Hyperbole laden humor, the penultimate in sarcasm.
My preferred weapon in those circumstances is a 40 mm grenade launcher loaded with artichokes.
That the artichokes are too big to fit inside of a 40 mm chamber is entirely my joke.
The excess artichokes will then be prepared by cutting the pitch from the stem, dicing it and garlic, placing the diced result between the petals, place in the steaming pot with an inch or two of water (pot size depending), drizzle with oil and chili pepper flakes. Steam until the petals can easily pull free from the flower.
Scrape the inner petal free with your teeth, enjoy! The heart is excellent as well, just don’t eat the choke. Although, as an advanced artichoke eater, I do eat the seeds from the choke.
That said, I trained our children on the safe handling of firearms from age two. The first lesson, “All guns are loaded, regardless of ‘how unloaded’ someone tells you that they are. They’re only unloaded when *I* or your mother prove it to you”.
By age 4, they knew how to field strip an M1911A1, although I never had them physically do so (they’d break their fingers attempting it) and the damned things were under lock and key when not in use.
Dad may have raised a dummy, but he didn’t raise a fool.
Curt Sampsonsays
I’m finding it very hard to believe the show isn’t taking the piss.Take for example this exchange:
US: [Children] haven’t quite developed yet what we call “conscience….” If they haven’t developed that yet they can be very effective soldiers. This year in our state government they had a bill put in that would have made it illegal for someone four years old to twelve years old to have access to a gun… Erran Morad: [Raises arms in agitated amazonement.] What… Philip Van Cleave: Oh we killed, we killed the bill. Morad:They tried to stop four-year-old children from having access to guns?! Van Cleave: Yeah. Yes. Morad: [Still agitated amazement.] What is the logic that these people come up with? Van Cleave: They just think that children can’t handle them. Morad: We want three-year-olds who are real experts at what they are doing, not three-year-olds who are reckless.
I’d be surprised if these folks didn’t come across as nutcases even to many folks who believe in widespread personal firearm ownership.
But who knows, maybe they have a point. How about starting a private charity that meets families coming in over the Mexican border and gives them the essentials of survival as they enter America: water, some food and handguns. Then the kids could defend themselves against Big Government oppression that separates them from their parents. It would be a conservative America twofer!
It’s hard to believe I’m breathing the same air as these insane ratfucks.
The fact these bozo’s can’t even spot such a preposterously over-the-top character explains the intellectual capacity they bring to bear whenever they insinuate “FAKE NEWS!”. These are seriously senseless dimwits and proudly asinine in their certitude.
Speaking of terrible people, Elon called one of the British cave divers in Thailand a pedo
Woah woah woah. WTF? Did that dude say that before they develop a conscience and learn right from wrong, children can be very effective soldiers?
I’m out. That’s more than enough for me.
It would be laughable, if it wasn’t so chilling.
David Frum’s conclusion from this clip is that people like Baron Cohen should stop trying to take advantage of people’s love for Israel in order to deceive and humiliate them. (Joe Walsh said he was duped into making the statement on video after being given a fake “friend of Israel” award.)
But then, why should any serious person or cause want the support of someone who will say anything in exchange for a little ego stroking?
Chris Capocciasays
the first 40 seconds up to where he walks across the street seems to be mimicking Vinnie Jones World’s Toughest Cops https://www.netflix.com/title/80186393
Im not from the US (Im from down under).
I presume its all parody, is this right ?
Cohen is making stuff up, like the Kinder Guard, but acting as though it’s a real thing, to see what these idiotic assholes will say about it, so it’s only part parody. The responses received from people like Walsh and Palin, that’s all too real.
Jeeez, what can I say.
This is both hilarious and horrifying at the same time. The “neurotransmitter Blink-182” was comedy genius. That SBC could get a senior lawmaker to spout that crap just because he thought it would help his gun lobby standing is terrifying.
Phrenomythic Productionssays
Nope. I think I rather wanna watch videos with puppies and kittens instead. Sorry.
haha he’s taking the piss out of the Right. I’m OK with this :)
Pretty sure Van Cleave is the same guy John Oliver ‘discussed’ gun control with a couple of years back. He’s not the sharpest tool in the box, to put it bluntly.
Unfortunately, the right has been warned and won’t see it on Fox News. They wouldn’t care much anyway, if they’re happy with Ted “suck on my machine gun” Nugent on the NRA board.
Rarely have I seen anything so simultaneously darkly humorous and unutterably horrifying. Needless to say, at least some of the unethical creeps who were exposed by Cohen are now trying to play the victim and whip up outrage against the show that is showing the world their true colours.
Seriously, how do these people not see through that horrendous make-up job? The entire top half of his face is a prosthetic, including furrowed brow lines that never change and eyebrows that never move. Either their completely stupid dupes or they’re all being disingenuous.
