He should have stopped with the first line

Bill Maher made an announcement.

I agree. That is very unfortunate.

He kept writing, and made it even worse.

He’s a scab. OK, it’s coming back, only now with no writers and just his trademark smarmy ignorance.

I haven’t watched his show in years, maybe a decade or so. I’m confident that it has not improved, and this will simply be another inflection point in which the quality of the show nosedives for the garbage heap.


  1. hemidactylus says

    I rewatched Religulous recently. It wasn’t horrible aside from Maher’s sickening eliitist arrogance. He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.

    Real Time comes across similarly. It’s his ongoing war with young people with their smartphones that’s the worst of it all. Yet I still watch. Hatewatch.

    Sometimes he has interesting guests who transcend his obnoxiousness.

    His latest snark about the writers’ strike is unsurprising.

  2. Walter Solomon says

    I do remember years ago before his show became absolutely insufferable how his views were more sympathetic toward content creators. In that case it was about musicians.

    He had made the point that between the musician and music consumer, the musician gets the short end of the stick since the consumer need only pay for the music once and can potentially listen to it for life. I guess since it’s now affecting his wallet all of that contrived sympathy has dried up.

  3. Akira MacKenzie says

    Remember when we thought this guy was left wing? Of course, I grew up in a VERY right wing family so I now realize those labels are relative.

    As a boomer hippie-turned-yuppie, Bill Mahr’s ideology is What-Ever-Pleases-Bill-Mahr. Is Mahr an atheist because he has a rational disbelief in deities and the supernatural? Have you heard this man’s opinions on science-based medicine? No, he doesn’t like religion because most of them won’t let him do drugs and fuck. Any “liberal” economic views he has seem to take back seat to his own obnoxious wealth. His views on racism are pure upper-class centrist: “We’ve already had a civil rights movement, what more do you uppity darkies want?”

    Mahr should lay bare the truth about the “progressivism” of his selfish, greedy generation. Progress was only sought when it benefited them. (Hey! Just like the Democrats!)

  4. Akira MacKenzie says

    Remember when we thought this guy was left wing? Of course, I grew up in a VERY right wing family so I now realize those labels are relative.

    As a boomer hippie-turned-yuppie, Bill Mahr’s ideology is What-Ever-Pleases-Bill-Mahr. Is Mahr an atheist because he has a rational disbelief in deities and the supernatural? Have you heard this man’s opinions on science-based medicine? No, he doesn’t like religion because most of them won’t let him do drugs and fuck. Any “liberal” economic views he has seem to take back seat to his own obnoxious wealth. His views on racism are pure upper-class centrist: “We’ve already had a civil rights movement, what more do you uppity darkies want?”

    Mahr should lay bare the truth about the “progressivism” of his selfish, greedy generation. Progress was only sought when it benefited them. (Hey! Just like the Democrats!)

  5. Doc Bill says

    It’s all about Maher, not the base, not the treble. Maher isn’t interested in “putting people to work.” Total rubbish. No, he needs to get his mug in front of the camera.

    Poor Maher, we done forgots you!

  6. says

    I’m no intellectual giant, but I always want to learn. However, there are SOOO many in our crumbling society that are certain as @1 hemidactylus says: He thinks he’s the smartest guy in the room.

  7. numerobis says

    Maher strikes me as a NYT type of leftist. Loudly liberal, hated by the right… but come right down to it, it’s just an affectation.

  8. says

    @4 Akira MacKenzie complained about: the “progressivism” of his selfish, greedy generation.
    I reply: I understand and agree with your point about greedy people. I don’t like trite labels of groups. Often the labels clump disparate groups together. Truly progressive people that I know (and I’m on the fringe of that) aren’t selfish or greedy. Those I know (and I like to consider myself this way) are responsible, caring and honest. Remember, as we’ve published:
    Conservative always begins with a con. Progressive always begins with progress.

  9. says

    We used to watch him and enjoyed most of his show but when he did it from home during the pandemic he was clearly doing it without writers and he stunk. Not just elitist BS but downright drivel.
    So now doing it in a studio without those writers it is clear to me that he’ll destroy what little credibility he has left.

  10. Trickster Goddess says

    Not having writers probably won’t hurt the quality of the show much since he didn’t have very good ones. One of the reasons I stopped watching years ago was almost every week there was a “Chris Christie is fat, hurh, hurh” joke in his standup.

  11. flange says

    I agree with PZ and other commenters here.
    No one is smarter than Bill Maher thinks he is.
    He laughs at his own jokes as he’s telling them, to let you know that it’s a joke, and you should laugh.
    He’s a smug, asshole fat shamer. It pisses me off because I’m fat. It betrays his shallow intellect.
    He said he used to be a Republican. But he still fits the Republican profile; lack of empathy, doesn’t care about people other than himself, knows all the answers, shouts down people who disagree with him.
    I haven’t watched him in years.

  12. hemidactylus says

    I will probably watch out of curiosity toward nasty trainwrecks, but will he be able to book guests? Anyone who shows up would be kinda crossing the line, right? Showing up on Maher’s show would be a blemish I assume. Such an opportunity to bloviate would self-select for guests lacking concern for the strikers.

    I would feel kinda bad about hatewatching Maher encouraging such line crossing but I love rubbernecking at disasters. This would be a Poseidon adventure level self-own. The wave of public opinion could be devastating, though Maher said stuff after 9-11 he managed to survive so who knows:


  13. StevoR says

    Bill Maher : It is time to bring people back to work.

    Yes, yes it is – so does that mean you are going to insist the wrietrs and other people be paid properly and have reasonable working conditions that are mutually agreed and fair?

    Hmm.. don’t really sound like that does it?

    Yes, the strike should be resolved and ended – by pressuring the bosses into finally doing the right thing and respecting -and paying and priding the desired conditions for the workers.

    Maher keeps proving himself to be an utter douche.

  14. dorght says

    Jon Stewart returned with “A Daily Show” during the previous writers strike. In retrospect I shouldn’t have been so tolerant of his claims he did it to support the other crew of the show. Maybe he was just anti-union. This time around every show that tries to return should be vilified.