Trump, supposedly honoring Indian military service, can’t help taking a racist snipe at Elizabeth Warren.
Trump, while remarking on the age and achievements of some of the veterans, known as code talkers, took the chance to mock the Massachusetts Democrat.
You were here long before any of us were here,Trump said at the White House.Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas.
You’d think this would be one kind of event where our president could show a little dignity and respect — but he doesn’t have a drop of either in him.
So the grandson of grandpa Drumpf feels inferior to the anglo-saxon congresswoman whose ancestors arrived earlier
He is a walking lump of insecurities.
Oops, I misunderstood. An insult to Warren ended up an insult to the audience. I did not get the reference.
Always a good time to point out that Trump’s dad pretended their benighted family was Swedish (because selling Queens real estate in the 1940s was a tough sell for a German), and that Trump himself maintained this family falsehood for decades, at least up to and including in the pages of Art of the Deal.
His dementia seems to be progressing more and more rapidly,
so maybe not too much longer.
I’d have a greater chance of finishing an ironman than Trump exhibiting dignity and respect.
Only 7 more years to go, followed by 8 years of a do-nothing Democrat, followed by 8 years of President Alex Jones. Somebody broke an awful lot of mirrors.
Lol Kevin. You are completely right. Although I’d switch President Alex Jones with Steve Bannon. I’m dead serious and calling it right now.
“His dementia seems to be progressing more and more rapidly,
so maybe not too much longer.”
Oh come on. Cheap armchair-psychiatry popshots at mental health? I hope we can do better than that.
Back on topic, a disgusting comment from a tawdry President, as usual.
These people are responsible for saving probably tens of thousands of lives, if not – along with the Bletchley codebreakers – for winning the war against fascism.
Donald Trump is a piece of shit. He’ll be remembered by global humanity as a piece of shit.
Dementia is a neurological disorder and not a so-called mental illness. Trump has a family history of Alzheimer’s. There is some evidence of neurological deterioration (on top of his various psychological disturbances) on Trump’s part. (I don’t recommend The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump for a variety of reasons.)
SC (Salty Current) wrote:
Regardless, this has little to do with Turnip’s constant use of other people’s events to either promote himself or bully others. Worse still, it acts as an excuse for his terrible behaviour when none should exist. This is little more than Trump being Trump.
He needs to go such an embarrassment.
Google sez doo ʼáhályáanii is Navajo for jackass (foolish person).
And he did the recognition ceremony in front of a picture of Andrew Jackson. Could he be more tone deaf? Whoever on his staff thought that was the perfect place? I doubt he could pick Andrew Jackson out of a line up unless it was a $20 bill. Honoring Native Americans by putting them in front of the guy who signed the Indian Removal Act is… words fail me. Were there *no* other locations available?
And no one said it did.
No one has presented anything as an excuse.
(Honestly, I’m uncomfortable allying with chigau. Please try to be more nuanced.:))
These people are responsible for saving probably tens of thousands of lives, if not – along with the Bletchley codebreakers – for winning the war against fascism.
I don’t mean to minimize the role of the Allied soldiers or the Resistance! Just that the codetalkers and codebreakers played a huge and often underappreciated role.
Dave Grain
Bless your heart and have a nice day.
No, you tiny-handed, carrot-faced buffoon. You call her Pocahontas. Not “they”, you.
Tabby Lavalamp, riffing off you and following my very recent comment elsethread, Why Donald Trump keeps calling Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas”
In passing, I can but admire the stoicism of the people who were supposedly being honoured.
as long as you want to.
simple as that.
the main court jester once again demonstrates his clueless dickishness. I see sanders response to a reporter when pressed about this latest distraction was the classic ‘what is offensive is warren…….’ I guess that means she knows what trump said was actually offensive and just used the regular tactic to attack somebody else. I saw one apologist for trump smirking through a media interview, he seemed to feel the whole thing was funny and just trump being trump, I’d agree, it was trump being a total dick, as usual.
Every time that man opens his mouth I actually a get a knot in my stomach. The top ten ‘most asinine trump moments’ changes almost daily.
I can’t even tell if a headline is a joke or not. Imagine “Trump makes ‘Pocahontas’ joke at ceremony honoring native Americans”. I would guess it is from Onion but no, it is from the guardian.
And the right-wingers I know do not understand, nor do they want to understand, just why this is so offensive. Or why ‘honoring’ the veterans before Jackson’s portrait is even worse.
The Pocahontas reference is clearly uncalled for, but what bothers me more is this fawning adulation of the Navajo code talkers. Lets be clear: the Navajo have a much different relationship with the USA than do almost any other Indian tribe. There are many reasons for this, but it boils down to two salient facts. The first being that the USA took the Navajo side in a long running dispute with the Hopi. The second is that the USA never went to war with the Navajo over their land. It was all barren desert without much value at the time.
It doesn’t take much research to discover that not a single other tribe stood up in 1941 and said, ‘Hey, lets go help the USA in their war with the Japanese. We have native speakers who could be used to befuddle the enemy code breakers.” Did the Cheyenne help? No. Did the Cherokee help? No. Did the Iroquois help? No. None of them did. Why not, you might ask. The answer is simple. They viewed the USA as enemy number one. In 1941 there were still many older Indians who remembered the countless massacres, large and small. Throughout the 19th century the USA exterminated as many Indians as it could and chased the stunned survivors west as fast as it could. Even in California, a place most people don’t think of when they think of Indian wars, there was organized genocide against the local peoples. Napa and Sonoma were Indian tribes. All wiped out and extinct now. So, go ahead and enjoy that delicious California cabernet tonight.
Sure, Trump is a crude oaf without any redeeming virtues, but don’t be fooled by this rewriting of American history. The message at that ceremony was that there were ‘good’ Indians who loved ‘their’ country. That nauseates me more than the Pocahontas slur.
So you are unfamiliar with the concentration camp at Basque Redondo? The complete destruction of the Navajo clan system (which was rebuilt by the Navajo themselves)? The resistance and guerrilla warfare in what is now Canyon de Chelly National Monument?