Christianity is scary stupid

If the church is the conscience of the nation, as Dennis Terry claim, then what does it say when that church is full of dishonest ranting bigots like this?

When your jaw drops at what Terry is saying, don’t forget to spare a little incredulity for the crowd that is standing and cheering at his words.

(via Right Wing Watch.)


  1. StevoR says

    If the church is the conscience of the nation, as Dennis Terry claim, then what does it say when that church is full of dishonest ranting bigots like this?

    That the nation, logically has a guilty (& very messed up and bad) conscience?!

  2. haslar53 says

    In my bible it says that the God of Abraham was not Jesus but Jehovah. Jesus didn’t come along until, well, a lot later.

  3. Doc Bill says

    The crowd giving Terry a standing ovation, including Santorum with his little golf clap.

    But, seriously, why pick on Buddhists?

  4. says

    “I believe that Christians in America…” are not is.

    I love the way he opens by saying how he’s tired of being told he’s not allowed to state his beliefs and pray in public, then goes on to state his beliefs and pray in public; oddly, without being interfered with at all.

  5. drowner says

    He sounds exactly like any other Baptist preacher across this secular nation. Why did RWW choose this video in particular? Santorum isn’t a threat to this nation. His own wife told me so!


    BTW, I *love* that the first guy to stand up and applaud is wearing some garish, bifurcated-American-flag button-down.

  6. d cwilson says

    When your jaw drops at what Terry is saying, don’t forget to spare a little incredulity for the crowd that is standing and cheering at his words.

    Well, they are Santorum supporters, so I wouldn’t expect anything else from them.

  7. StevoR says

    @2. haslar53 : Yup.

    Or is that one God called Yahwah – but not publicly unless you want to get stoned? (Not in the good sense of the word!) Heck, can’t even spell it sometimes by some sources without being blasphemous!

    Or is that one God called Jesus-TheFather-And-The-Holy-Spirit with demi-goddess saint Virgin Mary in there sorta somewhere but not quite and about a thouand other “saints” both realand mythological in he mix below her too?

    Or one God called Yahwah / Jehovah / Jesus-God-Holy Spirit / Allah depending on when and who is talking about Him / It?

  8. robinjohnson says

    Daz, #4:

    I love the way he opens by saying how he’s tired of being told he’s not allowed to state his beliefs and pray in public, then goes on to state his beliefs and pray in public; oddly, without being interfered with at all.

    He also, directly and unambiguously, tells members of two other religions that if they want to pray or state their beliefs, they should get out of the country.

  9. littlejohn says

    Wait a minute – the Christians are going to save our economy? I thought that was the Jews’ job.
    We worship only one god: Jesus. We worship only one god: God. Got it, chief.

  10. says

    Put god back in your pulpits all you want, crazy people. But don’t expect sane folks to welcome putting god “back” in the statehouse. It’s a secular system of government. Sorry you don’t like it! (Actually, not very sorry at all.)

  11. Moggie says

    …I mean, when you’re a candidate for president, and your warm-up act says that millions of Americans need to “get out of America”, your choice should be clear: you either smack down that bullshit and say that you want to be president for all your countrymen, or you demonstrate, for anyone who hasn’t been paying attention so far, that you’re utterly unfit for public office.

  12. chrisjackson says

    Well now, lets all find some common ground. I agree with Reverend Pissypants; I also do not worship Mohammed and Buddha so we at least have that.
    I could not help but notice that the crowd was overwhelmingly old and white. I wonder how that message would have been received by a racially diverse crowd comprised of individuals in their 20’s?

  13. says

    First, he says that if you don’t like how we do things in America, then get out. Then he goes on to complain about how things are in America. Well, if he doesn’t like all of this godless secularism with all of its freedoms and enlightenment, well then he can get the fuck out. I would say “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out”, but like many of today’s preachers, his girth almost ensures that the door can’t miss.

  14. says

    Right after I viewed this video, Google Reader told me I had 666 unread posts remaining. It’s a sign! Dennis Terry must be the anti-Christ.

    See how sound reasoning delivers us from evil?

  15. 'Tis Himself, OM says

    Aquaria #12

    I don’t click on these things. What did the scumbucket say?

    Basically he said that ‘Merica were Christian and if you don’t like him praying in public then go back to California.

  16. Beatrice, anormalement indécente says

    I don’t click on these things. What did the scumbucket say?

    Americans are a Christian nation – not Buddhist – God is American god, not Buddha or Allah- children aren’t allowed to pray in public – saving little babies from murder – sexual depravities – saving marriage as God defined it – praying in public – economy would get better if God was brought back in America, everywhere up to Washington – mighty things happening – blah – everyone enthusiastically applauding

    Standard fare, I guess.

  17. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says

    Yesterday, when sixdays was spewing shit, I repeatedly asked why, if I am one of the ones who is following the law of the land, the Constitution, I should get out and let the ones who want to use the Constitution the same way they use their bible stay? Got no answer. I expect, if I asked my former Senator the same thing, I would also get no answer.

    They view the US Constitution the same way they view the bible — pick and choose what you want, make the words absolute when it agrees with you (guns) but declare it to be an allegory when it doesn’t (religion).

  18. Beatrice, anormalement indécente says

    Oh yes, I forgot the “leave if you don’t like it” part.

  19. Aquaria says

    Right wing watch also had a blurb about an Alan Colmes article about a Tea Party scumbag who kidnapped and raped a woman. If you follow the link to the original story, in East County magazine (San Diego), you get to learn that of course he was also arrested for domestic violence in 2008.

    Have fun:

  20. David Marjanović says

    Basically he said that ‘Merica were Christian and if you don’t like him praying in public then go back to California.

    Day saved.

  21. Aquaria says

    Basically he said that ‘Merica were Christian and if you don’t like him praying in public then go back to California.

    If only I could afford it.

    Americans are a Christian nation – not Buddhist – God is American god, not Buddha or Allah- children aren’t allowed to pray in public – saving little babies from murder – sexual depravities – saving marriage as God defined it – praying in public – economy would get better if God was brought back in America, everywhere up to Washington – mighty things happening – blah – everyone enthusiastically applauding

    Standard fare, I guess.

    Thanks, but…


    Let me know if his head splits open to reveal Damien.

  22. A. R says

    I’m not sure how much longer I watch he US deteriorate around me like this. It just keeps getting worse and worse.

  23. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says

    hahahah rofl@cwazymercans

    Worse than just crazy. We’re not only crazy, but we have the world’s most expensive military and a kilopoop of nuclear weapons.

  24. Porco Dio says

    Worse than just crazy. We’re not only crazy, but we have the world’s most expensive military and a kilopoop of nuclear weapons.

    I just watched the 2nd vid at the link PZ posted…

    It seems you got those creepy heil hitler salutes going for you too…

  25. CompulsoryAccount7746 says

    The god of Abraham and Isaac was… Jesus.

    So. The glowing hippie said “Kill your son.”

  26. ckitching says

    Christianity is stupid scary.

    The only thing missing in that preacher’s rant was a “Burn the heretics!” I suppose if he ever got his wish to build a Christian theocracy, that would be the obvious addition to these rants along with the justification in John 15:6.

  27. Aquaria says

    I just watched the 2nd vid at the link PZ posted…

    It seems you got those creepy heil hitler salutes going for you too…

    I think a friend called the christers putting their hand in the air and swaying as the “zombie snake dance”.


  28. says

    How this theo-fascist bullshit isn’t all over the fucking news is beyond me.

    I am the furthest from paranoid/conspiracy minded as one can get (well, not really, that would take heavy measures of ignorance and head-in-the-sanded-ness), but the fact that the current GOP field hasn’t been laughed to hell and back – shouted down and vilified – by a strong majority of this country is truly, truly frightening.

    I’m talking “might we be headed for streets streaming red with blood” kind of frightening. If these fucking sociopathic, tribalistic nut-fucks move to enact 1/10th of the shit they claim I can only think that literal, violent revolution is sure to follow.

    Santorum recently said:

    With a horse-saddled Ronald Reagan statue at his back, Rick Santorum argued during a rally in Moline, Illinois Monday afternoon that living outside of God’s “moral bounds” will lead to anarchy and a larger government. “Marriage and the family are at the core of our foundation as society,” the former Pennsylvania senator warned. “In order to have limited government, you had to have people living good and decent and moral lives”:

    SANTORUM:” If everybody goes out and says, ‘I’ll do whatever I want, I’ll be my own government. I’ll love my life under my rules.’ Go out and leave here and drive down the left side of the highway and see how well that works out. You can’t live according to your own rules. We have to live to rules that are good and descent and moral and fair that allow us all to pursue our dreams. And when people break those moral bounds and society becomes a very dangerous place and government gets bigger, we have to hire more people in uniforms here in this country and we are less free.”

    via ThinkProgress:

    Breaking Rick’s “moral bounds”, read: the rules of his bible as interpreted by Rick Santorum, will lead directly to more “people in uniforms” to stop you from doing so.

    How the flying FUCK is this not seen as a direct threat from a self appointed arbiter of god, a theo-fascist explicitly stating his intention to rule over his Christian nation?

    I’m just fed up with this shit. I’m just fucking fed up with this unbelievable nonsense.

  29. says

    Porco Dio is really pissing me off. Look asshole the shit going down in our country can spring up in yours. Its nothing inherent in Americans or the country it is a social sickness that we’ve seen play out in all corners of the Earth. Do yourself a favor and spend less time laughing at people blighted by this and suffering from stress over it and spend more time either helping or minding your own garden for weeds, because I can assure you that they are there.

  30. A. R says

    …living outside of God’s “moral bounds” will lead to anarchy and a larger government.

    Eh? Non-sequitur enough?

  31. says

    David Marjanović #28

    the tearapist?

    SEAN: I’ll take “Tearapists” for 200, Alex.
    ALEX: That’s Therap- … holy shit, it IS “Tearapists”!

  32. Porco Dio says

    Porco Dio is really pissing me off. Look asshole the shit going down in our country can spring up in yours. Its nothing inherent in Americans or the country it is a social sickness that we’ve seen play out in all corners of the Earth. Do yourself a favor and spend less time laughing at people blighted by this and suffering from stress over it and spend more time either helping or minding your own garden for weeds, because I can assure you that they are there.

    Oh, I’m sorry, did I say something to offend you? No need to call me asshole because I laughed at something…

    Be nice, or go fuck yourself.

  33. Don Quijote says

    I don’t know which country Porco Dio lives in but what happens in the USA will ultimately affect us all.
    Nothing to laugh at, especially for the young people in this world.

  34. robinjohnson says

    Its nothing inherent in Americans or the country it is a social sickness that we’ve seen play out in all corners of the Earth.

    There are certainly people this nasty in the UK, even on the front benches of Parliament. We’re far from the most sensible place in the world. But I’m fairly sure that if a high-profile politician, or their warm-up man, said what Terry is saying, there would be widespread public outrage and that politician’s prospects of getting the top job would be shot to pieces. And we are constitutionally Christian.

  35. craigrheinheimer says

    Some comfort can be taken in examining the demographic of the audience/congregation. 100% white and heavily silver haired.

    I don’t see any youth or non-Caucasians. This demographic does not represent the future of America. This is the norm for so many churches across America. Their congregations are aging and new members are not joining fast enough to replace the dying members.

    The church I was raised in recently closed (merging with another church to survive). The old church is abandoned, soon to be sold and leveled to make room for a grocery store. It’s nice to see that the land will finally be put to a productive use.

  36. Porco Dio says

    Oh, I’m sorry, did I neglect to reply to your concerns and just go tone troll on your ass?

    Porco Dio is really pissing me off.

    Get over yourself.

    Look asshole the shit going down in our country can spring up in yours.

    Errrrm, no. No it cant. For obvious reasons.

    Its nothing inherent in Americans or the country

    Apparently it is a little inherent otherwise you wouldn’t be in this mess now, would you?

    it is a social sickness that we’ve seen play out in all corners of the Earth.

    Well, maybe in history but the rest of the world has kinda moved on from shouting at people from pulpits.

    Do yourself a favor and spend less time laughing at people blighted by this and suffering from stress over it and spend more time either helping or minding your own garden for weeds, because I can assure you that they are there.

    I’m glad you are giving me a choice here… either to hold your hand and commiserate or go hide under a rock somewhere.

    Nice offer, but no thanks, go fuck yourself rather.

  37. jimmauch says

    As PZ said what is really scary is that this man can find an audience. Does it not sound like one of those Hitler rallies you see in film clips. This is hardly a testimony to the everlasting goodness of god.

  38. d cwilson says

    It’d be almost worth it to give the teavangelicals and conservative Catholics (like Santorum) their own little theocracy if only we could watch from a distance when they inevitably turn on each other. Unfortunately, we would have already been sent to the re-education camps by that time.

  39. says


    That’s right…it can’t happen here. Keep thinking that. That’ll give them the time they need. You need to be asking where this imaginary line exactly is and why you havnt already laughed horrible people out of parlament.

    @porco dio

    Yes believe it or not laughing at the fact that powerful men want people like me either in squaller or dead is offensive.

