You’ve got a (black) friend

Even if you’re a Republican tea partier who thinks that people of color are moochers and looters living off the fat of the land produced by the real, hard-working Merkins, it may be advantageous for you professionally and personally to have at least one black friend. Well, this is America and where there is a need, there is a business that caters to it.
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As idea whose time has come?

Remember when Mitt Romney proposed the idea of self-deportations for undocumented immigrants during the 2012 election and the idea sank like a rock? Given the current climate, that now looks like one of the more humane solutions proposed by Republicans and Funny or Die has a report on how Arizona governor Jan Brewer has come up with a practical way of implementing it.
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Mount McKinley is now officially Denali

You may recall my post of a couple of months ago about how members of the Ohio congressional delegation were using legal maneuvers to prevent Alaska’s Mount McKinley being changed to Denali, its original Athabascan name, simply because president McKinley was from Ohio and even though he had never been to Alaska or had anything to do with the mountain.
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