I haven’t read this new book by Jack Posobiec, so I don’t know how it ends. Can you guess? While you’re at it, maybe you can identify who the Unhumans are.
If you don’t understand communist revolutions, you aren’t ready for what’s coming.
The old rules are over. The old order is over. Accusations are evidence. Activism means bigotry and hate. Criminals are allowed to roam free. Citizens are locked up. An appetite for vengeance is unleashed—to deplatform, debank, destroy. This is the daily news, yet none of it’s new. Patterns from the past make sense of our present. They also foretell a terrifying future we might be condemned to endure.
For nearly 250 years, far-left uprisings have followed the same battle plans—from the first call for change to last innocent executed, from denial a revolution is even happening to declaration of the new order. Unhumans takes readers on a shocking, sweeping, and succinct journey through history to share the untold stories of radical takeovers that textbooks don’t teach.
And there is one conclusion: We’re in a new revolution right now.
But this is not a book about ideology or politics. Unhumans reveals that communism, socialism, Marxism, and all other radical-isms are not philosophies but tactics—tactics that are specifically designed to unleash terror on everyday people and revoke their human rights to life, liberty, and property. These are the forces of unhumanity. This is what they do. Every. Single. Time. Unhumans steals their playbook, breaks apart their strategies piece by piece, and lays out the tactics of what it takes to fight back—and win, using real-world examples.
Unhumans is the essential read for every concerned citizen both of the US and worldwide. We must stop what is coming.
I have a sneaking suspicion that he might be talking about us.
Maybe the reviews will give us a hint.
“In the past, communists marched in the streets waving red flags. Today, they march through HR, college campuses, and courtrooms to wage lawfare against good, honest people. In Unhumans, Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec reveal their plans and show us what to do to fight back.”
—J. D. Vance, Senator (R-OH)“Jack Posobiec sees the big picture and isn’t afraid to describe it. He’s been punished for that, but it makes him one of the rare people worth listening to.”
—Tucker Carlson“The far Left murdered 100 million people in the twentieth century and have repeatedly shown that they will stop at nothing to achieve their totalitarian goals. They have torn down countless societies using a sophisticated playbook of propaganda. The only way to stop them in the future is to use their own subversive playbook against them. Unhumans reveals that playbook and teaches us how to deploy it immediately to save the West.”
—Donald Trump, Jr.“We are now living through an era of irregular warfare. This is a gray-zone communist revolution by new means. Unhumans exposes their battle plans and offers a fifth-generation warfare system to fight back and win.”
—Lt. Gen., USA (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn“Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec have written one of the most important books of the year—or any year, for that matter. Unhumans teaches that the events Americans are living through now are not without precedent. There is a pattern to these events—a ‘gray-zone communist revolution’—and if we do not wish to repeat the pattern, we must act intelligently to stop the destructive plans of the ‘unhumans.’ This is truly a must-read book for every patriotic American.”
—Robert Stacy McCain, The American Spectator“With beauty, rhythm, and prose more often seen in fiction, Unhumans is a breakneck adventure through millennia of human history. Posobiec and Lisec guide the reader through Ancient Rome, Maoist China, Franco’s Spain, and more as they chronicle the awesome and ancient battle between civilization and uncivilization, humans and unhumans. Placing the current culture war in historical perspective, Unhumans teaches readers to combat the tyrannical forces that have crumbled empires—and that have come for our own.”
—Dr. Peter Boghossian
I appreciate that those fascist scumbags are willing to put their names on their odious ideas, at least.
Ah the punchline of that joke was priceless:
“Dr. Peter Boghossian”
He’s stooped that far has he?
What a fever dream. Did Boghossian use the Socratic method to arrive at his blurb for this book? He’s on the same frequency as Mike Flynn and Trump himself.
I think MISTER Boghossian (following MTG re Dr. Faucci) hit the mark: it’s fiction. Of course, what’s particularly scary is that fascists tend to actually do what they accuse others of doing.
And the foreword is by Stephen K. Bannon, who was pardoned by Trump for defrauding people who thought their donations were going to build a border wall, but were instead going into Stephen K. Bannon’s pocket.
Très ironique!
Oh, they think they are prepared for the communists, and the socialists, and the Marxists – but are they prepared for the gay furry hackers?
“Gay furry hackers” claim credit for Heritage Foundation cyberattack
Reginald Selkirk @ #4 — I saw a meme on FB recently with the name of the ED for the Heritage Foundation and various addresses (mail, email) suggesting a campaign of flooding them. If I could find that info again, I would join the party. I would also do it to the Federalist Society and probably a few Christo-fascist religious organizations.
If your thinking about buying a copy you can get one cheaper on Amazon. Normally I wouldn’t recommend that but in this case I would rather support the corporate machine then the indy publishing house.
Standard right wing propaganda now when he blocks communism, socialism and Marxism together. Need to drive up the boogie man factor of socialism.
