I really detest that iconic ‘march of progress’ illustration seen all over the place to promote misconceptions about evolution, so it seems only fair that Intelligent Design creationism get their own version.
(found on an otherwise boring and stupid facebook rant by a creationist)
I love it!!
I once wrote a radio essay on the Evolution of the Evolution Cartoon. It has a collection of early examples
The aliens may explain the whole “virgin birth” business mentioned in a previous thread. In The X-File they had sort of the opposite, with aliens teleporting fetuses of endangered animals out straight from the womb.
BTW if the aliens are Predators, wouldn’t the ship be cloaked?
Without reading the text, what am i supposed to understand from this? That ‘god’ has a skinny little body & a big head, & instead of angels, it has bats, one of which is pissing on the god?
Personally I’m rather fond of the cloud-sheep-poodle cartoon just below it. That cloud is just so darn cute!
Where’s the one with the monolith?
[not entirely related]
Nice examples you have in your post. Here‘s one of my favourite emergence versions…
I wish I had the glowing eyes of my ancestors. Stupid non-persistent bio-luminescence.
Other than having been found on an idiot’s site, I don’t see the connection to cretinism. Would a cretinist version be something like:
1. POOF!
2. Classic naked Eve and Adam.
3. A seasick breaded gent shoveling manure on a big wooden boat.
4. Some guy being tortured to death on a T-shaped device.
5. A silly-looking git in a ridiculous hat raping a child.
6. FOOP!
You think it is even possible to find a ID’er who would not insist the illustration include Adam and Eve, or the hand of god delivering a soul into the sequence?
Answer: No. No, it is not.
For creationist the illustration should be read right to left.
Aliens do not use wetware and bipedal bodies. They are into strong AI and smart dust.
I quite liked a version of The March of Progress that I saw once – on some literature for the Leicester Secular Society, I think – where a bible appeared in the human’s hand, and the subsequent figures marched back to monkeyhood.
Of course, that alien DNA was transferred via anal
sexprobing.Needs Adam and Eve? Oh, here.
Funny, that’s my new reply to the pre-suppositionalist crowd.
“Prove it wasn’t aliens.”
It look like sombody missed the fiction part of science fiction when reading Larry Niven.
It his scientific diagram is WRONG!!!!11
The alien should be either at the beginning or the end.
Thank you!! That’s like leaving out magnets from a perpetual motion machine. Everyone knows you can’t have perpetual motion without magnets, just as they know you can’t have EVILoution without monoliths’s!!
A more accurate rendition would be the alien “intelligently designing” Phillip E. Johnson who then further devolves into Ben Stein.
don’t omit zombies
It’s obvious. Dan Bern told us There’s No Missing Link.
I’m thinking that Giorgio Tsoukalos had something to do with this chart.
Intelligent Design: Like Evilution, except with dancing disco aliens!
How did alien technology devolve so quickly from flying saucers to clubs and spears?
@What a Maroon, el papa ateo: They sent their fleet into the sun to break the cycle of destruction.
This also reminds me of some crazy claims I hear sometimes from Christians, for example, that they are the ones that are really open minded because they accept both natural and supernatural explanations. Somehow believing in both is more rational.
Context is weird: I followed a link to the article about marriage equality in Idaho, then saw “ID has an iconic illustration” and thought you meant Idaho had a particularly appropriate illustration for that.
So full of win!
I’ll actually use it in my next two conference presentations. ^_^