  40. Dr. Audley Z. Darkheart, purveyor of candy and lies says


    … living outside of God’s “moral bounds” will lead to anarchy and a larger government.

    What is this I don’t even

    *earth shaking face palm*

  41. says

    You fuckers are too much. You really just want to sit back and laugh and feel superior and mock people who give a shit that their coubtry is destroying itself and becoming a hostile environment. And you’re all full of shit. I’ve heard and read what you brits have what the german and french and polish and russians are saying and it is exactly the same shit. And it will grow if you ignore it. In fact it has grown and you don’t see it. They say Muslim or immigrint instead of atheist and you are fucking blind to it. You have peiople like this in power, they have these beliefs and this rancor…and if they’re not this open about it its only because they are waiting. They are a ratchet that will take every inch. They will push the dialogue their way more and more and you’ll see exactly how different you fuckers are from us.

    Ffs England you’ve already accepted them moving you more and more into a police state

  42. Loud says

    Don Quijote #44

    I don’t know which country Porco Dio lives in but what happens in the USA will ultimately affect us all.


    I’m in the UK, and what’s going on in America scares the fuck out of me. Much sympathy for those who have to live there.

  43. Porco Dio says

    Fuck off you worthless troll.

    So, anyone that says anything that you disagree with is a “troll”?

    Care, then, to point out if there are any actual issues we can discuss or is that one sentence the sum total of your contribution for this thread?

  44. peterh says

    @ #48:

    What’s scarier still is that this man is “cloned” many times over and his mindless audience is “cloned” many times over throughout the nation. This sort of ultra-illogical, pathological woowoo is like a staph infection running the halls of a hospital – you’re not going to completely stomp it out. To be honest, I quit the clip just under one minute; I felt it safe to assume the lies, bullshit and non-think went on unabated and I just couldn’t take any more of it.

  45. says

    Porco Dio:

    You’re either continuing your trolling by pretending not to notice my first comment, JUST POSTED minutes ago, or you’re a fucking moron who can’t keep track of a thread.

    Either way: Fuck. Off.

  46. Loud says

    holytape #18

    I would say “Don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out”, but like many of today’s preachers, his girth almost ensures that the door can’t miss.

    Can we just attack his bigoted ideas, and not his size?

  47. Porco Dio says

    You fuckers are too much. You really just want to sit back and laugh and feel superior and mock people who give a shit that their coubtry is destroying itself and becoming a hostile environment. And you’re all full of shit.


    Ffs England you’ve already accepted them moving you more and more into a police state

    Now then, take a deep breath, darling, and think hard where you left your medication…

    For starters, i’m no brit but from the far north of the EU…

    But your blanket coverage of EU countries is a strange stereotype to conjure up when you were offended at my “rofl@cwazymercans” then commented how not all you guys are like that. Get over yourself please. Alot.

    Nice try with the scare tactics though… There is simply no way that a presidential candidate could get away with this ANYWHERE in the EU.

    All this hoopla just aint coming to an EU country near me any time soon.

  48. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says

    And notice that Porco is also ignoring the ones who actually tried to engage hir in conversation, choosing to focus on those who disagree.

    I agree with the diagnosis of Troll.

  49. says

    Apparently it is a little inherent otherwise you wouldn’t be in this mess now, would you?

    God damn you are a shallow motherfucker. Do you enjoy not understanding history in any but the broadest strokes?

  50. robinjohnson says

    Ing – I don’t think it can never happen here. I think it can’t happen for the time being, I know we need to fight to maintain that, and I do what I can. I didn’t mention a line, but if it’s the line beyond which I’ll be happy with my country’s politics, it’s a long way ahead (we’re currently taking more than five seconds to decide whether gay people should have the same rights as others, for example, mainly due to the efforts of various churches.) I do think America has the problem of religious contamination in politics worse than a lot of other countries, which is a pity, because stopping that contamination is one of the good ideas it was founded on.

  51. says

    For starters, i’m no brit but from the far north of the EU…

    Then you’ve probably heard of Denmark. Have you not been watching them dismantle their social programs for the last decade and a half or so, out of some vain attempt to be just like us?

  52. says

    Poro dio fuck off. You’re an idiot. The fucking science of this says you’re wrong. And I don’t need an asshole using thepossible death. Of my home as a chance to laugh and feel good about himself. If you see this and find it funny and get lulz from sneering and blaming those inferior stupid american forigners you ARE the type of person who’d applaude at your version of Santorum.

  53. says


    …I felt it safe to assume the lies, bullshit and non-think went on unabated…

    Yep. Good assumption.

    Statement: “Christians aren’t allowed to practice their Christianity in public.”

    Translation: “In spite of the fact that nobody’s stopping the practice of Christian hocus-pocus, Christians aren’t allowed to force their dogma on other people via public or elected positions.”

    Statement: “This country worships Jesus, not Buddha or Allah or any other god.”

    Translation: “I really wish America were a theocracy.”

    Statement: “This country is only going to get worse if we allow those militant secularists to continue their agenda of sexual perversion, socialist fascism, and the killing of babies in their mothers’ wombs. I’ve never personally seen a militant secularist, but they must be heavily armed to kill babies in their mothers’ wombs.”

    Translation: “I really wish America were a theocracy, because boy howdy would I be in charge, and I wanna see some liberals fry.”

    Statement: “If we turn to God, our economy will heal.”

    Translation: “I’ve fleeced y’all as much as I can. I need to expand my congregation, because daddy needs a new Rolls Royce and some cheap labor around the house.”

  54. Porco Dio says

    You’re either continuing your trolling by pretending not to notice my first comment, JUST POSTED minutes ago, or you’re a fucking moron who can’t keep track of a thread.

    Actually, Captain Obvious, I was asking if YOU AND I had anything to discuss… seeing as you did not respond to anything I said and just insulted me I was wondering if we could broaden this thread by discussing it? Seems better to me than you just posting a single sentence to increase your post count.


  55. Porco Dio says

    And notice that Porco is also ignoring the ones who actually tried to engage hir in conversation, choosing to focus on those who disagree.

    I agree with the diagnosis of Troll.


  56. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Care, then, to point out if there are any actual issues we can discuss or is that one sentence the sum total of your contribution for this thread?

    This from essentially a non-contributer except for attitude?

  57. Porco Dio says

    The fucking science of this says you’re wrong.

    So, it’s a science now?

    I’ll be sure to call Oxford University and ask them if I can enroll into a course on “Cwazymercan Theodiddies or Zomgislam is Taking Over Europe.”

    Sorry but you have devolved into incoherence.

  58. Brownian says

    I agree with the diagnosis of Troll.

    Let’s all watch as he utterly fails to convince people he knows more than everyone else about how to convince people of things.

    For bonus points, another of his theses is that “if you’re rude to people, they’ll go away and you won’t have the chance to converse with them any more, lost opportunities and all that”. Watch as he sits here and proves himself wrong on that account too.

  59. says

    Porco Dio

    Will you still think it’s funny if some right-wing doofus with a belief in the inevitability of the biblical end times and his own guaranteed Salvation gets access to the US nuclear arsenal after the coming election?

    If you can’t manage (or at least fake) empathy, try self-interest. If you can’t manage that, fuck off.

  60. Brownian says

    Sorry but you have devolved into incoherence.

    Would you like me to come over and read Ing’s perfectly understandable comment to you? We already know you’ve got trouble with basic English. It’s somewhat problematic that you’re unaware of your trouble, making it unlikely that you’ll seek help, but that’s how it generally works. Nonetheless, I’m here to help.

  61. Porco Dio says

    Will you still think it’s funny if some right-wing doofus with a belief in the inevitability of the biblical end times and his own guaranteed Salvation gets access to the US nuclear arsenal after the coming election?

    If you can’t manage (or at least fake) empathy, try self-interest. If you can’t manage that, fuck off.

    Lemmie think about that for a second… OK, done.

    In my short lifetime I can recall 1 Reagan and 2 Bushes. One of them twice

    Why should I empathize with anyone who keeps voting for these idiots?

  62. says

    Porco Dio

    Why should I empathize with anyone who keeps voting for these idiots?

    Logic fail. You’re aware a large number of people don’t vote for these idiots, right? Or maybe you could point us to the evidence that any election, anywhere outside of a rotten borough, has ever ended up with a winning candidate getting 100% of the vote.

  63. Brownian says

    Why should I empathize with anyone who keeps voting for these idiots?

    Isn’t he a treat, folks? We found him roaming the forests. Raised by wolves. Scientists around the world are itching to study him, but until they do, you won’t want to miss out on the opportunity to study Stupid Boy, the Boreal Bore, for the modest price of only three bits!

  64. ChasCPeterson says


    A. R
    20 March 2012 at 9:18 am
    Yes Porco, you are ignoring the obvious growth of fundamentalism around the world.

    20 March 2012 at 9:19 am
    …Can we just attack his bigoted ideas, and not his size?

  65. robinjohnson says

    Why should I empathize with anyone who keeps voting for these idiots?

    In one definite case and almost certainly more, the people didn’t vote for the idiots, but the idiots took power anyway.

  66. Porco Dio says

    Logic fail. You’re aware a large number of people don’t vote for these idiots, right?

    Oh, I’m sorry, did I misunderstand you?

    Oh, yeah, you want me to have empathy for YOU because SOMEBODY ELSE voted for them?

    Do you have the same empathy for me?

    Thought not.

  67. Brownian says

    Will you take two qubits? I may or may not have a couple in my pocket.

    What do I look like, the Salvation Army? The entry fee is the entry fee.

    [Softens, slightly] Look, kid. You got moxie. I like that. Tell you what—you head around the tent, and tell ’em I sent them a new temporary shit sweeper. One day only. You do a good job, you can sit with the clowns and catch the 4:45 show.

    A word of warning: careful around the two-faced pig that speaks Italian: he flings.

  68. Lars says

    Why should I empathize with anyone who keeps voting for these idiots?

    If you have to ask, you’ll never know.

  69. Synfandel says

    “We do not worship Buddha. We do not worship Buddha.”

    Yeah, well, neither to Buddhists, you yutz. They just follow his teachings. And by the way, some of them are Americans.

  70. Loud says

    Porco Dio #84

    Oh, yeah, you want me to have empathy for YOU because SOMEBODY ELSE voted for them?

    Do you have the same empathy for me?

    Thought not.

    I don’t think empathy works like a feedback loop. In other words, you don’t need to have empathy from someone in order to feel it for them.

  71. says


    One day only. You do a good job, you can sit with the clowns and catch the 4:45 show.

    Gee, thanks, mister! I won’t let you down.

    A word of warning: careful around the two-faced pig that speaks Italian: he flings.

    Okay. Thanks for the warning.

    I won’t have to sit next to Porco Dio, will I? Bozo tells me he comes to the circus every day, and just sits complaining about how much he hates the circus.

  72. Porco Dio says

    I don’t think empathy works like a feedback loop. In other words, you don’t need to have empathy from someone in order to feel it for them.

    Yeah, because if empathy did work in that way then we could all sit back and drown in a big pool of empathy together. And nothing would get done.

    Why should I empathise with anyone from the USA for the mess they have allowed themselves to get into?

    I just point and laugh…

  73. says

    Oh, yeah, you want me to have empathy for YOU because SOMEBODY ELSE voted for them?

    Well you can if you want, but I’m not American. I just (i) don’t want Americans I know and respect to have to put up with all the crap they’ve been getting, and look to get more of, (ii) don’t relish the thought of millions of innocent Americans I don’t know living in a puritanical right-wing theocracy, and (iii) don’t fancy the idea of the US throwing its military and financial muscle around even more than it has been, and with an evangelical agenda.

    See? Both empathy and self-interest.

  74. says

    Why should I empathise with anyone from the USA for the mess they have allowed themselves to get into?

    Well, at least you’re proud of being a piece of shit, apparently!

  75. Loud says

    Why should I empathise with anyone from the USA for the mess they have allowed themselves to get into?

    I just point and laugh…


  76. Brownian says

    Sir I must protest that you are a confidence man!

    Okay, so the entire country isn’t rubes, and it’s wrong to treat them all as if they were. I see that now.

    Now, here’s a coupon for some taffy. Get the hell out of here.

    I won’t have to sit next to Porco Dio, will I? Bozo tells me he comes to the circus every day, and just sits complaining about how much he hates the circus.

    Stop whining kid. It took us years to get him to the point where he only complains, and I don’t want to tell you what he used to do. But make sure you tell Bozo if you see him reach into his pants. Bozo has the seltzer ready.

  77. Porco Dio says

    Well, at least you’re proud of being a piece of shit, apparently!

    Well I’m afraid to use my empathy where it could be better spent…

    Me heart goes out mainly to people who got beaten and couldn’t fight back. Natural disasters. People suffering under dictatorships. Those kinda things. But I wont empathise with a fool that stands behind a horse and then gets kicked in the face.

    The most powerful nation on earth, as they so love to trumpet themselves, is a cesspool of backwardness in the developed world. They have lied to themselves for so long and now that they are beginning to see the light I will take a front row seat and grab me some popcorn.

  78. Loud says

    Ing #98

    I imagine he goes to public pools to laugh at dumb kids drowning.

