Everyone can stop telling me to read this article now. I’ve read Social Justice Bullies: The Authoritarianism of Millennial Social Justice, and it is atrocious, a collection of familiar MRA tropes dressed up with pseudo-liberal platitudes. Oh, I am so supportive of feminists…just not feminists who use the horrible tactic of speaking out.
It’s a common strategy of declaring that one fully supports the oppressed, as long as the oppressed don’t cause any trouble.
It’s a sentiment I saw opposed quite nicely this morning.
The same guys who call women cunts and litter their speech with racist slurs will say *noting that they're white guys* is racist and sexist
— Bailey (@the_author_) April 20, 2015
The same guys who call women cunts and litter their speech with racist slurs will say *noting that they’re white guys* is racist and sexist