Light posting

Posting may be a bit light most of today as I deal with non blog chores. And pain, lots and lots of pain, from the grand injury two weeks ago. But here’s a few interesting science-y stories and I’ll probably throw a few more in over the course of the day:

  • Astronomers are said to be pleading for the James Webb Telescope to be funded. Good luck with that given that some politicians are insisting we can’t even afford disaster relief.
  • A nearly priceless moonrock that was missing for decades has turned up, mixed in with other articles and papers left behind by Bill Clinton when he left the governor’s office in 1980. Cue conspiracy moon landing conspiracy theorists, or can this be tied to Obama’s Kenyan birthplace somehow?
  • Speaking or Things From Spaaaace … a NASA satellite is expected to burn in around Friday afternoon, but no one knows where or exactly when. But a chunk of it would be worth some dough. Good luck space junk hunters!
  • Lastly, on a depressing note, the fossil fuel indsutry and the forces of ignorance they have assembled are winning:

    Global emissions of carbon dioxide, the main cause of global warming, jumped 45% between 1990 and 2010, and reached an all-time high of 33 billion tons last year, the European Commission reports.

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