    Yeah, because it’s their fault the dumb fucks are so stupid, so drown, motherfuckers.


  79. life is like a pitbull with lipstick ॐ says

    Aquaria says:

    I just call him conservatard

    Why do you keep calling people retards?

    Not cool.

  80. says

    Yeah, because if empathy did work in that way then we could all sit back and drown in a big pool of empathy together. And nothing would get done.

    And what are you doing that’s so productive?

    I just point and laugh…

    Oh, I see.

  81. Ariaflame, BSc, BF, PhD says

    I don’t think of empathy as a resource that can be used up that way.

    You enjoy revelling in other people’s misfortune? Oh you’re a Christian then!

  82. says

    I just point and laugh…

    Ah, not just lack of empathy, but negative empathy. Or sadism, as we empathic people know it.

  83. Brownian says

    The most powerful nation on earth, as they so love to trumpet themselves, is a cesspool of backwardness in the developed world. They have lied to themselves for so long and now that they are beginning to see the light I will take a front row seat and grab me some popcorn.

    Oh, we’re treating entire countries as monolithic uniformities, are we?

    Tsk. All that history, and so few Europeans manage to learn it.

  84. Lord Mawkscribbler says

    Porco Dio: “For starters, i’m no brit but from the far north of the EU…”

    Wikipedia: “A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore.”

  85. Porco Dio says

    not like MY awesome country

    Nah, I’m in no way patriotic at all. In fact (and according to my own definition) I cannot have pride in anything I didn’t personally chose.

    Seeing as that I didn’t choose where I was born I am not patriotic in the least.

    But I do like to laugh at people that are patriotic for that very reason. Imagine being proud to be American really… One fucked up country (read something new EVERY DAY about it) and still proud of it?

    Pride, like faith, is a vice – not a virtue.

  86. Gregory Greenwood says

    I find it hilarious that Terry whines about christians being oh-so oppressed that they supposedly aren’t allowed to practice their religion (or more accurately aren’t allowed to use the law to force it down the throats of other citizens, which apparently amounts to oppression if you are a fundie), and then in almost the next breath he basically tells all non-xians that it is ‘my way or the highway’, and that they can either drink the kool-aid or get out.

    Logical consistency doesn’t seem to be his strong suit, but given the idiots that form his audience I don’t suppose that he is overly worried about that.

    Then there is the weird part about economics being a ‘spiritual thing’, and that shoehorning jeebus into govrnment will somehow magically fix America’s economy, which I suppose makes a twisted sort of sense. Afterall, his ilk worship the Invisible Hand of the Free Market every bit as much as they worship Yahweh… or, as Terry would put it, JEEEESSSUUUSSSS!!11!!1

  87. raven says

    Some comfort can be taken in examining the demographic of the audience/congregation. 100% white and heavily silver haired.

    The USA is predicted to go majority nonwhite by 2050. Four states already are including California with 38 million people.

    The US xians are also predicted to go under 50% in a few decades. The xians are losing 1-2 million members a year.

    If you add up their hates, women, nonwhites, educated people, gays, nonxians, other xians, it comes to most of the US population.

    That being said, history is full of countries being taken over by small groups and destroyed. Iran, Germany, Russia, etc. We all know what happened in Cambodia with the Khmer Rouge or Afghanistant with the Taliban.

  88. Loud says

    Porco Dio #111

    Nah, I’m in no way patriotic at all. In fact (and according to my own definition) I cannot have pride in anything I didn’t personally chose.

    According to your fucked up logic, if some people in your country are patriotic, we can tar you with the same brush.

  89. Brownian says

    In fact (and according to my own definition) I cannot have pride in anything I didn’t personally chose.

    I’ll just note for the intelligent readers that by this reasoning, one couldn’t have shame for such things either either, and so Porco’s excoriation of Americans for their country or the leaders they didn’t vote for, makes no sense by his own rationale.

    Let’s continue to watch to see how many other ways he can’t manage to hold a consistent thought in that underused brain of his.

  90. Lord Mawkscribbler says

    More importantly, how prevalent are this lunatic’s views in the States? Obviously one fellow like this is rather too many to be getting on with, but what proportion of the country would agree with what he’s saying?

  91. KG says

    But I wont empathise with a fool that stands behind a horse and then gets kicked in the face. – Porco Dio

    Nasty piece of work, aren’t you? although of course, one who has never taken a foolish or unthinking risk.

  92. Porco Dio says

    You enjoy revelling in other people’s misfortune? Oh you’re a Christian then!

    This is not a quality exclusive to Christians. Read S. Pinkers book “Better Angles of Our Nature” and you will find this is true across the board.

    Frankly, i like watching the USA getting kicked hard in its balls. Just like I enjoyed it with Apartheid and the Taliban. Didn’t you?

  93. says

    Porco Dio:

    I cannot have pride in anything I didn’t personally chose. … Pride, like faith, is a vice – not a virtue.

    So, do you or do you not take pride in that which you’ve accomplished? I’m a bit confused by your conflicting absolutist statements.

  94. says

    Frankly, i like watching the USA getting kicked hard in its balls. Just like I enjoyed it with Apartheid and the Taliban. Didn’t you?

    Nah. I’d much rather these things get resolved without the need for testicular violence. And even if it is needed on occasion, it’s not entertainment. It’s not fun. Unless you’re a douche.

  95. raven says

    As several people mentioned above:

    1. There is something drastically wrong with the USA that Rick Santorum has gotten as far as he has.

    In recent times past he would just be a loon babbling on a street corner. In 20006, in Pennsytucky, he lost his senate reelection campaign to a Democrat by a huge margin.

    2. I/we have started preparing for a zombie fundie xian apocalypse. Fleeing the USA is on the table again but not high on the list.

    One of the first things the Tea Party/GOP will do is crash our economy. Again. They always do. I survived the last one by some quick actions. It’s time to make contingency plans.

  96. Porco Dio says

    Nasty piece of work, aren’t you? although of course, one who has never taken a foolish or unthinking risk.

    I don’t expect an outpouring of grief when I fuck up, no.

  97. anuran says

    Friends have asked me “Are you an American Jew or a Jew who lives in America?”

    Up until now I would have said “I’m an American.”

    I guess I was wrong. I’m a kike who’s only allowed to stay here on sufferance. And as this country goes further and further to the Right I probably won’t be allowed to stay. And my wife? The “overeducated” feminist Moozlum? Off to the Camps.

    Gonna have to start listening to the Clash again

    When they kick in your front door
    How you gonna come?
    With your hands on your head

  98. says

    Well I’m afraid to use my empathy where it could be better spent…

    It’s not oil, you piece of shit. It doesn’t run out.

    Me heart goes out mainly to people who got beaten and couldn’t fight back.

    So what, if the syrian revolutionaries get the shit kicked out of them and they’re tortured, you’re just plumb out of empathy for them, because they fought back and lost?

    People suffering under dictatorships.

    You do realize a dictatorship is not a force of nature, I trust, and *Can* be fought, though it frequently is not out of (entirely justifiable) fear, yes?

    But I wont empathise with a fool that stands behind a horse and then gets kicked in the face.

    The most powerful nation on earth, as they so love to trumpet themselves, is a cesspool of backwardness in the developed world. They have lied to themselves for so long and now that they are beginning to see the light I will take a front row seat and grab me some popcorn.

    I stand corrected: you don’t even have the pride, or the courage, to admit to yourself that you are a piece of shit. You are trying to claim that people ‘deserve’ this shit. Reminds me of all the vindictive assholes who are ultimately responsible for the gutting of the ‘medical’ model of prisons, who turned ours into the fetid shitholes they are now.

  99. Porco Dio says

    So, do you or do you not take pride in that which you’ve accomplished? I’m a bit confused by your conflicting absolutist statements.

    Yes, Nail on the head.

    It’s fine to be proud of anything you have decided, achieved, earned, chosen. etc.

  100. anuran says

    Frankly, i like watching the USA getting kicked hard in its balls. Just like I enjoyed it with Apartheid and the Taliban. Didn’t you?

    That is precisely the sentiment of the majority of the world. And we brought it on ourselves. Truth, Justice and the American Way depend on which end of the M-16 you’re looking down.

  101. raven says

    Santorum: “I don’t care” about unemployment rate

    Here is Santorum’s latest kooky comment from the headlines this morning.

    Clinton: It’s the economy, stupid.

    The number one concern of the US people is the economy. Unemployment is high at 8%, only slowly going down, and a full recovery from the Bush Catastrophe is projected by the Feds in 2018. Plus all the out of whack deficits.

    This was and is a Tea Party/GOP lost generation.

  102. says

    Yes, Nail on the head.

    It’s fine to be proud of anything you have decided, achieved, earned, chosen. etc.

    *Begins giggling*
    Oh cupcake, thank you for the dunning-kruger demonstration, now I’ve seen two hilarious ones this morning.

  103. Brownian says

    Ah yes…you can’t have collective pride but apparently you can get blame.

    Exactly. We’re not really dealing with the sharpest cheese in the dairy. As I’ve noted before, Porco doesn’t exactly make for difficult troll stomping.

    It’s like playing tetherball with no opponent. The toy practically does the work for you.

  104. says


    Since the people getting kicked in the balls are the weak and poor I can only imagine that you meant you were in favor of apartide and the Taliban

    I think Porco Dio is really just in favor of gloating. That really seems to be the only consistency I can find in hir posts. From that, I draw the tentative conclusion that ze works hard to feel superior to other people, and can only accomplish that by watching other people fail. It’s a kind of mental pornography that helps hir mentally masturbate hir ego.

    That conclusion is contingent on future posts. But I’ve seen this before. Porco Dio reminds me of an insecure loser who’s nym started with C.

  105. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Why should I empathise with anyone from the USA for the mess they have allowed themselves to get into?

    I just point and laugh…

    Someone needs a US civics lesson.

  106. Porco Dio says

    That is precisely the sentiment of the majority of the world. And we brought it on ourselves. Truth, Justice and the American Way depend on which end of the M-16 you’re looking down.

    Wow, just wow.

    And we brought it on ourselves.

    And we brought it on ourselves.

    And we brought it on ourselves.

  107. Brownian says

    Someone needs a US civics lesson.

    And it’s not even as if the fail on Porco’s part involved information specific to the US.

    But let’s continue to chronicle the stupid:

    Frankly, i like watching the USA getting kicked hard in its balls. Just like I enjoyed it with Apartheid and the Taliban. Didn’t you?

    Did you kick Apartheid and the Taliban in the balls, Porco?

  108. says

    That is not the argument I’m trying to make.

    It’s the end result of the… ‘logic’ (isn’t that the charitable overstatement of the day?) you employ.

    But as you are flinging the principle about you might recall that Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite.

    So you’re tripling down on being a piece of shit? Good to know.

  109. Porco Dio says

    I’ll just note for the intelligent readers that by this reasoning, one couldn’t have shame for such things either either, and so Porco’s excoriation of Americans for their country or the leaders they didn’t vote for, makes no sense by his own rationale.

    The “reasoning” is all yours and it’s terribly spurious at that I might add.

    By the way, thanks for taking the time out of your flaming activities to respond to the thread.

  110. KG says

    Nasty piece of work, aren’t you? although of course, one who has never taken a foolish or unthinking risk.

    I don’t expect an outpouring of grief when I fuck up, no.

    Evidently you are unable to understand relatively simple sentences, as well as being a vile piece of shit.

  111. Gregory Greenwood says

    @ Porco Dio;

    The most powerful nation on earth, as they so love to trumpet themselves, is a cesspool of backwardness in the developed world. They have lied to themselves for so long and now that they are beginning to see the light I will take a front row seat and grab me some popcorn.

    Has it occurred to you that what is happening in America is not simply a political soap opera for your personal amusement, but is a human tragedy unfolding before your very eyes? Some people voted for these idiots, that is true, but millions more did not, and the suffering their toxic policies cause is indiscriminate.

    If the likes of Terry and Santorum have their way, then vast numbers of women will die through preventable complications caused by the lack of access to proper medical care and abortion services, and millions more will have their bodily autonomy snatched from them, and will be rendered into nothing more in the eyes of the US State than ambulatory, living incubators.

    American homosexuals will be even more disenfranchised then they currently are, and will likely be forced back into the closet or at the very least will have to live in a society where they have the offical status of reviled second class citizens.

    Institutionalised racism will be back in vogue in a big way, and the travesty of the American ‘justice’ system will destroy yet more lives of young ethnic minority people based upon scant evidence but a whole lot of bigotry.

    And then there are also the risks associated with rapture-ready fundamentalists being in charge of the single most powerful military/industrial complex on Earth…

    These are real lives in the balance here, real people who will suffer if the evangelicals come to power. Doesn’t that cause you to feel any empathy for their situation at all? Is there no bond of common humanity for you?

    Nice try with the scare tactics though… There is simply no way that a presidential candidate could get away with this ANYWHERE in the EU.

    All this hoopla just aint coming to an EU country near me any time soon.

