Who is that jackwad?

Trump had a rally in Madison Square Garden this weekend and it was reminiscent of a Nazi rally. They brought on a ‘comedian’ who made a ‘joke’. I don’t know if you know this, but there’s literally a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.

Ocasio-Cortez said it all in the clip above: this is what the Republican party is, a clique of elitist thugs who willingly insult entire ethnicities because they believe that they, by virtue of their whiteness, are truly superior. The Trump campaign is scrambling to distance themselves from this alienation of part of the electorate, but you know this is what the think, deep down. Notice that the audience laughed at the ‘joke’.

Walz was characteristically pithy: Hinchcliffe is a jackwad.

Hinchcliffe has responded!

Oh. It was just a joke. It was taken out of context. Where have I heard those excuses before?


  1. Akira MacKenzie says

    This was deliberate. Get a bunch of racist shit head “comics” to say racist shit, then mine the justifiable outrage for right wing, smack-talk material.

    “See! Liberals can’t take a joke!”
    “The PC Thought Police want to make comedy illegal”
    “Liberal Snowflakes! They’re sooo emotional and get upset over NOTHING!”

  2. Ted Lawry says

    Oh, It was a “joke.” Here’s a joke: New York has made a giant stream of garbage, it’s called Donald Trump. Just kidding folks!”
    How about replacing Puerto Rico with Bermuda, also an island, and a well known playground of rich white people? Because it wouldn’t be “funny” if the joke is about whites!

  3. twoangstroms says

    “I made fun of everyone” is not… there can be substance to insult humor, but it usually requires a) not punching down and b) some sort of participation on the part of the insulted. That he went on to denigrate all Jewish people and other groups isn’t the out he seems to think it is. It’s just that he’s an equal-opportunity dick.

  4. stuffin says

    Saying it was a joke is the cover for saying anything you want? That opens the possibilities. I’m certain if I said stuff like that at my job I wouldn’t last a cay. Especially if I said it to my Puerto Rican co-worker who walks around during his shift knocking Democrats to anyone he can get to listen.

  5. robro says

    “It was a joke” and “Don’t get offended at a joke” and even, “Comedy is supposed to offend you” are fairly common defenses that I hear comedians use for the flashback they get over their jokes. Ricky Gervais uses it a lot for religious people who get upset about his god and bible jokes. John Mulaney, Dave Chapelle, and Jimmy Carr also ridicule people who get offended at jokes. It would be interesting to hear what these guys have to say about Hinchcliffe’s remarks.

    So what draws the line between “OK” offensive and “Not OK” offensive? I don’t think this joke is OK. It’s not funny. It might be funny if he turned it into a jab at American policy on Puerto Rico which is why the island is so downtrodden, but that almost certainly didn’t happen.

    I bet John Stewart covers this dichotomy tonight on The Daily Show. It’ll be interesting to see.

  6. Akira MacKenzie says

    Matt Walsh is claiming victory: “I hope everyone appreciates the masterful strategy here. Trump is goading the Dems into spending their final week crying about jokes. They are absolutely taking the bait. They can’t help themselves.”

  7. tprussell says

    @10 Ever notice how these imbeciles employ the ad iram fallacy? Whenever anyone criticizes them, they launch straight into the “UR MAD LOL” response – it’s always calling their opponents’ complaints “crying”, “screaming”, “losing their minds”, etc. It’s the same kind of language you’d expect to see in the title of a clickbait video, with the words in question in all-caps, and a thumbnail featuring stock art of an angry yelling woman or sonething.

  8. Doc Bill says

    If you have to Foghorn Leghorn, “That’s a joke, son!” then you ain’t funny.

    Don’t take my advice to go out to YouTube and pull up clips from so-called “conservative” comedians. I am not responsible for your brain damage. It’s mostly childish insults and projection. But, once you’re done, take a nice Ricky Gervais shower or watch for the 100th time Eddie Izzard’s “Cake or death” routine.

    Thank me later.

