Texas voters, watch this

This video contains a nice breakdown of exactly who the wackaloons on the Texas Board of Education are, and will help you figure out who to vote for in the upcoming elections.

I always find it astonishing that Don McLeroy and Terri Leo actually have positions of responsibility in the Texas educational system. The system is really messed up down there, have you noticed?

Whoa…this is better than crashing polls

Michele Bachmann is a great fundraiser…for Democrats. Since that creepy video of her calling everyone who isn’t a rightwingnut “anti-American” has spread all over, money has been pouring into the Elwyn Tinklenberg campaign. Check out Tinklenberg’s ActBlue page: he has received over $100,000 since yesterday. I opened the page a few hours ago and just checked again, and it had shot up about $20,000. Add a few pennies to the total, if you can!

Our local horror

If you think Sarah Palin is bad, try listening to
Michele Bachmann for seven minutes. This is her interview with Chris Matthews, in which she accuses swarms of people of being “Anti-American”.

One thing is amusing. Intermittently, Matthews tries to pin her down in her blanket screeds against liberals, and asks her to state specifically whether some Democrat is actually, literally anti-American. You can see her expression lock in place, her eyes stare blankly out, and you can imagine her tiny brain doing little shuddery spasms of confusion in the vast and roomy vault of her cranium…then <click> <reset> <reboot>, she glides right past the question and continues her imprecatory rant.

This is one of Minnesota’s representatives. Please, people in the 6th district, vote for Tinklenberg. It’s embarrassing to have this shrill munchkin in office here.

Drinking Liberally in Morris!

After a long hiatus, we’re having a Drinking Liberally event at 7 tonight, at Old #1. I guess we’re optimistically revitalized by the Democratic prospects for November.

Actually, it’s also because Robin, of WOMB blog, Power Liberal, and the Minnesota Independent is passing through, so we have to show her that Morris is much more exciting than the boring old Minneapolis/St Paul metropolitan area. So come on down, locals!

Bidlack for Congress

That guy Phil is complaining that none of the big sites like Daily Kos or Crooks & Liars are covering the political campaign of Hal Bidlack for the 5th Congressional District of Colorado. Hey, Phil! Is that an admission that your site is tiny and insignificant? Cover it yourself!

At least I’ll offer my support. I met Hal at The Amazing Meeting, and he’s a good guy — a skeptic and rationalist who ought to be in congress. I hope you eligible Coloradans give him your vote!


McCain really annoyed me last night, and there are a few things I have to mention now.

First of all, his gripe about the $3 million “overhead projector” simply marks him as an idiot — and not just an ignorant idiot, but the kind of idiot who ignores readily available evidence. What he is dismissing is a tool for science education. Take a look at what the sky projector looks like — your teacher didn’t have one of those babies to flash her transparencies up in the classroom. And while you’re there, you can always donate to the Adler Planetarium. The other thing McCain leaves out of his complaint is that the projector was not funded, and they’re still hurting for a replacement.

The other trumped-up lie and pseudo-scandal that irritates me is the ACORN mess. ACORN is an organization that works to help the poor, which of course makes it about as anti-Republican as you can get. They have had some incidents of attempted fraud, but the fraud was against ACORN itself, with workers attempting to cheat to get paid for submitting falsified registrations. Furthermore, it was ACORN itself that caught these fake registrations and notified government agencies.

What the ACORN nonsense is all about is a preemptive attempt by the Republican party to cast doubt on the election. I predict we’ll hear much more about this if Obama wins…while the Diebold bias will be ignored, and the unfair policy of using the most unreliable voting machines in the poorest districts will continue.

Oh, no! Another debate!

It’s been a long day for me, and now I get to cap it off with another presidential debate. This could be awful. I’m just hoping that McCain is feeling desperate and will do something that’s bug-eyed crazy to change the status of the election. Go ahead, say what you think in the comments.

McCain brought up the “overhead projector” again! He really is an anti-science loon.

After claiming that Obama was running a negative campaign, McCain than tried to defend the ugly attempt to tar Obama by association with Ayers. Hypocrite alert!

My final opinion: McCain didn’t blow up as I hoped, making it a somewhat boring debate. Instead, McCain spent the whole hour and a half being creepy — I don’t want another president who makes me want to gag every time his face appears on TV.

McCain also seemed to lie incessantly. The claim that Obama has been negatively campaigning coming out of 100%-negative-McCain was a low point for him. I don’t trust him a bit.

Liberal baloney

OK, this is the kind of thing that just pisses me off: the tendency for some liberals to go off all loopy and credulous. The perfect example is on Salon right now—an article that goes on at ridiculous length about the judgments of a physiognomist, a ditz who derives McCain’s economic policy from the shape of his nostrils, and Obama’s idealism from the breadth of his forehead. This is insane, and irritating, and stupid.

The one thing I dread with a Democratic victory is the ascendancy of navel-gazing crystal-healing New Age loons, without a shred of critical thinking.

I wonder who Marty Chalfie is voting for?

Seed and Scientists and Engineers for America are teaming up to promote a youtube challenge — they are collecting videos of scientists stating who they are voting for in the coming election. The first one up is Marty Chalfie, winner of the Nobel in Chemistry this year. Guess who he thinks should be president?

I suspect that the scientific establishment will be showing a profound liberal bias this year, largely because the scientific establishment tends to be pro-reality.

You don’t have to be a Nobelist — if you’re a scientist, record a youtube video of yourself, tag it with “aVoteForScience”, and you too can contribute.