    Are you som sure? Just look at the vast and entirely unearned privilege that the Catholic Church possesses within the EU, or the increasingly toxic rise of Far Right politics as demonstrated by recent terror attacks such as those in France in the last few days. The idea that Europe is some inviolate idyl protected from religious extremism just doesn’t seem credible to me. Furthermore, what happens in a country as economically powerful and politically influencial as the US doesn’t simply magically stop at its borders. There is a saying here in the UK – when America sneezes, Britain catches cold. It could just as readily be said of Europe at large. What hapes in the US most certainly does effect us, and it doesn’t help that some of the rich evangelist groups in America are spending colossal sums of money in an attempt to export their fundamentalism abroad to countries like yours and mine.

    You may not wish to acknowledge it, but this kind of would-be theocratic extremism may indeed be coming to a country near you far sooner than you think.

  112. Porco Dio says

    Did you kick Apartheid and the Taliban in the balls, Porco?

    How do you mean exactly?

    I am not kicking the USA in the balls either… I’m just watching it happen…

  113. Brownian says

    The “reasoning” is all yours and it’s terribly spurious at that I might add.
    By the way, thanks for taking the time out of your flaming activities to respond to the thread.

    If you actually mean the second statement, you’ll explain why you used spurious in the first.

  114. Brownian says

    I am not kicking the USA in the balls either… I’m just watching it happen…

    And yet this pleases you, this thing that is happening that you have no part in; that you didn’t choose.

    You use very narrow definitions of things like ‘pride’ to absolve yourself of the burden of consistency.

    By the way, thanks for taking the time out of your flaming activities to respond to the thread.

    You don’t deserve discourse, you deserve to be kicked in the balls.

    Let’s meet up for lunch one day.

  115. Porco Dio says

    You know aid and sympathy for when people fuck up or are fucked is sort of what empathy is.

    Most of us are not mental failures that see a kid touch a stove and laugh.

    So, because I laugh at the USA means I also laugh at combustible kids? Get real.

    Just by the way, I still reject the kind offer from me to empathise with the USA.

  116. sqlrob says

    Well, maybe in history but the rest of the world has kinda moved on from shouting at people from pulpits.

    Right, they make sure that you can’t say anything against those in pulpits, so a whisper is fine.

    When was the Ireland Blasphemy law passed?

  117. Porco Dio says

    You don’t deserve discourse, you deserve to be kicked in the balls.

    Let’s meet up for lunch one day.

    Oh, how charming…. a threat of violence simply because I put little words on the internet…

  118. says

    I might have to alias my first reaction to Porco Dio if he continues to show up with his trolling:


    You are an annoying, occasionally incoherent, hypocritical, weaselly, derailing, self-centered, blow-hard piece of shit.

    Do take a measure of comfort in the fact that I am viciously independent in thought. That is to say these indictments against you are not a matter of an entire group or hive of human beings sharing a common conclusion about you. It is not a vocal mirroring of other similar sounds heard bouncing around a cave or chamber.

    It is personal, singular and standing alone. Based solely on your own ramblings and nonsense.

    Just one person out here in the dark of the internets, probably completely unknown to you in meat-space. One person without any authority over you or control over any aspect of your life.

    A person who will forget about you shortly after closing this page.

    So… there’s that.”

    On the bright side, he made me remember who he was at least.

  119. Brownian says

    So, because I laugh at the USA means I also laugh at combustible kids?
    Get real.

    You see Ing, it’s because kids are individual people, albeit a category of them we’ll collectively refer to as ‘kids’.

    The USA on the other hand…

  120. says

    You see Ing, it’s because kids are individual people, albeit a category of them we’ll collectively refer to as ‘kids’.

    The USA on the other hand…

    A thousand is a statistic, right?

    Of course it doesn’t matter that kids through Santorum will be greatly affected, along with gays, the poor, black etc etc etc…you know not at all the people responsible for him. No those people deserve it.

    Look if I saw someone playing with a hand-grenade, I would stop them. No matter how stupid or dumb or jackassy they were they don’t deserve it to go off in their face.

    I HATE this hipster mentality that actually giving a shit about anything is cliche and naive.

  121. A. R says

    Porco Dio: Do you really think that the Americans here have done anything but put in every bit of effort we can to try and stop the fundies? If so, you must be the most ignorant person I’ve met this week.

  122. Porco Dio says

    You use very narrow definitions of things like ‘pride’ to absolve yourself of the burden of consistency.

    Actually I quite like that constraint to pride. Pride can be nasty stuff therefore it would be wise to constrain it a little.

    I’m proud to be black
    I’m proud to be white
    I’m proud to be gay
    I’m proud to be hetrosexual

    4 things unchosen and if it’s silly to say one of them it must be silly to say them all…

  123. Brownian says

    Oh, how charming…. a threat of violence simply because I put little words on the internet…

    Hardly. It’s because you’re a reprehensible person, and like you, I enjoy seeing reprehensible things get kicked in the balls. It’s kind of as if they deserve it. (If this happens and I’m not around, please send a video.)

    What you write is just a reflection of your reprehensibility. If I met you in person, (say, for lunch), I’m pretty sure based on the evidence I see here, I would find you just as reprehensible. I don’t know that for sure though, hence the idea of meeting for lunch.

    But, if you can’t spare the time away from trolling and inconsistency, I’ll understand.

  124. says


    The “deserve it” is just an excuse. He is a bully looking for victims by proxy. If it wasn’t the US it’d be people who live in flood zones or women who let themselves be raped or those dumb africans who have such shitty governments. These assholes use the same pattern. Trying to find a justification for their sadism is how they sleep and hold onto the illusion that they’re not horrible.

  125. Porco Dio says

    Porco Dio: Do you really think that the Americans here have done anything but put in every bit of effort we can to try and stop the fundies? If so, you must be the most ignorant person I’ve met this week.

    Two words: Establishment Clause

    You have a constitution you are not doing enough with.

  126. says

    4 things unchosen and if it’s silly to say one of them it must be silly to say them all…

    I’m proud that I give a shit about people, whether their plight affects me directly or not. I choose to give a shit.

    Also, in a society that discriminates against certain subsections, it is legitimate to announce one’s pride in being a member of one of those subsections and not to be ashamed of the fact. To be gay and out, for instance, or black and not kowtow to whites is the implication of the pride.

  127. says

    Yes Brownian shame on you. That punishment should go to his entire family and nation.

    Yep. They are every bit as deserving as ze. They are, after all, part of a group of people I despise — sadistic assholes, as represented by the one member who is loudest.

  128. says

    4 things unchosen and if it’s silly to say one of them it must be silly to say them all…

    So no American can take pride in being part of any group like that, but you expect us to feel shame simply for being Americans?
    You have all the consistency of diarrhea.
    Do I need to point out that Santorum isn’t even the leading contender in his own party, has won barely a third of his party’s delegates thus far, and trails Obama in the polls by something like eight percent?
    Or would that mess up your “crazyamericans” generalization and poison your fucking popcorn?

  129. Brownian says

    Actually I quite like that constraint to pride. Pride can be nasty stuff therefore it would be wise to constrain it a little.

    I’ll write it again, because I’m kinder to people like you than you deserve.

    What I’m trying to get at here is the inconsistency between your claim about pride in things you did not choose, and your gleeful Schadenfreude at the downfall of things you also had no part in, no choice, knowing the suffering it causes others who also have no part in, no choice.

    What you said about the US was this: “The most powerful nation on earth, as they so love to trumpet themselves, is a cesspool of backwardness in the developed world. They have lied to themselves for so long and now that they are beginning to see the light I will take a front row seat and grab me some popcorn.” You made no claim about their foreign policy, nor of their internal policy (though to be fair you may have insinuated a criticism of the latter when you wrote ‘backwardness’, because idiots like you love to vaguely insinuate).

    So, you’re quite happy to see the US get punished for its hubris, or in other words, its pride. Yet, you have no part in this, no stake, no claim to influence. You’re happy to watch others suffer, only because you’ve deemed they’re collectively responsible for their pride.

    The only way that this is not completely inconsistent with what you wrote earlier, “Nah, I’m in no way patriotic at all. In fact (and according to my own definition) I cannot have pride in anything I didn’t personally chose. Seeing as that I didn’t choose where I was born I am not patriotic in the least” is that you have a very narrow definition of pride, in which one cannot take pride in what one did not choose, but the same reasoning does not hold to blame, shame, or accountability.

  130. Brownian says

    But, as nigel pointed out, you have no consistent rationale.

    You just like to gloat.

    If you were not you, you would also like to see you get kicked in the balls. Like the US.

  131. Porco Dio says

    Also, in a society that discriminates against certain subsections, it is legitimate to announce one’s pride in being a member of one of those subsections and not to be ashamed of the fact. To be gay and out, for instance, or black and not kowtow to whites is the implication of the pride.

    Not being ashamed of and having pride in are two different things.

    I would much prefer a world in which people could say “I’m gay” without repercussions than our world where the “proud to be” part is merely an affirmation that being gay is ok. But the affirmation says more about general homophobia than it does about homosexuality.

  132. says

    Porco Dio:

    I would much prefer a world in which people could say “I’m gay” without repercussions than our world where the “proud to be” part is merely an affirmation that being gay is ok. But the affirmation says more about general homophobia than it does about homosexuality.

    That’s the first sensible thing you’ve posted in this thread.

    Until we reach that day, pride in the traits that define you is a good thing. It’s an antidote to homophobia (in this example).

  133. Porco Dio says

    I’ll write it again, because I’m kinder to people like you than you deserve.

    I’m beginning to warm to you.

    Would you mind then please explaining why it would be better for me to wallow in empathy rather than point and laugh?

    Doesn’t PZ spend his like pointing and laughing at Christians? Shouldn’t he spend his time stroking every Christian child on the head and say, “aaaaawwww I feel for you”?

  134. says

    Porco Dio

    Did you have to study to become so pedantic?

    It is perfectly legitimate to say ‘I am proud of not being ashamed of my color/gender/sexuality/whatever’. As a matter of technical English usage, yes gay people, for instance, should say ‘I’m proud of being unashamed.’ Colloquially, ‘I’m proud of being gay’ is shorthand for that, and is understood as such.

    Language: it evolves. Live with it.

  135. Porco Dio says

    That’s the first sensible thing you’ve posted in this thread.

    Well we can’t be having any of that then, can we? I’ll just go out into the garden and shoot myself now.

  136. raven says

    House GOP unveils budget blueprint

    The budget cuts Medicaid, food stamps, Pell Grants and other programs that Obama has championed.

    Add one more War that the christofascists are running.

    The War on Poor People.

    In principle, I don’t have a problem with carefully cutting the budget to get the deficits down. Coupled with careful tax increases.

    But they should be evenly distributed, not aimed at the social safety net. A floundering economy is exactly when we need the social safety net the most.

  137. says

    Porco Dio:

    Well we can’t be having any of that then, can we? I’ll just go out into the garden and shoot myself now.

    Sorry. I didn’t know you prided yourself on being an inconsistent asshole. It is a personal achievement, so I reckon that’s at least consistent with one of your statements.

    Carry on.

  138. rilian says

    When he started talking about sexual perversion, I thought for a second he meant rape.

  139. Porco Dio says

    It is perfectly legitimate to say ‘I am proud of not being ashamed of my

    No, it’s mangling logic and language to say that.

    The “ashamed” part of being gay is because some societies have created that shame for you. What you are saying then is that I am proud to tell society to go fuck itself and I’m gay.

    Try this:
    “Fuck society.”
    “Fuck shame.”
    “I’m gay.”

  140. rilian says

    It’s possible that he just doesn’t know how to conjugate verbs, but I think it’s more likely that he was thinking of “christians-in-america” as a concept, and therefore as singular.

  141. Brownian says

    Doesn’t PZ spend his like pointing and laughing at Christians? Shouldn’t he spend his time stroking every Christian child on the head and say, “aaaaawwww I feel for you”?

    PZ, in particular, does both. Read “Dear Emma B”

    The pointing and laughing may be inspired in part by Shadenfreude, but much more so, it’s inspired but the recognition of the actual harm done to actual people by the tendencies and policies of the people he points and laughs at.

    That’s not what I see you doing.

  142. A. R says

    Porco: We have entire foundations defending the Establishment clause, but there is so much fundie shit around that we can only target the ones we know we can take down.

  143. Brownian says

    That’s not what I see you doing.

    And please note, Porco, that I am not saying that you do not do this. Just that, from your words here, I do not see it. I’m beginning to glimpse someone more interested in social justice than he would let on.

  144. says

    Try this:
    “Fuck society.”
    “Fuck shame.”
    “I’m gay.”

    …Which is just another way of implying pride in one’s unashemedness.

  145. Porco Dio says

    The pointing and laughing may be inspired in part by Shadenfreude, but much more so, it’s inspired but the recognition of the actual harm done to actual people by the tendencies and policies of the people he points and laughs at.

    That’s not what I see you doing.

    Wait, what? American fuckwit preacher tells foreigners and non-believers to fuck off at a presidential candidates rally and this does WHAT HARM to which ACTUAL PEOPLE? Is this guy actually criminally liable for something?

    When I see this shit I point and laugh. Like when I see EU right wing politicians spewing venom I point and laugh.

    I don’t need an invitation from anyone to come over and hold hands in solidarity because of their situation. Especially not in the good ‘ol US of A.

