This just isn’t fair. The east coast has Women in Secularism in the spring, and now the west coast has LAWAAG every month.
Join us for the inaugural meeting of The Los Angeles Women’s Atheist and Agnostic Group!
LAWAAG was formed by multi-media artist Amy Davis Roth with the goal of fostering a safe and supportive space for those who primarily identify as women, who are leaving faith, or who already live a secular or atheist-based lifestyle.
LAWAAG will meet the first Tuesday of every month at 7pm at CFI-L.A.. Along with regular monthly meetups, the group also organizes art, activism and outreach projects, and works towards building community and support for women without faith.
In order to foster a safe space that acknowledges and can focus on the specific issues women encounter and deal with in a secular community, we currently only accept members who primarily identify as women. However, we often participate in and sponsor co-ed events. We welcome new members at our monthly meetup and welcome all to attend our publicized co-ed events. Please go to our events page for a list of upcoming and current events.
Please contact Amy Roth with any questions or media inquiries.
There’s a gaping void in the middle of the country. Quick, someone set up something similar in Minneapolis! Or the South! Or in every state!
Oh, and by the way, Secular Woman is two years old now.
(bolding mine)
Yes please!
Surely you could set something up, PZ, with all your Twitter-post riches.
Well, our Freethinkers Association of Central Texas (FACT) has a women’s group that gets together to discuss issues that are important to us over good food and lots of wine.
Does that count?
Groups in Minnesota do exist! Minnesota Atheists has Freethinking Females that meets the 4th Monday of each month at the Chatterbox Pub in Minneapolis at 7:30 pm. This group has been around for the last four years. Humanists of Minnesota has a Feminist Working Group, with both male and female members. Both groups are on meetup.
Actually…the Twin Cities has had meet ups since at least September of 2010… Chatterbox Pub, 800 Cleveland Ave S, St. Paul, MN…This event is held on the fourth Monday of every month. There was something meeting called the Feminist Working Group here too…but I don’t see that on the calendar at the moment.
Happy Birthday, Secular Woman! I hope they’re around for many, many more years.
That perfectly formed, as far as I could tell… I meant to say we have the Freethinking Females meet up…
Thanks, PZ.
The inaugural meeting is this Tuesday, July 1st, at 7:00 pm. If you’re in the Los Angeles area, and you identify or primarily identify as a woman, please join us!
We’ve already gotten some whyyouexcludingthemenz whines on the Facebook event page. But I expect a good turnout. So please, join us, and enjoy free snacks–and the sound of antifeminist heads exploding–while we foment revolution.
But why ARE you excluding the menz sob sob sob sob
Hey Pharyngula friends! And thanks for the shout-out PZ!
If there are any secular people who primarily identify as women in the Los Angeles area, I’d love to meet you and hopefully get you involved in the new group! Especially so if you are interested in art and feminism! We are gonna do a lot of creative activist projects and already have our first art exhibit in the works. It’s gonna be great!
If you would like more info follow me @SurlyAmy or @LosAngWAAG or please join our facebook
Thanks again!