Speaking of philosophy…

As you should know, John Wilkins has left the enveloping (and sometimes stifling) womb of Scienceblogs to strike out on his own, and is also laboring as an underpaid postdoc. He has entered that realm familiar to philosophers everywhere: poverty. It’s good for the soul, John! Calorie restriction is also good for longevity!

Unfortunately, spiritual and intellectual rewards do not pay web hosting bills, so Wilkins would appreciate any donations towards the continued solvency of Evolving Thoughts. Help him out if you can. Oh, and when his book becomes available, buy it. I know I will, even if specialized books by philosophers tend to be more extravagantly priced than us poor college professors can spare.

(Hey, the price isn’t as bad as I feared. Let’s turn it into a weird best-seller!)

The Discovery Institute fails again

The Intelligent Design creationists have done it again: thrown together another piece of sloppy scholarship to defend themselves from a non-argument. John Lynch is lazing in the balmy Mediterranean, and casually demolishes them in an afternoon in a Cretan cafe. It sounds like hard work, philosophizing.

Anyway, the gist of the Discovery Institute claim is, oh, no, we didn’t invent intelligent design creationism in response to recent American court cases — it’s an old argument with roots in antiquity. Which, of course, is something no one has ever argued against. We know the argument from design is ancient. We’ve said it repeatedly: a 20th century right wing think tank in Seattle had merely plucked an old rationale that Paley had made in the early years of the 19th century and recycled it, ignoring the logical refutations of design made even earlier by Hume and the empirical argument against it deployed by Darwin. I can’t imagine anyone familiar with the DI ever suggesting that they might have been original or creative.

Lynch goes into considerable more detail on the philosophical foundations of the idea, but again the lesson is the same: the DI is pretty much incompetent at everything they do.

Roald Dahl wanted you to immunize your kids

This is a sad story: Dahl’s daughter Olivia, to whom he had dedicated James and the Giant Peach and The BFG (I remember reading both of those to my kids when they were little) died at the age of 12 of measles encephalitis. He wrote a short piece urging everyone to immunize their children 20 years later, after a reliable vaccine had been developed.

We’ve benefited in these recent years from good medicine that prevents serious childhood diseases. It wasn’t that long ago that children were dying fairly often from illnesses that nowadays parents cavalierly expose their children to in ‘exposure parties’, rather than using good medicine.

(via Goldacre)

A more challenging poll

People were complaining that that last pointless poll was too easy to knock over. Here’s a tougher one.

What’s your reaction to Barack Obama’s proclamation designating this month as ‘LGBT Pride Month’?

It is a well-deserved celebration – 1.81%

No big surprise from this administration – 21.56%

Sin gets a whole month – National Day of Prayer barely gets a presidential nod – 56.07%

What next? Adultery Adoration Week? – 20.56%

You’ll need some bigger numbers to overcome this one — it’s got 19,000 votes already.

Although, I must confess, I rather like the choice that’s winning so far. Yay sin! Let’s have a whole national year of sinnin’! A decade! A century of guiltless, happy hedonism!

Relax, it’s so cute

One of those other godless, unfeeling scientists dared me to post this cuddly video of frolicking furry animals.

I’m only doing it to lull you all into a false sense of security. One minute you put your guard down in the presence of all the furry warm cuteness, then wham! Out comes the chitin and slime and the tentacles and the cold staring eyes oh god oh god the eyes the implacable glare. Then where will your puppies and kittens be, hey?

The Jewish way?

This local (he’s in my backyard of St Paul!) rabbi, Manis Friedman, offers an enlightening vision of old testament morality. He was asked, “How should Jews treat their Arab neighbors?” Here’s his answer.

I don’t believe in western morality, i.e. don’t kill civilians or children, don’t destroy holy sites, don’t fight during holiday seasons, don’t bomb cemeteries, don’t shoot until they shoot first because it is immoral.

The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle).

Fortunately, other rabbis gave slightly different answers.

Not for delicate stomachs

Don’t follow this link if you are at all sensitive. Gingi Edmonds has weighed in on the killing of George Tiller. She compares him to Lee Harvey Oswald, Ted Bundy, and Jeffrey Dahmer, and concludes with some really twisted logic.

Tiller was killed by a pro-choice act.  Pro-lifers need make no apologies. 

I hope the police have an eye on this evil monster…if she doesn’t have a gun in her hand herself, she’s busily inciting others to go kill in the name of her fetal gods.

Texas: getting better day by day!

Texans have been doing a lot of things right lately. The newest happy result: bills in the Texas legislature to prop up the Institute for Creation Research and to add creationist language to their science standards failed.

So there’s a bit more hope for Texas: Don McLeroy is out as Chairman of the State Board of Education, the creationist “strengths and weaknesses” language is not in the standards, and the ICR is still not certified to award phony graduate degrees in science education.

At least the US lacks the UK’s crop circle weirdness

The UK still wins, though. We’ve got school boards that seriously consider including the fantasy that the earth is 6000 years old into the curriculum, but in the UK, you’ve just got clever people with ropes and boards stomping out patterns in the barley fields. The media seems to take the “crop circle experts” a little too seriously, but at least you’ve got pretty exercises in aerial photography to show for it.


Nice jellyfish!