I can hardly believe how brave she is. Would you believe she actually sells psychic vampire repellent?
If it were me, I’d be afraid to stock something that would repel or destroy me, and I sure wouldn’t be selling it to people, not even for an outrageous $30 for 100ml, who might spritz me with it. Especially not when it’s been infused with such dangerous things as moonlight and reiki.
The psychic vampire repellent may not be FDA evaluated, but who cares when it has sonically tuned water, moonlight, love, reiki, and gem elixirs which is totally not left over water from a rock polisher. It must be very potent as there is a double dose of reiki. I’m not sure how they get all that reiki in the bottle because reiki isn’t an object but no conversation needed here because ancient gem elixir physics, duh! One should spray it around one’s face to “safeguard” one’s aura and “banish bad vibes (and shield you from the people who may be causing them).” I mean that’s some potent, women empowering health shit right there, you know? Just don’t empower it into your lungs.
I’m assuming that Psychic Vampires are real, because no way would Gwyneth sell a fake remedy to a fake problem. That would be, like, a double-fake. Which confuses me, because wouldn’t a double-fake mean it’s real?
Also, it’s obvious that Gwyneth herself is a psychic vampire. She’s leeching the minds out of people.
I’m sure it’s her “team” that just slap her name on it for endorsement cred. Gwyneth is too “nice” to commission the team to sell her conconction for her? Who would do that?
Oh wait…sheesh
My my, with ingredients like moonlight and love, it’s sure to work! Much better vampire repellents than say, garlic.
My first not quite awake glance at the image left me a bit nonplussed, because I have spray bottles exactly like that, with nice labels on, containing liquid dyes. You wouldn’t want to spray them on your face.
I can guarantee you that if you spray that on your body, you won’t be attacked by psychic vampires (or any other kind of vampires, for that matter).
Hell, all you have to do is think about spraying it, and you’re protected for life.
My inner evil genius is now concocting some foolproof get-rich-quick schemes.
Appropriate followup: All the “wellness” products Americans love to buy are sold on both Infowars and Goop.
I suspect that Alex Jones would have the ingredient be “manliness” rather than “love”, and something like “prayer” instead of “reiki”, but I can still see him selling more or less the same stuff.
(Does “Sonically tuned water” mean “We played Queen at it until it got up and danced”?)
Excuse me. Moonlight? I thought vampires LOVED moonlight. If it were true vampire repellent it would have sunlight, and plenty of it.
Re “sonically tuned” @4:
There was a fad a few years ago about “tuning” water by exposing various samples to different frequencies and the “psychic” was able to sort them by frequency.
Uhm …yeah
Reading the whole article, I was appalled to see that Ms. Paltrow would eschew leech treatment because leeches are living creatues, but she was okay with live bee acupuncture. Oh sure, what’s a little bee slaughter? It’s not like they’re important or anything. Fuck’s sake.
Unless she can also offer protection against cartoon villains, I’m sticking with Frankie Goes To Hollywood, thanks.
slithey tove (twas brillig (stevem)) #6:
Reminded me of this.
Note that the list of ingredients on the pictured bottle doesn’t match the list on website; e.g.,
, , and aren’t on the bottle. I presume this is so the FTC(?) cannot come down on them with a metric shitetonne of bricks for false labeling; the bottle’s listed woo-woo and , whilst bullshite, isn’t impossible and is perhaps difficult to challenge. (E.g., don’t be mislead by the fact there is no such thing as , they could claim / show someone mumbles something over the ingredients whilst waving a wand to argue the ingredient is — analogous to homeopathetic woo-woo.)I actually peeked at the site to see how this scam is supposed to be used:
Aura! Oh for feck’s sake. I assume they mean your own and not the . (I didn’t look to see if the scammers had some means of locating anyones .)Actually, the site gives two importantly different set of instructions: The “detailed” one quoted (in full) above, and a shorter version,
(I don’t think they mean fans as in air-circulating machines.) Notice an important difference: No warnings about avoiding the eyes, not ingesting, and not inhaling. Despite application near the head.She is a real vampire!!!
A financial vampire.
Bleeding the money out of people’s bank accounts one scam bottle of fake medicine at a time.
But not a very powerful financial vampire. There is a defense.
“A fool and their money are soon parted.”
Gwyneth Paltrow is a predator specializing in…fools.
I wonder how much involvement Paltrow actually has. I assume relatively little. Usually these deals are some form of “let us use your name and you get stock in the start-up” (worked pretty well for Doctor Dre and George Foreman, not so well for Trump) It must be nice, as Ray Wylie Hubbard says, “now, my job is to walk down to the mailbox…”
Bee acupuncture?
Well, that should boost the sale of EpiPens.
Must work, no psychic vampires round my way
This nonsense seems to be another company’s product, PaperCraneApothecary (yes that how’s they spell it (teh goop site inserts spaces)). There seems to be a lot more stuff from those scammers then teh goop frauds are selling. From a quick browse of the site much of it is similar nonsense (albeit the
is perhaps the silliest).However, one item concerns me, Quack Miranda Warning, I’m concerned some gullible fools will try to use this stuff to treat their addition. Addiction to anything, apparently, going by the webpage.
