When I made pancakes for my kids, I thought I was good by making them look like Mickey Mouse. I have been put to shame.
I can imagine my kids going in for psychoanalysis for the trauma, lying on the couch and weeping over my inferior, mediocre pancakes, which clearly testified to the fact that I didn’t love them enough.
But sometimes I mixed chocolate chips into the batter! Does that make any amends at all?
Whoah. Now those are impressive pancakes. How the blazes?
PS. There’s really such a thing as a nudibranch??
[Eyes boggle checks wikipeidia finds :
Okay. Otherwise known as sea slugs.Kinda, sorta but not really. Neat.]
That’s a new fave word and something new for the day learnt.
Depends on whether you told them the chips were mouse droppings or not.
Who has that kind of time, patience and mad skills? Mine always resemble amoeba.
Meh, I don’t like pancakes.
Now waffles, that’s where it’s at!
You might get by so long as you weren’t making them look like uteri and colons.
Not to mention certain internet favorites.
Glen Davidson
You were also… violating copyright!
Expect to be whining the words ‘fair use’ to very dangerous men in black sunglasses very soon!
Mine usually come out blobby and shapeless so I just say they’re made to look like mohammed.
I’m hungry!
1) I can log-in via Yahoo, but not Twitter???
2) For *some* reason, my only thought is “that one in the bottom-middle looks like that poor AU!Aperture employee…”.
Please tell me that you at least cut up hotdogs to resemble octopodes*, PZ. Hell, I do that now and I don’t even have any kids!
*-es? -i?
I heard a story from a friend about a relative who was making pancakes when the sticky fly strip fell from the ceiling into the batter. He pulled it out and continued to mix the batter but noticed a few of the flies had fallen off the the fly paper. Thinking he probably wouldn’t be able to pick them all out he just threw in a handful of raisins. An Edward de Bono solution?
No, no, no! The chocolate chips go on top after you flip the pancake, to make eyes and stuff, not in the batter. As they say on the webalogs, “you’re doing it wrong.”
Octopus -> Octopodes. From the Greek for “foot” pus -> podes. Not the Latin.
Saint Alphonzo’s Pancake Breakfast
Where I stole the margarine.
A fellow Zappa fan. My love for you has only increased manifold.
I was right (the first time, anyway)! Huzzah!
Plus, “octopodes” is way more fun to say. Octopodes, octopodes, octopodes!
That technique is incredible! I thought I was moving up from Mickey Mouse by doing a few crude bats and rabbits.
Just me and pygmy pony, down by the succotash bush…
Dental floss bush.
Don’t go where the huskies go and don’t you eat that yellow snow.
Oh my! I think I started something.
Who you jivin’ with that cosmik debris?
chocolate always makes things better!
There are some Star Wars pancakes 2/3 down the page here:
Bottom left: His Noodliness the Flying Spaghetti Monster
I’m sorry to be the one to tell you that:
But that is clearly a manfruit with dangly bits. It even has pubes.
Not that there is anything wrong with manfruit pancakes. Just avoid adding blueberries.
No way dude. blueberries or GTFO :-)
I hope your children will someday forgive you for imposing such horrors on them. Your cooking is soulless, and godless.
Whereas mine is a religious experience. My family see what’s cooking and yell “Oh God, not that again!”
My favorite Zappa quote (not from his prolific and awesome music catalog):
“Most rock journalism is people who can’t write, interviewing people who can’t talk, for people who can’t read.” -Frank Zappa
In re: subject post, I’m impressed not only by the shapes, but by the skill required to flip, for example, the sea urchin or nudibranch cakes and maintain overall structural integrity.
Still learning,
The psychoanalyst would be more concerned with intestines or urethra (not to mention anus!) shaped pancakes, or even worse, orally operated musical instruments. So yes. Mickey mouse was a pretty neutral choice.
The only way to settle this is to ask Skatje and the other kids whether or not being restricted to Mickey Mouse pancakes with the occasional chocolate chip has scarred them or not….
I particularly like the backwards “p” in octopus.
And here I thought this was gonna be about the lefse.
“You can’t always write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say, so sometimes you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream.”
– Frank Zappa
All we got were round pancakes, and no chocolate chips. I’m still in counseling for it.
Dat Nautilus. Holy Shit, that is fantastic.
Its just got submissions, no methods D: D: D:
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Prof. Myers – attorneys from the Disney Company on Line 3 for you, they say it’s urgent…