Gwyneth Paltrow would have you believe that her vagina smells like this:
With a funny, gorgeous, sexy, and beautifully unexpected scent, this candle is made with geranium, citrusy bergamot, and cedar absolutes juxtaposed with Damask rose and ambrette seed to put us in mind of fantasy, seduction, and a sophisticated warmth.
I’m not going to test her claim that her crotch smells like a geranium soaked in Earl Grey, but somehow I doubt that it does, and also it’s rather egotistical that she thinks it does. People aren’t flowers.
It’s probably the least harmful lie on her site, at least.
No words can properly relay the amount of recoil that triggered in me.
In business marketing class I believe they call that puffery. Any elsewhere it’s called bullshit.
No. Just NO!
So this is something like wine tasting?
I have just been visualizing this product testing session. Is that very wrong of me?
Will there be a matching his Fromunda candle…out in time for Valentines Day?
Heh, “lap” odour in the title, vaginal odour in the text.
(This is a job for Sacha Baron Cohen!)
Is there a gap in the market for a deodorant for the male genitals? It could be called CockSure.
They tried that. Given the astringency and other side-effects it was called “Ow! My balls!”
I guess Gwyneth otherwise would have marketing problems with guys shoving eggs up into their umm…well there are other avenues she could approach, but she should try it first. Women should tell her the same.
Sarah Silverman: a few men I’ve been with have told me that my vagina smells like a peach, a Peach-Tree dish.
the Chinese have used a peach as a symbol for suggesting the female sexual organs I believe.
I thought it was the appearance never thought of smell before.
I heard once heard René Auberjonois reading a very strange dark book called “Perfume” by Patrick Süskind very compelling and bizarre and when the subject of human scent comes up I always remember it. no movie could tell that story better then hearing him read it.
uncle frogy
Ah, a new approach to good oral hygiene. The March of Science!
With the exception of (odourless) laughing gas, how can a scent be “funny”?
The sad thing is she is going to sell hundreds of these. The worst rubes are rubes with money. Seemingly no matter how much education or money they have, some people will always be rubes.
I’ve seen it suggested that women use fruit as a means of dealing with vaginal odor before. As in, stick the fruit in there.
Sounds like a fantastic way to get a yeast infection, or worse, to me.
No. Just no.
@microraptor — Oof. Yeah. That’ll set you up for an interesting infection.
Technically you can claim your genitals smell like whatever is inside the bottle if you rub enough of whatever is inside the bottle on your genitals.
Well she probably has shoved most of that stuff (including the candle??) up there, so who knows…..
$75 for a fucking CANDLE?!?!?
And for the really kinky, soon to be followed by: This Smells Like My Asshole
While Paltrow most definitely deserves all the mocking connected to this candle, let’s at least be aware of what led to this.
Specifically, they were working with new scents and for one trial, someone remarked of it, “This smells like a vagina.” It was not, specifically, Paltrow’s vagina that was being remarked upon, just a generic comment about the scent.
They thought the comment was funny and decided to work on the scent to make it something pleasant and kept the name as a laugh.