, described as an . Whilst they include theIt’s €15.53 plus another €11.07 for shipping (I’m in France) for 2oz (for feck’s sake, if you give me prices in euros than how about also using metric measurements!). Needless to say, that ain’t gonna work, unless emptying your wallet is an addiction you want to have.
I have no idea how one is supposed to use it — there are no instructions that I can find — but since it’s called an
I assume one is supposed to drink it. Other then the before-mentioned warning, there are no obvious usage-warnings at the site.As noted previously, the ingredients list at the site and on the pictured bottle don’t match, in the same suspicious manner: Only the site lists, e.g.,
. And this “alcohol free” (sensible given the alleged purpose) stuff can be personalised: I assume personalisation costs extra.I wonder what would happen if I said my issue was “woo-woo & fecking stooopid scams, like your products”?
I think she’s pretty brave considering the amount of mockery she gets for this sort of stuff. What I am questioning is her judgement (or morality).
She’s leeching the minds out of people.
Feh. That would be work. This Goop stuff she’s doing is sheer grift of the old-school snake oil salesman type. Except instead of having to drive your Traveling Medicine Show to a new part of the country where nobody has heard of you and find new suckers to fleece, you set up a site on the Internet and let the suckers come to you!
And since you’re leveraging the law of large numbers, you no longer have to worry about bad word of mouth killing your business like the old snake oil hucksters did. You advertise to tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of people very cheaply. If even 1% of them buy your stuff, that’s hundreds of thousands of people giving you money.
It’s literally the laziest way to make money. And after watching Paltrow talk about this stuff I’m convinced she’s the biggest mark in the whole scam. She actually seems to think this stuff is real and she’s helping people with it. I will not be surprised at all to watch the whole Goop business collapse one day and the people she trusted with the finances all off living on some island with no extradition to the US for financial crimes.
So basically it’s expensive water enfused with bullshit.
If it contains moonlight and love, it must work by making you smell like Sailor Moon. Most of her enemies could be described as psychic vampires, and she always triumphs over them.
But what about non-psychic vampires, huh? The Undead traditionalists who just go straight for the throat fangs bared, with none of this new age, vampire-vegan feeding on psychic energy malarkey? What is Gweneth going to do about them? And then there’s werewolves. And ghouls, trolls, goblins rakshashas, succubi, changelings and all manner of apparently not-at-all-fictional-honest-governor monster type critters. What good is being protected against the most milquetoast of vampires if any person-chomper that isn’t put off by actual blood can make a meal of you? Talk about an incomplete product range…
And now for the most important question of all – forget vampires, psychic or otherwise, as an actual threat because, you know, they don’t exist (sorry Gweneth). The real question is will this stuff stop Hollywood making any more terrible vampire movies, and authors writing any more awful vampire fiction, especially ensuring that a certain franchise known for annoyingly sparkly bloodsuckers stays well and truly dead and buried?
If it could do that, it might be worth something.
I tried the psychic vampire repellent and all it did was make me sparkle.
Aren’t modern beliefs wonderful? “Now, my pretty, come here and expose your gorgeous, pulsating neck to my bite. No, don’t bother removing the crucifix. Thanks to a century of social change it doesn’t work on my kind anymore.”
It’s a great product. You only have to buy it once – you never have to use it. If the vampires are psychic then they are going to know you’ve got it and avoid you. At $30, that’s great value.
jerthebarbarian @17:
You do know that she’s a professional actor, right?
Colin J @23 said: You do know that she’s a professional actor, right?
Or to put it another way: she’s a member of a profession which is governed entirely by appearances, where public perception is everything, and where your employability rests on the most flimsy foundation known to humanity. A profession where all the employment is temporary short-term contracts, and where all the participants are subject to hiring and firing on purely subjective criteria. Where the wage gap is not only immediate and obvious, but where a person’s employable lifetime is strictly governed by their age and gender (and at 44, poor Gwennie is reaching the end of her working lifetime in Hollywood: “Goop” is probably her plan for future income). Basically, it’s a profession which is practically a “how to do it” recipe for generating overly-anxious, neurotic types – and that’s even before you consider the types of people who go in for acting in the first place…
(Oh, and back on topic, the best repellent for “psychic vampires” I’ve run across is demanding they do something practical about their blasted problems, and not offering to help them.)
That is some next-level bullshit there.
There may be a goop tv show, Goop on loop: Gwyneth Paltrow has her sights on a ‘radical wellness’ TV show:
The people in Flint do not need quacks or actors shoving microphones up their noses until they agree to buy overpriced
(water) made with .Oh for feck’s sake, Sex Dust and vampire repellent: a stroll through Gwyneth Paltrow’s new LA store: “Visitors to Goop Lab, the first permanent brick-and-mortar store to feature the actor’s lifestyle brand, found themselves in something akin to heaven” — It’s as appalling a scam chock-full of woo-woo as you’d expect after removing all sense of decency and morals.