These ‘aliens’ wouldn’t be out of place in a roadside museum

The USA has been one-upped. Our congress listened soberly as crackpots told them all about UFOs whizzing about through our skies, but the Mexican congress got to see alien bodies.

Are you impressed by all the anatomical details, the CAT scans of the bodies, the boldness of the speaker? I hope not. Here’s a video of these specimens.

They’re doll-sized. They look like they’re made out of papier mache.

I suspect they’re a bit like the Fiji mermaids, which were made from monkey bodies stitched to fish. I’m going to guess these are mangled and manipulated animal bones, crudely covered with a rough matrix of some sort, and that’s it.

Putting three eggs in one of them was a nice touch, though.


  1. says

    That’s the real reason aliens haven’t contacted us. Not because they’re morally superior to us. Not because they’re worried about culturally contaminating us. No, they’re simply upset at the crappy depictions we make of them. They’re very sensitive about their looks.

  2. robro says

    Scientific American has tried to tackle the resent hoopla:

    How Wealthy UFO Fans Helped Fuel Fringe Beliefs

    Congressional UFO Hearing Shows Need for More Transparency

    There are more in this section of SciAm.

    The first one is particularly interesting because it’s consistent with a theme running through our national political culture: very wealthy people can get people in Congress to pay attention to their whims. The rest of us can go suck. As long as “serving” in an elected office requires huge sums of money, I think we can expect more and more cases like this, Thomas, DeSantis, et al. As my dear old dad would regularly say, why would anyone spend millions of dollars to win a job that pays $174,000?

  3. birgerjohansson says

    Check the molecules for stereoisomers. If all have the same “handedness” as Earth life, you already are halfway to debunking the rubbish.

    But don’t stop there. Svante Pääbo and his colleagues will want to extract DNA or whatever… finding the genomes of the ordinary Earth species used for his hoax.
    If they want attention, then give them more attention than they bargained for.

  4. birgerjohansson says

    If we don’t make it past the last level of “The Great Filter”, it will be because of stupid and/or corrupt politicians like these.

  5. says

    There are dried cod in markets that look more authentic as aliens than these do. Our arts group produced a video that clearly explains that aliens (as if!?) would keep an eye on earth and avoid humans’ unstoppable desire to destroy everything they see. And, about our government (ROFLMAO) spending all that time and money to cater to these tin-foil hat crackpots and ooh and aaah at the tiny specks on aircraft screens, I think it is great entertainment for the drooling masses and that’s all. Now, I and a friend are going to get our video camera and an old chrome car hubcap and make a back yard video that will make us famous on social media.

  6. mordred says

    What I found rather interesting is that someone thought it would make sense to do C14 dating on these “mummies”. Well, if these things really were from a different planet, why should their bodies contain the same percentage of C14 when they were still alive as living beings in out biosphere?

    Of course anybody talking about alien DNA has proven himself either clueless of a fraud to me. What would be the odds that an alien creature used DNA in a way so similar to us that a standard test would show anything useful?

  7. says

    @7 mordred said: if these things really were from a different planet, why should their bodies contain the same percentage of C14 when they were still alive as living beings in out biosphere?
    I reply: mordred, you are spoiling all the fun by being intelligent and insightful! Your points are excellent. But, the u.s. gov’t isn’t spending all that money on a circus sideshow for crackpots just to have you ruin it with science.

  8. mordred says

    @8: Nothing particularly intelligent or insightful, I’d say. C14 dating was explained in my kiddy science books back in the 80s. ;-)

    Now that reminds me of one especially hilarious UFO guy, Billy Meier:

    Among other blunders he supernaturally received pictures of prehistoric animals from his alien friends which turned out to be low quality photos taken from a beautifully illustrated dinosaur book for kids – a book I had as a kid!

  9. Pierce R. Butler says

    Scientists call fraud on supposed extraterrestrials presented to Mexican Congress:

    “It’s the queen of all evidence,” [Mexican journalist José Jaime] Maussan claimed. “That is, if the DNA is showing us that they are non-human beings and that there is nothing that looks like this in the world, we should take it as such.”