Notice what he slipped in there, probably by accident. The Declaration of Independence has “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. The people that are writing this don’t see any pursuit of happiness beyond material goods.
Notice how careful the author is to exclude the American Revolution from his description of far-left. Enfranchisement? Subsidiarity in government? Rebelling against a king anointed by God and overturning the natural order of things? Expelling loyalists and seizing their property? It’s positively socialist!
And of course Trump’s idiot child uses the widely debunked 100 million from The Black Book of Communism.
@ 6
“Life, liberty, and property” is a beloved phrase of the American right. They claim it was what Jefferson originally intended to write into the Declaration of Independence, I don’t know if that’s actually true, but it’s supposed to imply that untaxed and unregulated capitalism was the intended socio-economic system for America, so no welfare or social security! The Founding Fathers wanted you to die free of starvation rather than endure the tyranny of SNAP benefits.
@ 7
Could you REALLY call the “American Revolution” a “revolution?” I don’t. How many American colonists died due to British taxation as opposed to French and Russian peasants liv under the policies of Louis XVI or Nicolas II? I’m going to go with none. I’m going to claim that not one colonist died because they had to shill out a few extra pence for tea or paper as opposed to being starved to death so Louis or Nicolas could throw another ball this week.
No, the American ”Revolution” was more like a bunch of rich, white, slave-owning assholes seizing power from another bunch of rich, white, slave-owning assholes and conning the poor to fight for them by using Enlightenment rhetoric as an excuse. No wonder the right loves it so much, the rich had really nothing to lose.
So, if anyone who takes away your rights is a communist socialist Marxist, because these are TACTICS, not philosophies, then… the conservatives on the Supreme Court are commusocialMarxists.
That was not an accident, and he wasn’t the one who made the change. The Declaration of Independence was rhetorical. But when the time came to create a functioning government the concerns moved from rhetoric to
1) preventing arbitrary punishments, which under the British had included seizure of property
2) enforceability.
Given the history of abuses of property rights and the disagreement over what a right to the pursuit of happiness might or might not mean (and thus concerns about the provision being functional at all), when the Bill of Rights was drafted, Jefferson and Madison agreed on the following wording for the 5th Amendment, which was then adopted by the Convention and ratified by the states:
He’s using the language of the Constitution, not the language of the Declaration. Sure, he got to choose which language he included, but the DoI was a one-time document. The Constitution is still a relevant document today.
Thus there are good reasons to use the language that he did even if one does not have a rapaciously greedy and materialist set of priorities.
Don’t get me wrong: he’s evil and his momma dresses him funny. Even so, his word choices don’t necessarily mean what you think that they mean — at least in that instance.
But will it replace The Protocols of the Elders of Zion?
Like many others here I suspect, I thought European fascism had been mostly defeated (with Spain and Portugal late hold-outs) iin the 1940s. Such an obviously evil and damaging system that it would never appear again and the world would gradually convert to a social democracy. Yet here we are. I had underestimated the power of the billionaires, and the media.
Someone might want to tell Jack that he might be a target after they get done with the (imaginary) Communists et al. Posobiec doesn’t sound like a proper white Anglo Saxon name.
The ultimate DARVO perhaps?
DARVO and…is full hand-wringy a thing?
Horrifying. There are so many people that swallow this BS. They have broken epistemologies.
It’s ultimately hand-wringing about criticism. Deplatforming is a form of criticism. This is what they do because they won’t show the deplatformed racists and more. It amounts to whining.
As the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy wrote back in the early 90s: “Dehumanising the victim makes things simpler…”
Only in a country so thoroughly enervated of education on Marxism, Socialism and Communism as the USA could someone get away with publishing a piece of ahistorical nonsense like this. As a part of the whole propaganda effort to keep the country ignorant, naturally.
The truth is, of course, that the people writing these things understand enough to know that the Marxist critical tradition and related Socialist and Communist ideas are a genuine threat to their preferred structures of exploitation, inequality and oppression. They know the current economic, political and social systems are unjust, unfair and entrench inequality, and their only defense is to try to prevent people from realising this.
The joke is on them, though, because all Socialism does is reveal the flaws and inadequacies of Capitalism. Socialism is Capitalism’s shadow, and if Socialism did not exist then the dissatisfaction generated by Capitalism among its victims would very quickly invent Socialism anew.
… I don’t know how it ends. Can you guess?
Colonel Mustard. Under the pizza restaurant. With a stick of chalk.
I’ve decided to use “I don’t do economic fandom wars, this is a capitalist hellscape”.
Most of the time it’s got nothing to do with an economic or government system, it’s cooties about something political.
Knowing (more than I want to) about Jack Posobiec, I had to look up Joshua Lisec.
He also claims expertise in hypnosis.
Could have just called it Untermenschen and been done with it.
Cthulhu, this is so far out on the lunatic fringes that there isn’t much to say.