    Like I said before, I spend my empathy where it is more deserving and goes further.

  146. daniellavine says

    @Porco Dio:

    I’m confused. Didn’t you start this thread off insisting that you weren’t a troll and that you had something to contribute to the conversation?

    Then you spent the whole thread trolling, bragging about trolling, and failing to contribute anything to the conversation.

    Not to mention the incredible amount of stupidity you’ve demonstrated. The poor understanding of human nature and history, the incredibly poor logic. Apparently you completely missed the logical contradiction you’ve wound yourself in like a dog on a leash running circles around a tree.

    How do you feel about that Anders Brevik guy? Atheistic “cultural Christian” with a lot of weird pro-Nazi ideas. I would hate to think that kind of mentality is more widespread in your part of the world than you’re letting on.

  147. Porco Dio says

    …Which is just another way of implying pride in one’s unashemedness.

    Try this:
    “I’m proud to say fuck society.”
    “I’m proud to say fuck shame.”
    “I’m gay.”

    My point stands… stronger.

  148. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Would you mind then please explaining why it would be better for me to wallow in empathy rather than point and laugh?

    Wow. With such a strong need for self gratification I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that you are so god damn myopic you can’t answer that question in a way that serves that same need.

  149. says


    I’m beginning to glimpse someone more interested in social justice than he would let on.

    I don’t. I just see someone who likes to feel superior to others, even in matters of social justice. All I see is, “I know better than you, though I have not demonstrated this by posting anything vaguely helpful. Nor do I wish to truly engage in discussion. All I wish to do is mock, and feel superior.”

    Near as I can tell, ze’s doing nothing more than a variation on the, “We should treat the world as if we live in a post-homophobic/post-racist society,” dodge.

    I could be wrong. I hope I’m wrong. But Porco Dio certainly hasn’t presented us with anything intellectually tractable.

  150. says

    Porco Dio

    What Nigel said @ 197. If you’re going to modify the statement, make the same modification to all the terms.

  151. janine says

    Parents who believe as Dennis Terry does are very likely to do these two things.

    1) Disown their teen age daughters if they get pregnant outside of marriage. This cutting off of support starts or continues generations of poverty.

    2) Those their LGBT children out of their houses. Teen suicides and homelessness with shortened lifespans come from this.

    This is some fucking hilarious shit.

    Keep laughing, piggy. They are only from the US, they deserve it.

  152. daniellavine says

    Two words: Establishment Clause

    You have a constitution you are not doing enough with.

    And you clearly don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about. So why talk? Just want to prove you’re a moron?

    Don’t worry too much about that, you already have.

  153. Porco Dio says

    I’m confused. Didn’t you start this thread off insisting that you weren’t a troll and that you had something to contribute to the conversation?

    No, I started of with my post “rofl@cwazymercans”. I laugh at their ass. M’kay?

    Then you spent the whole thread trolling, bragging about trolling, and failing to contribute anything to the conversation.

    Do you lie to your parents or kids like this too? I’ve spent much of this thread ignoring pure flames and the rest spent debating my position that: USA WWWWWUUUUUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    Apparently you completely missed the logical contradiction you’ve wound yourself in like a dog on a leash running circles around a tree.

    Which contradiction? That I can’t laugh at cwazymercans because they’re not responsible for this and that I should therefore hold their hands and console them?

    Frankly, the empathy argument was just injected into the discussion by someone who is feeling alot of “stress” over this issue and needs a hand held.

    How do you feel about that Anders Brevik guy? Atheistic “cultural Christian” with a lot of weird pro-Nazi ideas. I would hate to think that kind of mentality is more widespread in your part of the world than you’re letting on.

    That guy is insane. There are insane people everywhere…

  154. Porco Dio says

    What Nigel said @ 197. If you’re going to modify the statement, make the same modification to all the terms.

    ZOMGROFLCOPTER please see nigel’s comment at post 176

    and notice the contradiction now.

  155. daniellavine says

    Do you lie to your parents or kids like this too? I’ve spent much of this thread ignoring pure flames and the rest spent debating my position that: USA WWWWWUUUUUUAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    See, this is how we know you’re stupid. You imply I’m somehow lying about accusing you of trolling…then in the same sentence you brag about trolling.

    Which contradiction? That I can’t laugh at cwazymercans because they’re not responsible for this and that I should therefore hold their hands and console them?

    People shouldn’t feel pride for things they do not choose.
    People should be laughed at for things they do not choose.

    If you can’t see the contradiction there…well, it wouldn’t be a surprise at this point because you’ve already demonstrated how fucking obtuse you are.

    That guy is insane. There are insane people everywhere…

    And yet you think it can’t happen there…yeah right. It can, it will, and judging by your ahem moral outlook I’d guess you’ll be one of the first people buttoning on a freshly laundered brown shirt.

  156. Brownian says

    Wait, what? American fuckwit preacher tells foreigners and non-believers to fuck off at a presidential candidates rally and this does WHAT HARM to which ACTUAL PEOPLE? Is this guy actually criminally liable for something?

    You wanted discourse? I gave you an answer and I provided a link that supported. If you’re not going to read the links I provide, then please, get kicked in the balls, asshole.

    You criticised the US for its hubris, because you’re a fucking moron. This preacher contributes to that hubris, fuckbrain. Criminally liable? No, asshole. It’s just words. But words mean things, right? You certainly seem to differential between your “little words” and mine when you felt they implied violence, because you’re a self-centred coward, and all of a sudden they mattered. Charming indeed.

    So don’t ever write something so smarmy as “By the way, thanks for taking the time out of your flaming activities to respond to the thread”, you dishonest puke. Because when you do, you obligate yourself to read and respond.

    Honestly, the problem with shame is that little fucking weasels like you don’t have it.

    And I’m all out of time to waste on a pile of garbage like you.

  157. says

    please see nigel’s comment at post 176

    Nigel was replying to this @ 176:

    I would much prefer a world in which people could say “I’m gay” without repercussions than our world where the “proud to be” part is merely an affirmation that being gay is ok. But the affirmation says more about general homophobia than it does about homosexuality.

    Whereas I replied to disagree with this:

    Not being ashamed of and having pride in are two different things.

    Nigel’s comment @198 was part of the second thread, not the first.

    And fun as this has or hasn’t been, I have to leave the PC now.

  158. Porco Dio says

    People shouldn’t feel pride for things they do not choose.
    People should be laughed at for things they do not choose.

    If you can’t see the contradiction there…well, it wouldn’t be a surprise at this point because you’ve already demonstrated how fucking obtuse you are.

    So, this is how you sum up my argument. In terms of a contradiction you have chosen for me.

    1. The pride argument stands and has very little to do with this thread and my point of view on cwazymercans. If my laughing hurt someone’s pride, which it did, then it’s for that person to toggle their pride. I’m free to laugh at whatever and whomever I choose.

    2. USA MUUUUUUUUAHAHAHAHAHAH… I don’t care if the UK didn’t choose their monarch… but I laugh at them for having one… the USA didn’t choose scary stupid Dennis Terry but I laugh at them for having one.

  159. daniellavine says

    So, this is how you sum up my argument. In terms of a contradiction you have chosen for me.

    No, these are two mutually contradictory arguments that you chose to make. It’s either because you’re a fucking moron or a troll.

    Either way it’s pretty clear you’re a bully who’s either too weak or too cowardly to pick on people in the real world. Actually it’s pretty funny watching you to pretend to be this smart, self-reliant person. It’s probably obvious to everyone else at this point that you’re a sniveling little hypocrite with no real values of your own.

    You said a couple times early in the thread that you were contributing. I haven’t seen you do anything but sneer. Where’s the contribution? That’s a rhetorical question, I know you’re actually useless for anything but mulch.

  160. janine says

    Wait, what? American fuckwit preacher tells foreigners and non-believers to fuck off at a presidential candidates rally and this does WHAT HARM to which ACTUAL PEOPLE?

    The attitude behind the words spoken by Dennis Terry lead to the murders of people suspected of being “Arabic” in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11. They lead to legalized profiling. They lead to parents disowning their pregnant daughters and their LGBT children.

    What fucking harm are they doing to real people?


    Fucking seriously?

    While the words spoken by this person, who shares the same country of origin as me, will not directly harm anyone, I suggest visiting a drop in center for homeless LGBT youth to see the damage done.

    Let me tell you how funny it is.

    Laugh it up, piggy.

  161. truthspeaker says

    Porco Dio says:
    20 March 2012 at 9:23 am

    Nice try with the scare tactics though… There is simply no way that a presidential candidate could get away with this ANYWHERE in the EU.

    You haven’t been reading the news from Hungary, have you?

  162. daniellavine says

    Say, why don’t you tell us exactly which country you’re from, Porco? Afraid maybe you’re not as immune from criticism as you want to think?

    Go ahead and tell us. Surely it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.

  163. Menyambal -- damned dirty ape says

    The website of the Telegraph, in the UK, has the vid linked on their first page, and titled it “US election 2012: Rick Santorum filmed in thrall of evangelical preacher — Footage of Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum listening appreciatively to a ranting evangelical pastor in Louisiana last Sunday has been released online.” Gawd, that makes me so proud to be an American.

    As an American who wishes to be proud, I say that one fellow should NOT be wearing a flag as clothing. Even if it just the pattern.

    Doesn’t the Bible tell Christian so not pray in public?

    I should get out? Fuck you, fat-ass preacher man, and not in a good way.

  164. Porco Dio says

    And I’m all out of time to waste on a pile of garbage like you.

    Thanks, and please don’t forget to add me to teh killfile as then there might be a chance of other folks being admitted to the conversation instead of just the usual suspecs shouting about nothing and for no reason.

    Has it never occurred to you that this site – with 100k plus hits per day I believe – has a very small amount of commenters. I’d put this down to the fact that it’s a nasty little environment to be in and the vast majority of normal people (and especially non-cwazymercans) simply prefer not to swim in vomit.

    P.S. I didn’t read your link, no…, I ignored alot of your posts because most of them where simply ad homs with no contribution to the thread so I might have missed something…

  165. keenacat says

    Aw man.
    As a inhabitant of the EU, I feel the need to apologize to the USAnians. Even though the little piggy is doing his(?) best to convince you otherwise, most of us are not assholes laughting at the poor, backwards US of A while chillin’ in our awesome garden of fucking eden.
    But you guys knew that.

  166. robro says

    I don’t click on these things. What did the scumbucket say?

    It goes like this…

    Bleat bleat bleat
    Sheep jump to their feet
    Clap clap-clap clap-clap
    We love this Jee...sus crap

    The scene looks surprisingly similar to those of Hitler speaking at rallies and Soviet-era leaders speaking to party congresses. Highly orchestrated bullshit…and at this cue we all shout “Amen!” Demagogues-R-Us anyone?

    Standing ovations at religious services seem the opposite of reverent and worshipful behavior. Like cheers for Jesus (“Give me a J…”), these cheap theatrics turn it into just another television game show or sporting event.

    Also, aren’t churches supposed stay out of politics to maintain their tax-exempt status?

    Also, isn’t Ricky a Cat-lick? This production doesn’t look very Catholic? Ricky better watch it, he’ll get a call from Ratzy.

  167. says

    Porco Dio:

    …a chance of other folks being admitted to the conversation instead of just the usual suspecs shouting about nothing and for no reason.

    Wow! That’s some weapons-grade projection.

    You’re not engaging in a conversation, Sweet Pea. You’re preaching. You’re preaching about nothing for no reason.

  168. Porco Dio says

    What fucking harm are they doing to real people?


    Fucking seriously?

    So, when this guy get’s up on stage and says that scary stupid I should:

    a) LMFAO
    b) Give someone a hug

    tell me just what you think I should be doing?

    Or when an imam in saudi arabia says that allowing women to drive in his country will end all virginitythen what exactly should I do?

    a) LMFAO
    b) Give someone a hug

  169. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says


    One of the many ways that preachers like this cause real harm in the US and in the world is through their idea of American Exceptionalism. Because we are chosen by gods to lead the world, becuase we are chosen by gods to be ubersuperpowerful, the rules do not apply to the USA. Which leads to overthrow of democratic governments, supporting dictators, turning a blind eye to genocides, and invading random countries because it might make us even more powerful economically. Exceptionalism is the idea, quite prevalent among the right wing — religious or not, that the US, by virtue of its virtue, can do no wrong. And Santorum is a big part of that. So is Romney. If the GOP is elected, the suffering will not be limited to the USA.

    So go ahead and laugh. Go ahead and gloat. I’m sure the million or so dead and displaced Iraqis are laughing right along with you. I’m sure the victims of the death squads in central America are yukking it up with you. I’m sure the Dominicans, the Iranians, the Lebanese, the Nicaraguans, the Salvadorans, the Filipinos, and all the other countries around the world who have been victims of American virtue will join you in laughing at the silliness of those stupid US voters.

    Some of us tried to engage you in conversation and show that what happens in the US does not stay in the US. You seem more interested in proving how big your brain and/or ego is to actually read what people have said. But I guess you are also exceptional — you are, by virtue of your virtue, also never wrong.

  170. janine says

    Piggy, I swing back and forth between being horrified and very black humor.

