Now that’s a real debate!

The Idaho Republican primary may turn out to be the most notable one of this season, not because of its politics but because of the debate between its four candidates running for governor, two of whom were definitely not your usual boring old run-of-the-mill right wing politicians.

Stephen Colbert brings us some of the highlights of that debate and says that the choice is now clear as to who should be Idaho’s next governor.
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Open carry meets open resistance

As a result of negative reactions, more and more fast food places are telling their customers not to carry their guns openly into their stores. The list now includes Starbucks, Wendy’s, Applebees, Jack In The Box, Chipotle, Chili’s and Sonic. Some gun owners feel that these places are no longer safe to eat in because they are not allowed to take their guns into them, because of course no place is more dangerous than your neighborhood Wendy’s.
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Pope Francis visits Israel’s apartheid wall in the Occupied Territories

News media were agog with the news of how during his visit to Israel and the Occupied Territories, pope Francis stopped his motorcade and went up to the apartheid wall that Israel has constructed, touched it with his head and prayed. Kelly Lynn describes, along with many photographs, how Palestinian activists managed to evade Israeli security guards and spray paint messages on the wall and a massive gate that the government had just painted over earlier to hide previous messages.
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Snowden in his own words

We are approaching the first anniversary of the publication on June 5, 2013 of the first revelation from Edward Snowden, that the US government had obtained from Verizon without a warrant the phone records of all its customers. I want to reproduce some of the messages that Snowden gave Glenn Greenwald early in their interactions, where he explains what motivates him. These passages are in Greenwald’s book No Place to Hide: Edward Snowden, the NSA, and the US Surveillance State that I reviewed here.
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Film review: Paul (2011)

In a comment to my review of the three Simon Pegg-Nick Frost comedies, reader sumdum suggested that I might also enjoy seeing another film involving this pair and that is Paul, in which the duo leave the cozy confines of the English pub and play two science fiction graphic novel fans who attend the annual Comic-Con in San Diego and then go on a road trip in an RV to visit all the sites in the US that are believed to been the site of extra-terrestrial visitations.
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