Giving Trump his due

Whatever else one might say about Donald Trump (and there is always plenty to say), there is no question that he has exposed the seedy underbelly of the lies that the Republican party has been feeding its supporters over the years, that the policies that the party advocates will benefit them when in reality it benefits just the one-percenters. Trump’s success shows that the voters are catching on that they’ve been had on that issue, though they may have just replaced an old con with a new one, that Trump will solve their problems.
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Resurgent Sanders, Triumphant Trump

Last night’s primary results produced a shock win for Bernie Sanders in Michigan where polls had had him trailing Hillary Clinton by about 20 points almost right up to the election. On the morning of the election yesterday, the poll guru Nate Silver had predicted a greater than 99% probability of a Clinton victory. Harry Enten says that “Sanders’s win in Michigan was one of the greatest upsets in modern political history.”
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The week in review by comedians

Last Thursday’s over-the-top (or should I say below-the-waist) Republican debate happened too late in the week for many comedians to take shots at it but now they have weighed in.

On the latest episode of her show Full Frontal, Samantha Bee looks at what happened over the last week and how the last Republican debate went down. She gives a eulogy for the party and wonders if we can really trust the nation’s future in the hands of men who seem to be far too emotional.
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Gaming the Republican primaries

The Republican primaries would seem to be a fertile ground for game theorists. For example, you have the current situation where Donald Trump is leading in the polls and in winning states and delegates. He does not have an overall majority in each category but is heading for a plurality. Ignoring John Kasich for the moment, the question is what is the best strategy for the two challengers Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio to adopt in order to try and win.
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Exploring the world of women’s body images

Sports Illustrated has included a ‘plus-size’ woman in its latest swimsuit edition and toy maker Mattel has introduced a diverse array of new Barbie dolls that feature them having them more realistic body shapes than the physiologically impossible ones that have been the standard so far. Does this signify a new acceptance of women in all their variety rather than giving the illusion that there is an ideal form?
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On to the next round of primary contests

Last night featured a Democratic debate that took place in Flint, Michigan, the town that is currently at the center of the crisis about lead in the water and for long has been emblematic of the decay of America’s cities and its manufacturing base. I could not watch it but this report from The Guardian summarizes what happened and describes it as a ‘fierce debate’, with sharp exchanges between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton over actual issues but with no personal attacks or mudslinging. In short, the opposite of what happens in Republican debates. Tessa Stuart provides some of the choice quotes.
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