While I appreciate the joke, and think it’s hilarious, I expect that a fair portion of the gun lobby will now double-down and claim that arming 4 year-olds is a good idea.
Seriously, how do these people not see through that horrendous make-up job?
Keep in mind how the righty-tighties think:
1) They are attracted to his “message”, so they buy in;
2) If they perceive anything “off” or peculiar about him, they attribute it to his being a furriner.
Like all theatre, it rests upon suspension of disbelief.
Oh dear, the 45 seconds or so after the 9:45 point are just too funny.
David Frum’s conclusion from this clip is that people like Baron Cohen should stop trying to take advantage of people’s love for Israel in order to deceive and humiliate them.
I usually think of Frum as an almost sane Republican. Oh well, there goes that belief.
Porivil Sorrenssays
We are well past that point. Walmart has a youth hunting rifle section in a lot of states, that sells bright, whimsically colored weaponry that these MAGA chuds buy their kids before they hit their 10th birthday.
[In reference to @21: I expect that a fair portion of the gun lobby will now double-down and claim that arming 4 year-olds is a good idea]
We are well past that point. Walmart has a youth hunting rifle section in a lot of states, that sells bright, whimsically colored weaponry […]
The comedian duped Republican with his fake ‘Kinderguardians’ scheme, but the gun lobby is aggressively marketing to kids
Household gun ownership in the US is steadily declining so recruiting a new generation of gun enthusiasts is a priority for the gun lobby. They are not shy about stating this either. A 2012 report by the Hunting Heritage Trust and the National Shooting Sports Foundation states: It is important to consider more hunting and target shooting recruitment programs aimed at middle school level, or earlier.
Young children looking […] have plenty of options when it comes to guns designed just for them. A 2014 article on NRA Family, an NRA-run website, profiles Marlin’s new kid-friendly rifles. The writer enthuses that Marlin’s new XT line of .22 rifles … are not just sized for kids; they’re completely designed for kids. In fact, kids help make the rifles! We are told that Marlin engaged in a lengthy research program using real kids as test subjects. Kids were also invited to test the rifles at a special event where they were entertained by Marlin Man … the mounted cowboy Marlin has used as a logo for many years.
Another article on the NRA Family website suggests kids might also think about using Thompson/Center HotShot rifle, a tiny gun intended for the very youngest shooters. A company spokesman explains that gun targets the six- to 12-year-old range. These come in a variety of fun colour options.
[… Crickett] manufactures quality firearms for America’s youth under the tagline My First Rifle, which come in designs like hot pink and camouflage. Flanking all their promotional material is a cute cartoon cricket wielding a rifle.
There are pictures at the link. The picture from the Crickett catalogue, in which an obviously very young girl wielding a bright pink(! what else?) rife is nauseating. (She is wearing ear protection, which is the only “good” thing I can see — but it is bright pink of course.)
I cannot help but wondering : are the US really special, or could we find the same amount of insanity in any country ?
In the Philippines they have Duterte and his policies on drugs, so we have a serious contender here.
I um….I started crying…not joy…the satire was too sharp…too true…at the end where Cohen had Larry Pratt reading just made up feces…how so many of them parroted “from 12 to 4”…and I wonder: did Cohen edit every nayser rather than the one gop rep from Florida? Sweet jeebus, on my iPad Pro watching the non-enlarged YouTube clip it was obvious Cohen had a mask on.
I’m….going to crawl into a corner, suck my thumb, and think about Maddow and Obama. You know cohen’s older brother is a well respected developmental psychologist…what his youngest sibling just pulled off makes Borat and a PhD look like a random love explosion on my stomax.
Hyperbole laden humor, the penultimate in sarcasm.
My preferred weapon in those circumstances is a 40 mm grenade launcher loaded with artichokes.
That the artichokes are too big to fit inside of a 40 mm chamber is entirely my joke.
The excess artichokes will then be prepared by cutting the pitch from the stem, dicing it and garlic, placing the diced result between the petals, place in the steaming pot with an inch or two of water (pot size depending), drizzle with oil and chili pepper flakes. Steam until the petals can easily pull free from the flower.
Scrape the inner petal free with your teeth, enjoy! The heart is excellent as well, just don’t eat the choke. Although, as an advanced artichoke eater, I do eat the seeds from the choke.
That said, I trained our children on the safe handling of firearms from age two. The first lesson, “All guns are loaded, regardless of ‘how unloaded’ someone tells you that they are. They’re only unloaded when *I* or your mother prove it to you”.
By age 4, they knew how to field strip an M1911A1, although I never had them physically do so (they’d break their fingers attempting it) and the damned things were under lock and key when not in use.
Dad may have raised a dummy, but he didn’t raise a fool.
I’m finding it very hard to believe the show isn’t taking the piss.Take for example this exchange:
I’d be surprised if these folks didn’t come across as nutcases even to many folks who believe in widespread personal firearm ownership.
