williams may have said about being sorry, it was clearly bunk. He’s fallen hook, line, and sinker for extremist right-wing misinformation and he’s not the least bit sorry about it.

Release the Kraken!

It’s big, it’s ugly, it’s legendary. It’s a tentacled alien monster with three hearts and a voracious appetite for living flesh. Meet the Kraken, or at least some circumstantial evidence for something like it:

There is no direct evidence of such a monster’s existence, let alone its intelligence. The entire tale is based on an untested hypothesis about a puzzling pile of bones that happen to belong to what were otherwise that era’s top marine predators: school-bus-sized ichthyosaurs. … When paleontologist Mark McMenamin of Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts visited the fossil site this summer, it reminded him of an octopus midden, the pile of debris this animal piles up to conceal the entrance of its den. And now McMenamin is saying that a giant kraken, twice the size of the modern Colossal Squid, drowned or broke the necks of these ichthyosaur victims before bringing them home for dinner.

That does sound a little thin. But we all want the Kraken to exist, or at least to have existed, you know, back a long time ago when it couldn’t bother us. So it makes a fun story.