This is the latest mania on the internet: a couple of llamas were filmed running free on the streets of Sun City, Arizona.
This is the latest mania on the internet: a couple of llamas were filmed running free on the streets of Sun City, Arizona.
This is the lounge. You can discuss anything you want, but you will do it kindly.
Status: Heavily Moderated; Previous thread
Or maybe it’s because they think it needs practice? I’m in Los Angeles. I’m going to be speaking at 11am and 4:30pm in two different places about Bad Biology: How Adaptationist Thinking Corrupts Science. It might piss some people off, which leaves me unperturbed, since I’m right.
So why am I flying off to Los Angeles and leaving my hot date behind?
Oh, well. She can watch this instead.
Oy, it’s an evening for a debate with a creationist. Hey, Matt Dillahunty, would you like to jump on a plane and zip up here to Fargo, North Dakota to take over for me? You’re so much better than I am at this stuff.
Probably not. I just have to brace myself up, I guess. Anyway, it’s going to be packed with Christians — I think the 7th Day Adventists are sponsoring this thing — so any friendly godless faces in the audience will be appreciated. It’s at 7pm, in the Ramada Inn (1635 42nd St S), and the topic is “Is there evidence for a creator or not?”. I’m “not.”
If you submit a comment and it is held for moderation, it is not your fault, probably: we’re having problems with Akismet, our spam filter software, and it’s holding up a lot of people’s posts. We’ve got TOP PEOPLE working on it, so just be patient. I’ll be browsing the bloated queue of posts held for moderation later, sometime after work. I might approve your delightful comment then. Or I might cast your worthless screed into the eternal flames of perdition, which I happen to have burning right here by my right elbow.
This is the lounge. You can discuss anything you want, but you will do it kindly.
Status: Heavily Moderated; Previous thread
This is Thunderdome, the unmoderated open thread on Pharyngula. Say what you want, how you want.
Status: UNMODERATED; Previous thread
One of the more trivial ways the trolls carry out a campaign of harassment is to sign me up for random newsletters, getting me on mailing lists for organizations I have no interest in following. For a while, I was getting gay magazines and all kinds of strange porn offers; I laughed those away. Then I was getting signed up for church email newsletters. I get regular updates from the City of Riverside, California — the last I looked at one, which was sometime ago, I was getting information about their sewage treatment plant. You get the idea. Of course, all I do is flag them as spam, my email software then automatically dumps all future email from that source into a junk mail folder, and once a week or so I have to remember to trash the tens of megabytes of crap in that folder.
Now someone has ever so cleverly signed me up as a supporter of the National Association for Gun Rights, which has offered me a chance to enter a drawing, and being a generous sort of person, I thought I’d share it with all of you. Please do sign up for it.
The newest member of the FtB team is up and running: Jamila Bey is here!