I get email

This one is rather pedestrian, sorry to say — just another bible-thumper. I looked at some of his links, and he seems to be a bible-code-thumper, so even sillier. But his claim to have a scientific map of hell caught my attention.

“The Old Testament is a false history of the world. It should not be trusted” – Charles Darwin

Archaeology proves the man Jesus quoted on hell is 18 for 18 – http://www.bibleisaiah.com

“I gradually came to disbelieve in Christianity” – Charles Darwin

“He who does not believe in the Son of God is condemned already” – John 3:18

“Hell from beneath. Everlasting burnings” – Isaiah

A Scientific Map of Hell:

“Go! and warn people so they do not come here. I am tormented in this flame!
Please! give me just one drop of water to cool my tongue” – Luke 16

[Read more…]

Sleep is for the weak

I have arrived at my hotel in Köln. I did not sleep at all on the flight. It is a bright sunny morning here in Germany, and I’m still wide awake. I’m afraid my brain has been whipsawed through so many time zones lately that it has decided screw it, it’s not going to bother sorting out that pointless sleep/wake cycle anymore, which probably means I’ll muddle along in a delirium until I die.

Who decided we should live on a spinning sphere anyway? It makes no sense.