But who knows, maybe they have a point. How about starting a private charity that meets families coming in over the Mexican border and gives them the essentials of survival as they enter America: water, some food and handguns. Then the kids could defend themselves against Big Government oppression that separates them from their parents. It would be a conservative America twofer!
It’s hard to believe I’m breathing the same air as these insane ratfucks.
The fact these bozo’s can’t even spot such a preposterously over-the-top character explains the intellectual capacity they bring to bear whenever they insinuate “FAKE NEWS!”. These are seriously senseless dimwits and proudly asinine in their certitude.
Speaking of terrible people, Elon called one of the British cave divers in Thailand a pedo
Woah woah woah. WTF? Did that dude say that before they develop a conscience and learn right from wrong, children can be very effective soldiers?
I’m out. That’s more than enough for me.
It would be laughable, if it wasn’t so chilling.
David Frum’s conclusion from this clip is that people like Baron Cohen should stop trying to take advantage of people’s love for Israel in order to deceive and humiliate them. (Joe Walsh said he was duped into making the statement on video after being given a fake “friend of Israel” award.)
But then, why should any serious person or cause want the support of someone who will say anything in exchange for a little ego stroking?
the first 40 seconds up to where he walks across the street seems to be mimicking Vinnie Jones World’s Toughest Cops https://www.netflix.com/title/80186393
Im not from the US (Im from down under).
I presume its all parody, is this right ?
graham2 @ 10:
Cohen is making stuff up, like the Kinder Guard, but acting as though it’s a real thing, to see what these idiotic assholes will say about it, so it’s only part parody. The responses received from people like Walsh and Palin, that’s all too real.
Jeeez, what can I say.
This is both hilarious and horrifying at the same time. The “neurotransmitter Blink-182” was comedy genius. That SBC could get a senior lawmaker to spout that crap just because he thought it would help his gun lobby standing is terrifying.
Nope. I think I rather wanna watch videos with puppies and kittens instead. Sorry.
haha he’s taking the piss out of the Right. I’m OK with this :)
Pretty sure Van Cleave is the same guy John Oliver ‘discussed’ gun control with a couple of years back. He’s not the sharpest tool in the box, to put it bluntly.
Unfortunately, the right has been warned and won’t see it on Fox News. They wouldn’t care much anyway, if they’re happy with Ted “suck on my machine gun” Nugent on the NRA board.
Is Blink-182 made in Shatner’s Bassoon, by any chance?
Rarely have I seen anything so simultaneously darkly humorous and unutterably horrifying. Needless to say, at least some of the unethical creeps who were exposed by Cohen are now trying to play the victim and whip up outrage against the show that is showing the world their true colours.
Seriously, how do these people not see through that horrendous make-up job? The entire top half of his face is a prosthetic, including furrowed brow lines that never change and eyebrows that never move. Either their completely stupid dupes or they’re all being disingenuous.
While I appreciate the joke, and think it’s hilarious, I expect that a fair portion of the gun lobby will now double-down and claim that arming 4 year-olds is a good idea.
Keep in mind how the righty-tighties think:
1) They are attracted to his “message”, so they buy in;
2) If they perceive anything “off” or peculiar about him, they attribute it to his being a furriner.
Like all theatre, it rests upon suspension of disbelief.
Oh dear, the 45 seconds or so after the 9:45 point are just too funny.
David Frum’s conclusion from this clip is that people like Baron Cohen should stop trying to take advantage of people’s love for Israel in order to deceive and humiliate them.
I usually think of Frum as an almost sane Republican. Oh well, there goes that belief.
We are well past that point. Walmart has a youth hunting rifle section in a lot of states, that sells bright, whimsically colored weaponry that these MAGA chuds buy their kids before they hit their 10th birthday.
Sacha Baron Cohen’s scheme to arm toddlers isn’t far from reality:
There are pictures at the link. The picture from the Crickett catalogue, in which an obviously very young girl wielding a bright pink(! what else?) rife is nauseating. (She is wearing ear protection, which is the only “good” thing I can see — but it is bright pink of course.)
I cannot help but wondering : are the US really special, or could we find the same amount of insanity in any country ?
In the Philippines they have Duterte and his policies on drugs, so we have a serious contender here.
I um….I started crying…not joy…the satire was too sharp…too true…at the end where Cohen had Larry Pratt reading just made up feces…how so many of them parroted “from 12 to 4”…and I wonder: did Cohen edit every nayser rather than the one gop rep from Florida? Sweet jeebus, on my iPad Pro watching the non-enlarged YouTube clip it was obvious Cohen had a mask on.
I’m….going to crawl into a corner, suck my thumb, and think about Maddow and Obama. You know cohen’s older brother is a well respected developmental psychologist…what his youngest sibling just pulled off makes Borat and a PhD look like a random love explosion on my stomax.