These fascists really need to update their demonology.
Communism is more or less dead and has been for decades.
It didn’t work and failed.
These kooks and liars have dug up a dead body somewhere and are claiming it is going to take over the world.
No, it is going to fall over as soon as you drop it, and end up as a heap of disconnected bones.
I’d never heard of Jack Posobiec.
For good reasons. He is an Alex Jones class professional liar, fascist hater, and white racist.
He is nobody worthwhile. A generic right wingnut hater.
Alex Jones without the multi-billion lawsuit judgement against him.
But this is the genius of it. This is not a history, it is a secret history! Says so right in the subtitle, i.e. wilfully conspiratorial thinking that allows the authors to demonise anyone whose politics they dislike in despite zero, or even contrary evidence.
Here’s Bogo’s Substack on the book:
And video interview of Posobiec:
@6 Wait a couple weeks and it’ll show up in Amazon or somebody’s used book marketplace for $1.98. And no royalties for posobiec.
I did wait.
Any solution that contains the maximum amount of solute that can be dissolved under the condition at which the solution exists is a final solution.
“Deplatform”? DEPLATFORM??? The reds are going to deplatform us??? Jesus fucking Christ! I can’t breathe…help! Help!!!
Let me check my Twitter followers…
Under 20? My life is meaningless.
Every once in a while, I get some wholesome story that renews my faith in humanity. Then something like this comes to my attention and wrecks it yet again.
Read some of the quotes. Definitely getting the impression that the author labors under the delusion that actions always achieve intended results, hence, if an opportunist grabs power during the chaos of a revolution, the purpose of the revolution was to give them that power.
If “the Left” wrote a book demonizing conservatives as much as this book does to “the Left”, then conservatives would be whining about being persecuted and how the book needs to be banned everywhere. Self-awareness is not their strong point.
If you’re “waging lawfare”, you aren’t involved in a communist revolution.
Democratic socialists think the system can be reformed. Communists think it can’t, because monied interests write and rewrite the rules at every level to ensure that it does not and cannot.
Just about every sentence in Posobiec’s demonology is either wrong, a lie, or both.
Who is waging lawfare and winning is the wealthy 1% oligarchy.
A few examples:
.1. The laws in the USA are written to distribute the wealth produced by everyone to…the 1%.
Corporate taxes are very low and were lowered by the Trump regime even more.
They are the lowest of any advanced countries.
.2. Our tax laws are written to favor the oligarchy.
Capital gains taxes are low and are also applied to corporate dividends.
.3. Whenever the corporations sue the Federal government, such as the EPA, for rules protecting the environment, that is…lawfare.
.4. The US Supreme court has been captured by the far right wingnuts and is always creating laws out of thin air favoring the corporations and wealthy.
The latest was overturning Chevron case law thereby limiting Federal agencies ability to regulate corporate activities.
.5. They also overturning Roe versus Wade and making abortion illegal in half the states again.
This doesn’t directly favor the wealthy but is a huge favor to part of their voting block, the fundie xians forced birthers/female slavers.
We watch right wingnut/1% oligarchy lawfare every day. And, they have been steadily winning for decades.
I’d never heard of Posobiec.
He is a generic white racist and right wingnut.
He also lost his security clearance 7 years ago.
He was too far out there for even the US Navy.
@ ^ raven : Does the US navy have a particularly bad reputation here? My impression – from a great distance and not really knowing anybody within it – is that the US navy was reasonably good as far as accepting reality goes certainly at the top with things like Admiral David Titley talking here on Satellite Temperature and Climate Models. (3 min 53 secs.) I had the impression it was the Air Force that had a lot of Christianists and reichwingers but, again, I really don’t know, just a vague impression. Is the navy that bad for having a large number of Christianist / White Supremacist people in it?
StevoR, not that I know of.
The military in general leans conservative but mostly it isn’t all the way to the current far right wingnut version.
The Navy doesn’t stand out as being all that bad.
And as you point out, it is the US Air Force that has a lot of problems.
Still, if you look at the advertising above, one of the signers is…
Lt. Gen., USA (Ret.) Michael T. Flynn.
That Flynn. The crackpot who was convicted during the Trump regine and pardoned by Trump.
General Flynn is retired which is good because he is a loon.
The piece is self-contradictory. If communism et al is a tactic, and they have to adopt the same tactics to win, then THEY are communists.
PZ needs to spend some quality time in what’s left of northwestern Cambodia. They took the Khmer Rouge’s guns away in 1999, but they still have axes.
@ 39
To the rank-and-file right-winger, “Communism” isn’t just a hypothetical economic system, it also serves as an umbrella term for any group, political movement, or policy they don’t like: Taxes? Communism! Environmental protection laws? Communism! Atheism? Communism! Gun control? Communism! LGBTQ folks? Communism! Desegregation? Communism! Feminism? Communism! Seat Belt Laws? Communism! (Yes. Really.)