    But he warned that he didn’t want to refer to them as “extraterrestrials” just yet. …

    … On Wednesday, Julieta Fierro, researcher at the Institute of Astronomy at the National Autonomous University of Mexico, was among those to express skepticism…

    … “Maussan has done many things. He says he has talked to the Virgin of Guadalupe,” she said. “He told me extraterrestrials do not talk to me like they talk to him because I don’t believe in them.”

    The scientist added that it seemed strange that they extracted what would surely be a “treasure of the nation” from Peru without inviting the Peruvian ambassador.

  10. Alejandro Pizano says

    Long time lurker here. The guy who presented this has been debunked lots of times on his false claims since the 80s. He is just someone that is making money from UFO fans in Latin America. This is just a distraction as Mexico presidential elections are months away.

  11. birgerjohansson says

    Christoph @13
    Oh, yes. The protagonist has without knowing it fused with an Alien symbiont. And he jumps through the “Rhennius machine”.

  12. Reginald Selkirk says

    @14: I think I read that he testified under oath. So if he was found to be misrepresenting anything, they should jail him for perjury and contempt of Congress.

  13. says

    Our congress listened soberly as crackpots told them all about UFOs whizzing about through our skies,…

    …after which the Lizardcongresspeople accused the Greycongresspeople of being the source of the leak, and the Greys responded “No, it was you scaly scumbuckets”…

  14. StevoR says

    FWIW some more serious extraterrestrial lifefroms stories here :

    In the past few decades, several phenomena have led to excited speculation in the scientific community that they might indeed be indications that there is extraterrestrial life. It will no doubt happen again. ..(snip).. So how can we be sure we’ve come to the right conclusion for something as subtle as the presence of a certain gas or a strange looking space rock? In our new paper published in the journal Astrobiology, we have proposed a technique for reliably evaluating such evidence.

    Source :

    Plus :

    Fast forward to current times, and our modern technological and global civilization is changing the Earth’s entire biosphere. From carbon emissions that acidify the oceans and weaken the shells of marine life to microplastics that find their way into organisms’ bloodstreams, our technology is intersecting, or combining, with the biosphere.

    This has spawned a useful word: biotechnosphere.

    Get accustomed to the word biotechnosphere. It’s appearing more often, and if you’re not familiar with it, you might soon be. It’s a word with a purpose whose time has come. The biosphere comprises the parts of Earth where life exists, and the biotechnosphere is the biosphere intersecting with our technology.

    Source :

    Also :

    In its 33-page report, (on UAP’s-ed) an independent team commissioned by NASA cautioned that the negative perception surrounding UFOs poses an obstacle to collecting data. But officials said NASA’s involvement should help reduce the stigma around what it calls UAPs, or unidentified anomalous phenomena.

    “We want to shift the conversation about UAPs from sensationalism to science,” NASA Administrator Bill Nelson said. He promised an open and transparent approach.

    Source :

    Seems pretty reasonable to me. More science less stigma generally a good rule & that people are seeing some strange things even if NOT actually aliens is also pretty clear even if most are misidentified.

  15. John Morales says


    some more serious extraterrestrial lifefroms stories

    Low bar; it could hardly get less serious.

    (Another proposed technique, yay!)

    Seems pretty reasonable to me. More science less stigma generally a good rule & that people are seeing some strange things even if NOT actually aliens is also pretty clear even if most are misidentified.

    Limited resources. Extensive stupid claims.

    (Think of DDOS, but for science instead of bandwidth)

  16. Alt-X says

    There’s a video from years ago that debunks this, scans show it bones are made up of different human and animal bones, bones placed upside down, wrong type of bones in the wrong spot etc. So it looks like they used human skin and bones, animal bones and papier mached up their own alien. The question is did the guy that is known for faking alien bodies in the past make them, or were they made long ago and were found.

  17. wzrd1 says

    Alt-X, even money it’s rinsed and repeated bullshit on rye, calling it a Reuben sandwich.

    Which reminds me, get ingredients for a real Reuben. Haven’t had one in a few years, got 2/3’s of the ingredients…