Katha Pollitt is on the mark

She has written an excellent post on abortion.

I cringed as I watched Planned Parenthood’s president, Cecile Richards, apologize in a YouTube video last month for the lack of “compassion” in two doctors’ language at supposed business lunches arranged and secretly recorded by the anti-abortion Center for Medical Progress.

Not because she wasn’t eloquent, but because of what her words said about the impossibly narrow path abortion providers now are forced to walk. After all, have you ever heard an apology from a crisis pregnancy center for masquerading as an abortion clinic? What about the women in Texas who lost access to gynecological care when the state defunded Planned Parenthood and did not, as promised, adequately replace its services? Has anyone said sorry about that?

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How does this get past an editor?


From a review by Roger Lewis of a biography of Dusty Springfield:

Call me a crazy old physiognomist, but my theory is that you can always spot a lesbian by her big thrusting chin. Celebrity Eskimo Sandi Toksvig, Ellen DeGeneres, Jodie Foster, Clare Balding, Vita Sackville-West, God love them: there’s a touch of Desperate Dan in the jaw-bone area, no doubt the better to go bobbing for apples.

It is thus a tragedy that Dusty Springfield’s whole existence was blighted by her orientation, which explains ‘the silence and secrecy she extended over much of her life, and her self-loathing’. One glance at her chin should have revealed all — but the Sixties was not a fraction as liberated and swinging as people now assume. ‘Being gay was either a pitiable affliction or an actual mental illness,’ Karen Bartlett reminds us in this sympathetic biography. Victims were treated with aversion therapy and electric shocks.

My theory is that you can always spot an asshole by the thoughtless bigotry they say.

You mean that isn’t what lady history is all about?


There’s a new museum in London, and it promised to “retell the story of the East End through the eyes, voices, experiences and actions” of women and show their contribution to British history. Sounds promising!

Former Google diversity chief Mark Palmer-Edgecumbe, who is behind the scheme, promised “the first women’s museum in the UK” in plans given the green light by Tower Hamlets council last year.

But when the covers were removed from the site on Cable Street in Whitechapel last week, residents were shocked to find its subject matter had changed to the brutal unsolved murders of prostitutes between 1888 and 1891.

The Jack The Ripper Museum, which has as its logo a sinister silhouette of a man in Victorian dress above the museum name written in blood red, has outraged residents, who claim it is now about misogyny rather than women’s achievements.

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NY Times columnists are squishy and icky, too


It’s too much to hope that the NY Times will ever get rid of their awful opinion columnists. At least it gives us something to gripe about every week.

The latest bit of irrational conservative nonsense comes from Ross Douthat, who doesn’t like abortion. He is saddened and appalled by those absurd anti-Planned Parenthood videos that have been released. He dismisses the idea that these are trumped-up and phony.

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Even Jesus wouldn’t know where to get a pap smear

Jonathan Merritt, who has these amazing qualifications,

Senior Columnist, Religion News Service @RNS; Contributing Editor, @TheWeek; Author of Jesus is Better Than You Imagined (2014)

has announced that Planned Parenthood should be defunded. He was asked by a woman what she should do for her “medically necessary birth control, pap smears, and tests”, which was like an open invitation to mansplain to a lady where she can take her lady parts. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so painful. Would you believe he sent her a list of alternatives to Planned Parenthood that included a bunch of CPCs? Bless his little Christian heart.