  9. JM says

    There are situations where insult humor can work. A political event isn’t one of them because at a political event everything you say is being judged on it’s politics. You can’t make fun of somebody or some group and then claim it was just a joke. By definition it’s a political event, it’s all politics.

  10. says

    Backlash to the unfunny joke has been so overwhelming that Trump campaign had to issue a statement distancing themselves from the comments. “Obviously, that joke does not reflect the views of President Trump or our campaign, and I think it is sad that the media will pick up on one joke that was made by a comedian, rather than the truth that were shared by the phenomenal list of speakers that we had.”

    Yeah, I’m not buying it. It does reflect Trump’s views.

    A sampling of the coverage, as reported by Talking Points Memo:
    – NYT: A Closing Carnival of Grievances, Misogyny and Racism
    – Axios: MAGA speakers unleash ugly rhetoric at Trump’s MSG rally
    – Politico: Trump’s New York homecoming sparks backlash over racist and vulgar remarks
    – WaPo: Trump rally speakers lob racist insults, call Puerto Rico ‘island of garbage’

    And there’s this:

    Tomorrow’s front page of the NY Daily News

    Image of the cover can be viewed here:
    or here: TPM link

  11. robro says

    There’s actually even more disturbing stuff at that Madison Square Garden rally than a bad joke. For example, it harkens to a Nazi rally at the Garden on February 20, 1939. And it goes on, per Heather Cox Richardson:

    The speakers who followed Hinchcliffe called Vice President Kamala Harris “the Antichrist” and “the devil.” They called former secretary of state Hillary Clinton “a sick son of a b*tch,” and they railed against “f*cking illegals.” They insulted Latinos generally, Black Americans, Palestinians and Jews. Trump advisor Stephen Miller’s claim that “America is for Americans and Americans only” directly echoed the statement of Adolf Hitler that “Germany is for Germans and Germans only.”

    But the particularly scary part is Donald insinuating that he and Speaker of the House Johnson, who was there, have a secret plan. Trump said, “I think with our little secret we are gonna do really well with the House, right? Our little secret is having a big impact, he and I have a secret, we will tell you what it is when the race is over.” Per Richardson the secret is probably similar to what Trump attempted in 2020: disrupt the electoral vote and throw it to the state reps where each state gets 1 vote. There are more GOP states than DNC states. Johnson will probably go along with it, although the President of the Senate presides which I guess will be Harris.

  12. awomanofnoimportance says

    At one time, not so very long ago, that joke all by itself would have ended Trump’s bid for the White House. In fact, there’s a long list of things that in the not so very distant past would, each of them standing alone, have ended Trump’s bid for the White House.

    I don’t know at this point who is going to win the election. But the fact that a multi-times-convicted felon, who has also been found by a jury to have engaged in rape and civil fraud, and who just told us that Hitler did some very good things, and who also tells us that immigrants eat cats and dogs, and is obviously mentally incapacitated, and by the way sent a mob to the Capitol to try to over turn the last election — the fact that after all of that, he is still a viable candidate for president, tells me that the country may be beyond saving at this point.

    We may just be entering a dark phase of our history, and there’s nothing to be done except get through it, minimizing the damage where possible. Meanwhile, as I look at the US, I feel like the teacher of a brilliant but lazy student who could be making straight As but instead is barely making Cs. Deep sadness, coupled with a pang for what might have been.

  13. awomanofnoimportance says

    And here’s the thing: Even if you are an honest conservative who votes Republican because you disagree with national health care and abortion rights, there were other conservatives running who would have given you conservative policies without also being convicted felons, openly racist, and arguably demented. You could have voted in the primaries for DeSantis, or Nikki Haley. So no, Trump was not the only game in town for honest conservatives. Republicans picked him explicitly because of what he is. And that’s even more frightening.

  14. rietpluim says

    Ever noticed that right-wing jokes are literally never funny? Conservatives just don’t have any sense of humor.

  15. raven says

    Trump advisor Stephen Miller’s claim that “America is for Americans and Americans only” directly echoed the statement of Adolf Hitler that “Germany is for Germans and Germans only.”