    I do not fucking laugh that the country deserves a kick in the balls.

    Also, disclose what country you are from.

  171. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says


    While I was writing, he played the Muslima Oppression card from the dummy and trumped it with the hostile environment card from his hand. I’m impressed. Was he that desperate to get the lead back to his hand?

  172. Porco Dio says

    One of the many ways that preachers like this cause real harm in the US and in the world is through their idea of American Exceptionalism.

    I don’t think that “American Exceptionalism” is anything but wholly ingrained in the US psyche. It is neither a product of religion nor perpetuated by it.

    It’s because of an all too patriotic outlook, a bad education system, rampant capitalism and the result of systematic lies by all people in power – not only preachers.

    Whether or not religion poisons everything is debatable but “American Exceptionalism” poisons plenty.


  173. daniellavine says

    I don’t think that “American Exceptionalism” is anything but wholly ingrained in the US psyche. It is neither a product of religion nor perpetuated by it.

    It’s because of an all too patriotic outlook, a bad education system, rampant capitalism and the result of systematic lies by all people in power – not only preachers.

    Right, and here you have a whole bunch of people who agree with you.

    And the only way you seem to want to participate in the conversation is by trolling. And the weird thing is you get all indignant when people point out that what you’re doing is trolling.

    Again, this is how we know you’re a fucking moron.

  174. Porco Dio says

    Also, disclose what country you are from.

    My country of birth no longer exists. I neither chose it nor am “proud” that I was born there. I have lived in several places on this planet which fall within various arbitrary areas that demarcate different autonomies for the majority of my life.

    I am an international citizen.

  175. Brownian says

    P.S. I didn’t read your link, no…, I ignored alot of your posts because most of them where simply ad homs with no contribution to the thread so I might have missed something…

    And that’s what makes you dishonest garbage.

  176. janine says

    And now, a disclosure.

    I cannot laugh at the fall of the Taliban because they are still around.

    I cannot laugh at the Taliban because the government that represents my interests (Bitter laughter.) armed their forerunners.

    I cannot laugh at the Taliban because the government that represents my interests did not give a damn about them until September 12, 2001. Any news I got about the Taliban during the Nineties, except for the blowing up of the Buddhist statues,came from feminists sources.

    Laugh it up, piggy.

  177. Brownian says

    I will, point out for everyone’s edification, that the comment that fuckface (187) ignored was a direct response by me to a direct question he asked of me.

    Remember this when the lying pissant complains about the lack of discourse.

    Then, kick him the fucking balls.

  178. Porco Dio says

    And the only way you seem to want to participate in the conversation is by trolling. And the weird thing is you get all indignant when people point out that what you’re doing is trolling.

    If we were in the pub having a few pints and participating in the same conversation then it would be called a “discussion.”

    Why is this called “trolling” when it gets on the web?

  179. says

    Porco Dio:

    I don’t think that “American Exceptionalism” is anything but wholly ingrained in the US psyche. It is neither a product of religion nor perpetuated by it.

    There’s plenty of evidence that it is, in fact, perpetuated by religion. As you saw in the clip above, many strains of Christian ideology are tied very tightly to dogmatic patriotism. The same kind of blind adherence to religious dogma is used to tie the patriotism to a dominionist ideology.

    You’ll find many people on the left who are willing to criticize the government, and US actions abroad. We do that here, in this very forum. (Or had you failed to notice?)

    If you’d like to test this hypothesis yourself, simply go to a Christian forum and write the exact same things you’ve written here. See what the reaction is. I suspect you’ll find a qualitative difference.

    Whether or not religion poisons everything is debatable but “American Exceptionalism” poisons plenty.

    Most definitely. I don’t think you’ll find much argument about that here.

    Which country are you from, again?

  180. says

    The pride argument stands and has very little to do with this thread and my point of view on cwazymercans. If my laughing hurt someone’s pride, which it did, then it’s for that person to toggle their pride. I’m free to laugh at whatever and whomever I choose.

    You didn’t hurt my “pride,” jerk, you pissed me off by lumping me together with the shitheads I’m trying to fight against. You’re “cwazymercans” crap is fine example of a sweeping generalization, a logical fallacy and a dishonest rhetorical tactic.
    When you’re done laughing, please mop up the spreading piss-puddle at your feet.
    Unless you’re proud of it.

  181. Porco Dio says

    I will, point out for everyone’s edification, that the comment that fuckface (187) ignored was a direct response by me to a direct question he asked of me.

    Remember this when the lying pissant complains about the lack of discourse.

    Then, kick him the fucking balls.

    That comment was addressed in #192

  182. FilthyHuman says

    @Porco Dio

    If we were in the pub having a few pints and participating in the same conversation then it would be called a “discussion.”

    Actually, if you were in the pub talking the same way. Said “discussion” would involve your face talking to someone’s fist. Maybe more than one fist, maybe even foot, maybe not just your face, maybe plus your balls too.

    You should be glad that at least online, at worst, you get called trolling.

  183. daniellavine says

    If we were in the pub having a few pints and participating in the same conversation then it would be called a “discussion.”

    Why is this called “trolling” when it gets on the web?

    No, if we were in the pub having a few pints I would have stopped talking to you about an hour ago when it became clear you have nothing useful or interesting to say. In this context I’m just fascinated by the rarest of all internet beasts, the troll that thinks he’s real people. Most trolls at least possess the self-awareness to realize they have no personal values, don’t care about shit, and they’re just doing it for the LULZ. Amazingly, you’ve repeated multiple times that you’re just doing it for the LULZ, you’ve failed to contribute anything but sneering, and you still don’t acknowledge that all you’re doing is trolling.

    Buddy, what you’re doing is the fucking definition of trolling.

    You want to contribute, go right ahead. All I’m doing is pointing out that so far you haven’t been “participating in the…conversation” however much you think you have.

    You can go ahead and prove me wrong by showing me any useful or interesting thing you’ve had to say. But I’ve already read the whole thread and I can save you some time: you have nothing.

  184. janine says

    I don’t think that “American Exceptionalism” is anything but wholly ingrained in the US psyche. It is neither a product of religion nor perpetuated by it.

    And I am a person from the US who thinks that the internal contractions that has been part of the founding of this nation will rip it apart. Perhaps not in my lifetime but it is coming.

    Also, American Exceptionalism is tied into the religious beginnings of the various colonies that formed the US. And it is carried in the socially conservative churches of the US as well as the national myths we tell ourselves that passes for US history.

  185. Porco Dio says

    Actually, if you were in the pub talking the same way. Said “discussion” would involve your face talking to someone’s fist. Maybe more than one fist, maybe even foot, maybe not just your face, maybe plus your balls too.

    You should be glad that at least online, at worst, you get called trolling.


    actually, no matter what I have ever been called in this thread or future threads (and if they were said to my face in the pub) I don’t think anyone can could string together any combination of sounds that would make me hit anything/one.

    So, just what is it EXACTLY that I said you think would make someone hit me? Just one sentence that is punishable by physical violence… I’d like to know… enlighten me

  186. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says

    It’s because of an all too patriotic outlook, a bad education system, rampant capitalism and the result of systematic lies by all people in power – not only preachers.

    It is, primarily, an authoritarian and right wing phenomenon. Denial of reality is frequent among the religious and economic right of the US.

    If my laughing hurt someone’s pride, which it did, then it’s for that person to toggle their pride.

    Oh, fuck off! I am an unabashed liberal. I detest much of what the United States has done in the past. In high school, I got in trouble many times for pointing out the multiple failures of US policy. Yet, again and again and again, even when given the chance to move to a more nuanced position, you have insisted that the US is monolithic, that we are all, me included, right-wing authoritarian religious nutcases. As I have written before, many of us tried to engage you, quite politely at first, to show that your sweeping generalization is about as accurate as most sweeping generalizations.

    I’m free to laugh at whatever and whomever I choose.

    But I, by reading what you have written here, am not free to criticize your reasons for laughing. I am not free to point out that you may be laughing for the wrong reason. I am not free to point out that the political insanity in the United States does not stay contained within the US. Because you have only pride in yourself, not your community, and are thus above all of us low and stupid beasts who actually do give a shit what happens to, not only our country, but the entire world.

    I do not envy you. You can look at any situation in the world and, whether you have any clue about the social, political, religious, economic, or ethnic background, point and laugh at others misfortune with no feeling of guilt or empathy. I do, however, feel a little bit of pity for you. What a sad life.

  187. Gregory Greenwood says

    Porco Dio @ 226;

    I don’t think that “American Exceptionalism” is anything but wholly ingrained in the US psyche. It is neither a product of religion nor perpetuated by it.

    Really? Tell me, are you familiar with the pharse Shining City Upon a Hill?

    American Exceptionalism has an clear religious roots as a concept.

  188. Porco Dio says

    you have insisted that the US is monolithic, that we are all, me included, right-wing authoritarian religious nutcases.

    I want whatever you are smoking mate…

    I have insisted no such thing…

  189. daniellavine says

    I do not envy you. You can look at any situation in the world and, whether you have any clue about the social, political, religious, economic, or ethnic background, point and laugh at others misfortune with no feeling of guilt or empathy. I do, however, feel a little bit of pity for you. What a sad life.

    No shit. I’ve known hundreds of these people, they’re troublemaking “rebels” all through high school and as soon as they graduate they go out and become cops because that way THEY get to be the bullies.

    I don’t think this guy’s a cop, though, I doubt anyone else would trust this person with his or her life.

  190. says

    Porco Dio:

    So, just what is it EXACTLY that I said you think would make someone hit me?

    Here’s a counter-challenge: just what is it EXACTLY that you have said which has contributed positively to an actual discussion? Just one sentence that has been part of a discussion, rather than simple ego-stroking on your part.

    As for the violence, I do not condone violence. In your bar scenario, I would merely have laughed at you and moved on to someone with something intelligent to say.

  191. says

    I have insisted no such thing…

    Er, this:

    my point of view on cwazymercans.

    Seems to lump us all together. And you’ve said it a few times now.
    But I guess you were too busy laughing at the struggles of others to pay any fucking attention to what you were saying.

  192. Porco Dio says

    Here’s a counter-challenge: just what is it EXACTLY that you have said which has contributed positively to an actual discussion? Just one sentence that has been part of a discussion, rather than simple ego-stroking on your part.

    wuuuuuahahhaah way to get out of a bind there… answer a challenge with a challenge… like the guy that was asked why he always answered a question with a question and his answer was, “why not?”

  193. Gregory Greenwood says

    Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! @ 222;

    So go ahead and laugh. Go ahead and gloat. I’m sure the million or so dead and displaced Iraqis are laughing right along with you. I’m sure the victims of the death squads in central America are yukking it up with you. I’m sure the Dominicans, the Iranians, the Lebanese, the Nicaraguans, the Salvadorans, the Filipinos, and all the other countries around the world who have been victims of American virtue will join you in laughing at the silliness of those stupid US voters.

    So long as it doesn’t effect Porco Dio personally, I doubt ze cares. Ze has already made hir opinions about the unimportance of empathy patently clear, afterall.

    Besides, you do realise that all those people probably deserved it anyway, by simple virtue of not being Porco Dio, and because their cultures have all done bad stuff at some point, and collective blame and individual guilt for national policy is the new black, don’t you know…

  194. janine says

    Back on topic.

    Dennis Terry defends his words on the not at all religion based American Exceptionalist Christian Broadcasting Network.

    Sunday night our church was privileged to host Sen. Rick Santorum, a candidate in the Republican Presidential contest. As stated Sunday night, Greenwell Springs Baptist church has invited all of the candidates, including President Barack Obama to visit our congregation.

    Prior to Senator Santorum speaking on Sunday night I gave a short exhortation to our congregation on why we as Christians should be involved in the political and public policy process. My message was based in 1 Peter 2:11-17. In my remarks I said the following:

    “This nation was founded as a Christian Nation. The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, there is only one God. There is only one God! And his name is Jesus!

    I’m tired of people telling me I can’t say those words, I’m tired of people telling us as Christians that we can’t voice our beliefs or we can no longer pray in public. Listen to me if you don’t love America or you don’t like the way we do things I‘ve got one thing to say get out!”

    These comments have been misreported saying that I suggested those who do not believe like me should leave the country. I said no such thing. I said those who do not love America and what she stands for should leave. Chief among the principles that America is founded upon is that of religious freedom, and that includes Christianity. I will not be made to feel as if we as Christians should apologize for our faith or that we should take the backseat as America is morally and spiritually being driven in the wrong direction.

    Muslims, Hindus, people of different religions or no religions have the right to be here in America, but they do not have the right to force me to be silent while they work to transform our nation.

    My comments on Sunday night were my comments as a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The validation of my comments is found in the response by those who are screaming separation of church and state.

    As pointed out in the link, Dennis Terry was not just expressing his belief, he is declaring as fact that the US was founded on his brand of christianity. And no one else best get in their way.

    Laughable little man. But the end results of what he espouses is not at all funny.

  195. daniellavine says

    wuuuuuahahhaah way to get out of a bind there… answer a challenge with a challenge… like the guy that was asked why he always answered a question with a question and his answer was, “why not?”

