
  1. Reginald Selkirk says

    California bans legacy admissions at all colleges

    It will soon be illegal for public and private universities in California to consider an applicant’s relationship to alumni or donors when deciding whether to admit them.

    Gov. Gavin Newsom on Monday signed a ban on the practice known as legacy admissions, a change that will affect prestigious institutions including Stanford University and the University of Southern California.

    California’s law, which will take effect Sept. 1, 2025, is the nation’s fifth legacy admissions ban, but only the second that will apply to private colleges…

  2. Reginald Selkirk says

    These male flamingos are ‘doing a great job’ raising a chick together

    It was pretty obvious that two male flamingos at the San Diego Zoo Safari Park wanted to start a family together, say staff.

    The duo, neither of whom had ever raised a chick in their 40 or so years at the zoo, recently started acting as if they were incubating an egg together, taking turns sitting on an empty nest.

    But they are empty-nesters, no longer. The pair is now raising a healthy and growing baby bird, after staff gave them an egg of their very own to hatch…

    But first, Lutomski says, they gave the birds, both members of the lesser flamingo species, a fake egg in July to see what would happen. This, he says, is necessary because, in the past, some flamingos have rejected eggs that weren’t theirs, or even acted aggressively toward them.

    Not so for these boys.

    “Once we did give them the fake egg you could, like, see it right away. They ran over to the nest. They started talking back and forth with each other. One of them got on the nest right away and sat on it and started keeping it warm,” Lutomski said.

    So staff swapped the fake egg for a real one, which hatched last month. Now they are proud papas to a baby flamingo, also known as a flaminglet…

    Male birds raising chicks together is not unheard of.

    Curtis and Arthur, male flamingos in a U.K. zoo, hatched an egg in August. Male penguins Elmer and Lima did the same at a New York zoo in 2022. Male vultures hatched and raised an abandoned egg at a zoo in Amsterdam in 2017.

    It happens in the wild, too. In 2019, As It Happens reported on a trio of bald eagles, one female and two male, raising eaglets together in the wilderness of Illinois. ..

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