    Ironically, Stephen Miller is…Jewish.

    Wikipedia: Personal life. Miller married Katie Waldman,…Miller is Jewish.

    There are factions in the Trump mob that would throw him under the bus as soon as possible on that basis.

  16. says

    It is becoming ever clearer, even with the attempts at hiding their violent seditious efforts, that we are indeed entering the NEW DARK AGES.

    Be careful people, with so many groups singled out by the hate and threats of the rtwingnuts and their billionaire backers, you may be the target. I continually try to attain an objective evaluation of our societal mentality to prevent paranoia, but between the deceit of the mainstream media and the hateful rtwingnuts, I must admit, they are likely after most of us.

  17. Vic says


    “Ever noticed that right-wing jokes are literally never funny? Conservatives just don’t have any sense of humor.”

    I’ve been saying for years that right wing ‘humor’ is just bigoted insults and threats with a laugh track pasted on.

  18. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 11

    There’s a reason for that; they think acting out of emotion is a character flaw. The right likes to claim that their beliefs are based on calm, cool, stoic, dispassionate reason while the left’s ideology is driven my hysterical emotion and undeserved sentimentality. Being mad at a racist joke is a sign of being unable to control your emotions while the aloof conservative must be governed by pure logic.

  19. Akira MacKenzie says

    @ 25

    Did he hastily add “politically” to the end of that statement? It’s not a call to violence if you add the word “politically” to the end of your threats.

  20. devnll says

    I’ve never understood the “just a joke” excuse. Yes, we realize that you made an extremely racist attempt at a joke. That is, in fact, what we’re pointing out to everyone else, in case somehow they missed it. If it hadn’t been a joke, it would have just been an extremely stupid factual error; the floating garbage island is not actually called Puerto Rico, and Puerto Rico is not made of garbage. The fact that you knew this, said it on purpose, and thought it was funny is what makes it racist.

  21. DanDare says

    A joke is a perception switch from one thing to another.
    In this case from garbage is bad to Puerto Rico is bad.
    To laugh at it you have to accept that the resolution is true.
    Difference between catfish and a lawyer?
    One is a bottom dwelling scum succer. The other is a fish.
    If you laughed, then you have a low opinion of lawyers or are sympathetic with a group that does.

  22. Bekenstein Bound says

    Meanwhile, as I look at the US, I feel like the teacher of a brilliant but lazy student who could be making straight As but instead is barely making Cs.

    Nah, the US isn’t the underachiever barely making Cs.

    The US is the one in edgy all-black who has had several recent brushes with law enforcement, hangs out after school with a really bad crowd, and has lately taken to submitting disturbing art projects that depict him in armor or a cop uniform slaughtering people and whose browser history is suddenly full of searches for “Columbine”, “Sandy Hook”, and “Uvalde” along with “where 2 get gunz cheep off back of truck” and “ammo without background chek?”. When he accidentally dropped a sheaf of papers in the hall between classes the other day one of them was a printout of a map of the school with arrows and Xs and Os drawn on in red ink along with a big circle around the date “Nov. 6” and a skull and crossbones.

    So he was referred to the guidance counselor and a concerned phone call was made to his mother, who muttered something in a thick British accent about a revolution and Brexit and then hung up.

    The underachiever barely making Cs is Canada. :P

    Being mad at a racist joke is a sign of being unable to control your emotions while the aloof conservative must be governed by pure logic.

    And the conservative shows this supreme emotional control by … laughing, uproariously, at said racist joke.

  23. robro says

    Someone from Puerto Rico is not amused with the trash talk, namely Angel M. Cintrón, the GOP party chair in Puerto Rico. She wants an apology. Angel must have missed the joke. Perhaps she doesn’t realize this puts her on the “enemy within” a-list, although she was probably already there by virtue of being Puerto Rican..

  24. petesh says

    The more I hear from Walz, the more I like him and want him to teach me more American English.

  25. Scott Petrovits says

    I like how he can’t justify his unfunny, racist “joke” without making an unfunny, misogynist “joke”. Truly the work of a skilled comedian.