    See? This right here is trolling. That is why I am calling you a troll.

    Again, please go ahead and point out one thing you’ve said in this thread that actually contributes to the conversation. Many have already asked you to do so.

  196. daniellavine says

    Besides, you do realise that all those people probably deserved it anyway, by simple virtue of not being Porco Dio, and because their cultures have all done bad stuff at some point, and collective blame and individual guilt for national policy is the new black, don’t you know…

    Yup, all hail Porco Dio, man without a country brain.

  197. says

    Porco Dio:

    wuuuuuahahhaah way to get out of a bind there… answer a challenge with a challenge… like the guy that was asked why he always answered a question with a question and his answer was, “why not?”

    Like you just did?

    If you’d read for comprehension, you’d note that I said I don’t condone violence. You’re infuriatingly smug, considering your lack of contribution to the discussion, but I tacitly admitted you’d said nothing that would provoke violence from me.

    People of a less benevolent nature might find your whole attitude worth punching. But I admit you’ve said nothing provocative at all, let alone anything worth fisticuffs.

    Care to meet my challenge yet?

  198. Porco Dio says

    No shit. I’ve known hundreds of these people, they’re troublemaking “rebels” all through high school and as soon as they graduate they go out and become cops because that way THEY get to be the bullies.

    I don’t think this guy’s a cop, though, I doubt anyone else would trust this person with his or her life.

    I was a “cop” once… in a third world country I did it on a volunteer basis just for community service… it wasn’t pleasant, I tell you.

    Cops were earning $100/month and had to put their life on the line for that pittance on a daily basis… gang violence and all…

    Didn’t carry a gun or have any authority… was mostly there for the paperwork and general relief of an understaffed force…

    In contrast to the USA the cops were welcomed by the community (of all colours) and was not abusive to its citizens or wards.

    Great life experience on the whole but, like I said, not pleasant.

  199. says

    Piggy: LOL look at those yankies squirm fuckers deserve it
    Ing: Hey the poeple who’ll be hurt by this are the weakest in society and didn’t choose it and often are the people fighting against it. Furthermore, this is exactly the sort of shit that can go down in any country so don’t be too comfortable in your gloating
    Piggy: DAWWW DOES BABY NEED ME TO HOLD THEIR HAND!? LULZ I have no empathy for you fuckers. Brought it upon yourself

    In a bar setting there, with alcohol involved, yes you might have been punched by someone. I don’t condone it but you’re already acting like a drunk asshole.

  200. don1 says

    Anyone else notice how about 40 seconds in the mad preacher says, ‘I’m tired of people telling me that we can’t force…we can’t pray…’?

    Didn’t quite catch that in time, did you pal? Not that it matters, we all knew anyway.

    And how the hell is it that I, whose highest theological qualification is Grade 1 in Scriptural Knowledge from Hexham West End Methodist Sunday School, can be stunned by the utter ignorance of someone who has spent their life on this stuff. I guess Hexham West End Methodist Sunday School had more exacting standards than whatever theological college this bozo attended.

  201. says

    I was a “cop” once… in a third world country I did it on a volunteer basis just for community service… it wasn’t pleasant, I tell you.

    *Points and laughs*

  202. Therrin says

    In contrast to the USA the cops were welcomed by the community (of all colours) and was not abusive to its citizens or wards.

    Someone hasn’t heard of Trayvon Martin.

  203. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says

    I was a “cop” once… in a third world country I did it on a volunteer basis just for community service… it wasn’t pleasant, I tell you.

    I have no empathy for your suffering. And I’m sure those people in the third world country (unnamed) deserved what was coming to them. After all, it doesn’t affect me, right?

  204. Porco Dio says

    Someone hasn’t heard of Trayvon Martin.

    ofc I have, which brings me to another point for all the carebears in this thread: where were all the WHITE people protesting that no arrest had been made yet?

    All I saw were blacks asking for justice.

    If all you (white) carebears in this thread want to convince me that “oh nooooeees not all mercans are cwazy like that fat white preacher,” then I want to ask where the fuck you all were when this injustice/racism was being protested?

    I might have to rest the lump-all-(white)-yanks together case right there.

  205. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says

    You are not serious. Don’t even try to play that bullshit you myopic self righteous piece of shit. Don’t even think of co-opting someone else’s pain to serve your own bullshit rhetoric.

    Why not? He already did it with the people in the unnamed third world country.

  206. janine says

    ofc I have, which brings me to another point for all the carebears in this thread: where were all the WHITE people protesting that no arrest had been made yet?

    Fucking liar. Fucking worth sack of sentient shit.

    Kindly drip into the sewer when you go.

  207. kemist says

    At first I interpreted Porco Dio’s laughter as the desperate kind we get in Canada when seeing the kind of fruitcake that will possibly get elected this year by our close, close neighbors.

    That laughter also has a self-deprecating element to it because our own government seems to strive to become said fruitcake’s clone/stooge in everything from economical policies to religious nutbaggery. And most people seem to be blissfully unaware of this.

    They don’t seem to understand that these things happen everywhere, and that they often start without anybody noticing. Most of our media haven’t quite grasped yet how delusional these people are, and how catastrophic it would be for all of us for them to get in control.

    Wake up people. It’s way past funny right now. They’re not just insignificant, ignorant, mouthbreathing, ass-backwards rednecks living under their rocks anymore. They’re taking control of one of the world’s greatest army and economy. They are not rational, they have an avowed desire for the world to end and will soon get the means to implement it. That’s threatening everybody’s job, life and security. It’s getting scarier by the minute.

  208. says

    Porco Dio:

    ofc I have, which brings me to another point for all the carebears in this thread: where were all the WHITE people protesting that no arrest had been made yet?

    Yeah, you know how I claimed I don’t condone violence, and that nothing you’ve said so far would drive me to violence?

    I retract that.

  209. daniellavine says

    ofc I have, which brings me to another point for all the carebears in this thread: where were all the WHITE people protesting that no arrest had been made yet?

    All I saw were blacks asking for justice.

    If all you (white) carebears in this thread want to convince me that “oh nooooeees not all mercans are cwazy like that fat white preacher,” then I want to ask where the fuck you all were when this injustice/racism was being protested?

    I might have to rest the lump-all-(white)-yanks together case right there.

    Dude, slow down. You’ve already convinced us you’re a brainless liar, you can stop trying now:

    Oh look, the little liar can’t even use a search function.

  210. rr says

    I was a “cop” once… in a third world country I did it on a volunteer basis just for community service… it wasn’t pleasant, I tell you.

    Why didn’t you laugh your ass off? Criminals are hilarious, right?

  211. Porco Dio says

    Dude, slow down. You’ve already convinced us you’re a brainless liar, you can stop trying now:

    Oh look, the little liar can’t even use a search function.

    Basically, florida is 80% WHITE.

    Why are the people protesting 80% (ok 99%) BLACK

    use the search properly, biatch.

    Don’t white people in merca believe in justice FOR ALL?

    Apparently not.

  212. daniellavine says


    Wut? White people are making a lot of noise about it. Specifically, Pharynguloids were doing what you just insisted they didn’t do.

    Why can’t you just admit you’re a lying troll?

  213. says

    If all you (white) carebears in this thread want to convince me that “oh nooooeees not all mercans are cwazy like that fat white preacher,” then I want to ask where the fuck you all were when this injustice/racism was being protested?

    In Oregon, which is roughly 3000 miles away.
    It’s a big country, but I guess expecting you to know that makes me a cwazy mercan.

  214. janine says

    Don’t white people in merca believe in justice FOR ALL?

    Apparently not.

    How utterly convincing, fuckface.

    No need to back up you assertion. You are so sure that you can ask your question, answer it and condemn everyone else with no input.

    Piggy, the other longpork.

  215. says

    So, want for martyrdom, empathy or just plain crying in a tissue.

    The Nerd at #70 has in all probability been there since the beginning and can still not understand or comprehend. His response is always negative and if he doesn;t like you, very insuling.

    Theory has it that if your only answer can be an insult, that you show your moral decline in absurd accusations, sit and belive you are a winner…..then I do not have to even attempt to prove My Belief in a lab, because you are our proof in real-life.

    P.S. What’s the next one?

  216. daniellavine says

    Basically, florida is 80% WHITE.

    Why are the people protesting 80% (ok 99%) BLACK

    use the search properly, biatch.

    Don’t white people in merca believe in justice FOR ALL?

    Apparently not.

    Porco, since you throw a snit fit every time someone casually informs you that what you’re doing right now is picture-perfect trolling, why don’t you explain to us why you don’t think this post I’ve quoted above is trolling.

    It clearly is. I just want to see you waffle and splutter and spew a bunch more inane non sequitirs and tu quoques trying to defend yourself. It’s really hilarious.

  217. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says


    Why do you assume that everyone commenting here is a white American?

  218. says

    Porco Dio:

    Don’t white people in merca believe in justice FOR ALL?

    Apparently not.

    Oh, fuck off, you disingenuous waste of human flesh.

    I was in Ohio. Protesting. Not outside, but by writing and calling people who can actually do something about it.

    So fuck you with your own ill-deserved righteous indignation.

  219. dianne says

    Why do you assume that everyone commenting here is a white American?

    Because he’s a white American and can’t imagine anyone here being anything else. My guess is that he’s about 18-20, in college, and in the “more radical than thou” stage of political development. But while he has great theoretical sympathy for the unwashed and differently pigmented masses, he’s likely not encountered them too much and can’t imagine any of them (aka us) participating in, much less winning, a debate with him.

  220. says

    But while he has great theoretical sympathy for the unwashed and differently pigmented masses, he’s likely not encountered them too much and can’t imagine any of them (aka us) participating in, much less winning, a debate with him.

    No he doesn’t. He thinks America turning hostile to them is funny. He’s just an porkhole

  221. Porco Dio says

    How utterly convincing, fuckface.

    No need to back up you assertion. You are so sure that you can ask your question, answer it and condemn everyone else with no input.

    seriously, just do a google image search and show me all the white faces in the protest looking for a black man’s justice.

    It’s no surprise that you can’t spot them is it?… and laughable the excuses lazy fat-asses can make for not getting off their asses…

    OK, some you were in Oregon… what about the other 10 MILLION white folk that live in Florida?

    Prolly at home listening to Dennis Terry sermons

  222. says

    Dear Kemist #269

    Have to admit, it is quite a polite way to tiff off your neighbours and blissfully add that most people do not understand, except you and ….. this blog,the brain-trust?

    From the outside, you seem to be voting for one guy. Wonder why?

  223. janine says

    That is your proof, piggy. one photo.

    Hey, that proves that no white people have signed petitions and have agitated for justice.

    You are a waste of meat.

  224. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says


    And what have you done to make the situation better? After all, if you are willing to sit in an office to help a third world police force, why are you not willing to go to Florida and help out their third world police force? Or is you empathy empty?

  225. daniellavine says

    OK, some you were in Oregon… what about the other 10 MILLION white folk that live in Florida?

    I don’t see your lily-white face there either. Whassa matter, airfare too expensive? Don’t believe in justice for your fellow human beings?

  226. Porco Dio says

    And what have you done to make the situation better? After all, if you are willing to sit in an office to help a third world police force, why are you not willing to go to Florida and help out their third world police force? Or is you empathy empty?

    *mostly* office work I said… but always at night and weekends which means I went on my fair share of calls to help local residents.

    Here’s an interesting scenario: it’s 3a.m. and a slightly battered woman comes in to ask us to help her get back into her house. Her drunk/abusive husband has smacked her and locked her out. She doesn’t want to lay charges and doesn’t want to sleep on the (dangerous) streets.

    What do you do? Deliver her back to her abuser? Interesting times…

    P.S. Why the fuck should I go to Florida? At least, if I was there, I wouldn’t have hesitated for a minute about joining a protest.

  227. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    Oh the false outrage. Hilarious.

    What were you doing Porco?

    Or does your outrage about injustice only go to those you deem worthy.

    You’re a fucking joke.

  228. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says


    Can you please explain why the rest of the world needs to do nothing more than point and laugh at the political, social, and economic insanity of the United States (keeping in mind that the US has one of the most powerful militaries, a huge nuclear arsenal, and has an economy that is not only huge, but is cross-invested throughout the entire world)?

  229. says

    To Porco Dio #286

    What country are you in and what JUSTICE do you want?

    If there is something specific, speak specific. IF not….What?

    Tuning here only adds to their cannon-fodder.

  230. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says

    a slightly battered woman comes in to ask us to help her get back into her house. Her drunk/abusive husband has smacked her and locked her out.

    I am, almost, at a loss for words. The sheer callousness, the casual acceptence of brutality, the inferred misogyny, are mindblowing. I guess Porco wasn’t kidding about the lack of empathy. This is also the attitude of much of the religious, authoritarian, and even economic right wing of the United States. Does Porco realize that xe is sounding more and more like a right-winger with every comment?

  231. dianne says

    What country are you in and what JUSTICE do you want?

    I don’t know what country he’s physically in right now, but Porco is clearly an American. And he’s not looking for justice, he’s looking to be the coolest, most “radical” one around. Future businessman.

