Via Balloon Juice, I think this is a very rigid and creepy looking Tagg or possibly Josh Romney, one of Mitt’s spawn anyway, watching Tuesday’s debate. Not to pick on a candidate’s kid, but since he’s an arrogant prick who seeks out the limelight, Romney JR has earned an exception. … You can almost see the demon seething inside and a thought bubble, “If I sit still, very still, I’ll show them I wouldn’t even harm a fly …”
The eyes!!…
They seem to follow you all round the room!
FYI Explaining the photo
Father’s dishonesty drives son to thoughts of violence
Tagg: It’s not Obama’s fault that your father is a liar.
BTW, how did it feel when your father accused you of being a persistent liar during the first debate? Did that make you want to take a swing at him?
amazing how Tagg wants to hit someone for lying but is totally oblivious on how much his father does it. I suppose if you grew up with Mitt as your father you might not notice it anymore.
now if Tagg can show how Obama was mistaken, then he might have a point. But I’m guessing he can’t.
No, no, it isn’t about whether Daddy is a liar, your just aren’t supposed to call him on it. Christ, that’s impolite. Put down that Secret Service detail and let’s see how big a man you are then. What? Doesn’t matter what Daddy said, if he lies or smears Obama or anyone else (to the point of legally actionable slander), I’m offended now.
Yeah, the image has an Omen III flavor, I imagine it was taken in a futuristic war room, the young antichrist in full control of the near-corpse seated in front of him.
I’m very afraid for the person standing right in front of Patrick Bateman/The Android. I anticipate that the next scene involved a snapped neck from the creature while it continues to have that same unflinching, unchanging stare.
It took me a while to figure out what’s so freaky about this image: His pupils aren’t level.
I think that’s what pushes the image from. “I’m furious at you” to “Im GoNNa WeaR Ur SKulL aS A HaT”
My first impression, in line with other observers, was that the look is one of anger and a desire to attack Obama. But with a second viewing and consideration it strikes me that the look is not so much anger as shock and amazement. This guy lived under Mitt for many years and it was well established that he was overbearing, a bully, and a happy joker only as long as he was not the butt of the joke.
But here he is observing someone stand up to that overbearing bully, and getting away with it. Before this he couldn’t even imagine what that might look like, much less undertake it, but there it is. And the skies haven’t opened up, angels haven’t descended, and Obama hasn’t been struck by lightning or been pummeled into submission or dragged down to hell for his insults to power.
I even think I see a touch of sadness brought on by his father being proved something less than a paragon. He is no longer the son of a saint. Maybe the tales of getting a planet of his own isn’t true. He has just had his eyes opened and illusions shattered. It is shock I see. He has just made a great leap toward growing up.
Are we sure he’s even, you know, *alive*? He looks less like a man keeping himself under control and more like something that’s been just… shut off.
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Carpenterman, are you imagining some sort of weekend at bernies style farce?
Tagg is an odd name, where does that come from?
I believe this is Josh, not Tagg. I don’t know anything else about him, but he’s not the one that said he wanted to punch Obama. My default expression is one of abject despair, maybe his is homicidal lunacy? Either way, I hope he has a good sense of humor, because the memes are hilarious.