  232. daniellavine says

    P.S. Why the fuck should I go to Florida? At least, if I was there, I wouldn’t have hesitated for a minute about joining a protest.

    Well, you’re criticizing us for not being at protests when most of us live hundreds of miles away from where the protests were. But you were in the exact same position — hundreds of miles away not protesting. You should have gone to FL to avoid being a hypocrite.

    But it’s too late for that now.

  233. says

    chigau (√-1) #296

    Never abandoned but when a Nerd shows the partial brain of an anemone and can only resort to immoral ways that are proof of a total lack of morals, then I do not even need to step in a lab,

    As for ‘CHOW’. When in Rome do as the Romans do.
    When in Africa, do not particualiary do as the Romans do.
    Not hard, Chow ryhmes with now rhymes with cow and is easier to spell (part and parcel of some of the slang where I come from)

    So, Sorry,

  234. Porco Dio says

    Well, you’re criticizing us for not being at protests when most of us live hundreds of miles away from where the protests were. But you were in the exact same position — hundreds of miles away not protesting. You should have gone to FL to avoid being a hypocrite.

    But it’s too late for that now.

    I live in Europe atm you twit.

    But my presence or absence from the protest says nothing for the 10 million white folk that live in the same state and were not interested in showing their views.

    Or more probably, were too scared to to rub shoulders with black people.

  235. daniellavine says

    But my presence or absence from the protest says nothing for the 10 million white folk that live in the same state and were not interested in showing their views.

    Or more probably, were too scared to to rub shoulders with black people.

    Dear God you are stupid. OK, so now please explain to us why you were criticizing us for behaving the exact same way you were, i.e. not protesting because we were all hundreds of miles away from the protests.

  236. janine says

    Here’s an interesting scenario: it’s 3a.m. and a slightly battered woman comes in to ask us to help her get back into her house. Her drunk/abusive husband has smacked her and locked her out. She doesn’t want to lay charges and doesn’t want to sleep on the (dangerous) streets.

    What do you do? Deliver her back to her abuser? Interesting times…

    Only slightly battered? Damn, that is so completely different from having a fractured eye socket or broken limbs.

    How interesting, fuckface never heard of a shelter.

    Kindly drip into the sewer when you leave.

  237. Ogvorbis: Now With 98% Less Intellectual Curiousity! says


    Why do you persist in assuming all commenters here are white?


    Ms. Daisy Cutter:

    He walked back a little bit. All the way from “The US is a Christian nation and if you’re not Christian get out,” to “The US is a Christian nation and if you don’t like that get out.” He’d allow me, my wife, and my kids to live here on sufferance. How Christian of him. Bless his soul. And we can live here until they need someone to blame when the economy tanks again because of libertarian policies.

  238. says

    Have to admit though, someone must wake up the sheepers!

    We can dig and scratch many issues….

    I do not know who said it, but ‘An accusation made falsely, can have a rebounding effect that leaves you silent unless you are dumb’

  239. A. R says

    danielhaven: What are you talking about? I’m afraid to say that I don’t understand trollese.

  240. Porco Dio says

    Only slightly battered? Damn, that is so completely different from having a fractured eye socket or broken limbs.

    How interesting, fuckface never heard of a shelter.

    Kindly drip into the sewer when you leave.

    Well, if you’d been following, it was in the third-world. Africa to be more precise…

    They’re not too big on “shelters” there…

  241. says

    Ah, I feel like a Bull even though I do not like the Blue Bulls.

    I am branded by a site with the DH666, which is cool and means nothing. Unless You believe….

  242. daniellavine says

    @Porco Dio:

    Still waiting for you to contribute. Your second or third post claimed you were contributing and you still haven’t. Why not?

  243. Porco Dio says

    Dear God you are stupid. OK, so now please explain to us why you were criticizing us for behaving the exact same way you were, i.e. not protesting because we were all hundreds of miles away from the protests.

    Me stupid? You want me to fly over from Europe (even know where that is?) for that?

    My question is asking why are there no white faces in the crowd? Can you answer that question please. I did not ask why YOU weren’t in that crowd.

    I suspect the answer to my question is that white americans are a lot more like Dennis Terry than they calim to be, think they are, tried to prove they were in this thread.

  244. says

    For want of the ridiculous 3 A.M. story, you protect her if she comes to you, you protect her till anyform of actionis taken and there is only one simple thought in dealing with this.

    And the language explains going to a shelter?


  245. daniellavine says

    If all you (white) carebears in this thread want to convince me that “oh nooooeees not all mercans are cwazy like that fat white preacher,” then I want to ask where the fuck you all were when this injustice/racism was being protested?

    I might have to rest the lump-all-(white)-yanks together case right there.

    But you don’t believe in nationality. So why are you holding us responsible for the actions of folks with whom we only share nationality?

    Because you’re a hypocritical troll. Just admit it.

    I suspect the answer to my question is that white americans are a lot more like Dennis Terry than they calim to be, think they are, tried to prove they were in this thread.

    See, right there? You just accused us of being racist because there are other Americans who are racist. You’re a hypocritical douchebag.

    I’m only telling you this because it’s something you should know about yourself. I’m trying to help you.

  246. says

    This fucking troll has monopolized more than half this thread, derailing it completely, and has provided exactly zero content of any worth.

    What a worthless piece of shit.

  247. daniellavine says

    So wait, let me see if I have your argument straight.

    You don’t think you have any responsibility to protest this shooting because you are hundreds of miles away. And you agree we don’t have any responsibility to protest because we are also hundreds of miles away.

    But if we cannot explain to you why there are no white people in a picture you saw on the internet of a protest in FL then all Americans including us are racist?

    Is that what you’re arguing?

  248. janine says

    Look at it this way tkreacher, the other longpork got to laugh at the misfortune of others while claiming moral superiority.

    Such a shining example that I am not able to aspire towards.

  249. says

    A.R. #312

    You may not be the first to understand ‘trollese’.

    But I am am sure that the Nerd and others will rock up soon.

    Gee, what is a blog without one person insinuating a despicable insult because that is all they can say.

  250. daniellavine says


    A.R has got a point there. You look like a troll and quack like a troll. If you don’t want people to jump to conclusions it’s on you to prove otherwise.

  251. says

    Just don’t forget that Pork Poker’s first accusation was that we didn’t respect cops like this sack of sick enough.

    Now, of course, the problem is that we don’t protest enough.

    Yes, I know it’s just a dumb self-righteous troll that hates in order to feel important, I just thought it still shouldn’t get away with such contradictory “reasons” for his endless stupidity and hate without mention.

    Glen Davidson

  252. says

    Lenny Henry put the whole issue in perspective many years ago.

    “You got Blond hair, Blue eyes and White skin’

    “I got Brown hair, Brown eyes and Brown skin’


  253. Porco Dio says

    This fucking troll has monopolized more than half this thread, derailing it completely, and has provided exactly zero content of any worth.

    What a worthless piece of shit.

    Allow me to summarise my contribution for clarity for the hard of thinking among us:


    Porco Dio: rofl@cwazymercans

    Pharyngutards: AMAGAD we mercans are not as uncool as Terry

    Porco Dio: rofl@deludedmercans (Ducks a million insults)

    Pharyngutards: Prove it

    Porco Dio: Why are there no white protesters asking for justice in Florida then if you are all so cool and not racist cunts like Terry?

    Pharyngutards: We were all busy on that day, sorry. You go protest for us instead.

    Porco Dio: What about the 10 million whites that live in Florida? Where were they that day?

  254. daniellavine says

    Yes, I know it’s just a dumb self-righteous troll that hates in order to feel important, I just thought it still shouldn’t get away with such contradictory “reasons” for his endless stupidity and hate without mention.

    Yes, it’s somehow fascinating that someone can be so ridiculous and still be outraged at being called a troll. It’s like tonguing a chancre sore or picking a scab or debugging Oracle enterprise manager. A pointless waste of time that you’ll ultimately regret but you just can’t help picking at it.

  255. daniellavine says

    Porco Dio: rofl@deludedmercans (Ducks a million insults)

    Pharyngutards: Prove it

    Porco Dio: Why are there no white protesters asking for justice in Florida then if you are all so cool and not racist cunts like Terry?

    LMFAO, this shitbrain can’t even rewrite history coherently.

  256. dianne says

    You want me to fly over from Europe

    Whine, whine, whine. Depending on where exactly you are hanging out in Europe, you may be significantly closer to Florida than quite a few people living in the US and it may be significantly cheaper to fly there from where you are. Your excuse is flimsy at best. Surely your trust fund would cover a little excursion.

  257. madammercury says

    This man is a bigot and deranged in that special way that only religion can bring. However, I feel compelled to point out that his weight has nothing to do with this. I’m easily as fat as he is and yet maintain a rational view of the world. Please, with the myriad of options available to you in insulting him, pick something else. Fat isn’t evil.

  258. hiho2go says

    FYI –
    Dennis Terry
    Senior Pastor
    dennis at gsbcla dot com

    Right Wing Watch has posted a follow-up “Dennis Terry Continues to Play the Victim”

    “These comments have been misreported saying that I suggested those who do not believe like me should leave the country. I said no such thing. I said those who do not love America and what she stands for should leave. Chief among the principles that America is founded upon is that of religious freedom, and that includes Christianity. I will not be made to feel as if we as Christians should apologize for our faith or that we should take the backseat as America is morally and spiritually being driven in the wrong direction.

    Muslims, Hindus, people of different religions or no religions have the right to be here in America, but they do not have the right to force me to be silent while they work to transform our nation.”

    Original quote from Santorum intro:

    “There is only one God and his name is Jesus. I’m tired of people telling me that I can’t say those words.. Listen to me, If you don’t love America, If you don’t like the way we do things I have one thing to say – GET OUT. We don’t worship Buddha, we don’t worship Mohammad, we don’t worship Allah, we worship God, we worship God’s son Jesus Christ.”

    Um, Pastor Douchecanoe, ya kinda are saying that Muslims, Hindus, people of different/no religions should get out. Little bit. Ya are.

    I’ll be reminding him of this shortly…

  259. says


    Something cogent would be like sitting on the outside and seeing part of the debate where ‘NO WHITE IS SEEN IN THE PICTURE’. Who has got over race and racism? While, because of the colour of your skin, you must explain. Generalise and you are annihilated. Many issues……….


    Something cogent apart from the many real factors that occur every second. YES, I would like to discuss something cogent.

    As said before, insult me but do not label me with pretentious falsehoods that only show your weaknesses.

    I Believe that Jesus died on the Cross for (not only) but for my sins. I cannot prove my faith to you. I have never said that you must believe. You choose whatever way.

  260. janine says

    hiho2go, no big problem, especially when a thread is moving as quickly as this one is. Just leave a link when quoting.

  261. A. R says

    danielhaven has gone Dr. Bronner’s soap. I’m looking forward to an appearance of goats on fire.

  262. David Marjanović says

    With a horse-saddled Ronald Reagan statue at his back,

    Could it get any kitschier? Srsly.

    Rick Santorum argued during a rally in Moline, Illinois Monday afternoon that living outside of God’s “moral bounds” will lead to anarchy and a larger government. “Marriage and the family are at the core of our foundation as society,” the former Pennsylvania senator warned. “In order to have limited government, you had to have people living good and decent and moral lives”:

    You can have small government, but only if you behave. If you don’t behave, we’ll have to enlarge the government to punish you. After all, punishment is the only (or at least by far the most important) function of government!!!

    Fuckwit. Should read the preamble of the Declaration of Independence – it’s a sound-bite, but it’s much less wrong than Santorum.

    “…living outside of God’s “moral bounds” will lead to anarchy and a larger government.”

    Eh? Non-sequitur enough?

    See… if you don’t behave, that’ll lead to anarchy, and then We The Christian People will need to build a larger government to punish you all = restore order.

    Santorum Logic! Now frothier and stinkier!

    Then you’ve probably heard of Denmark. Have you not been watching them dismantle their social programs for the last decade and a half or so, out of some vain attempt to be just like us?

    I’ll let the Danes answer that, but I’m sure there’s a lot left to dismantle till they’d end up at the US level.

    In one definite case and almost certainly more, the people didn’t vote for the idiots, but the idiots took power anyway.

    “Bush was elected. …The second time around. …That is, as long as nobody finds the ballot boxes of Ohio.”
    – Mr. Burns in The Simpsons

    Yeah, because if empathy did work in that way then we could all sit back and drown in a big pool of empathy together. And nothing would get done.

    Non sequitur.

    Why should I empathise with anyone from the USA for the mess they have allowed themselves to get into?

    Because you’re not an asshole that blames the victims?

    Oh, wait, you are. Well, in that case, carry on! And don’t let the rotting porcupine sting you in the ass on your way out.

    But as you are flinging the principle about you might recall that Toute nation a le gouvernement qu’elle mérite.

    De Maistre t’a chié au cerveau ou quoi ? Les nations ne sont pas des monolithes, il y a toujours des gens qui méritent leur gouvernement et des gens qui ne le méritent pas.

    porcio dio (god’s pig?)

    Porco dio and porca madonna are very popular Italian curses that declare God and Mary to be pigs. It’s what they say when the hammer meets the thumb.

    It’s a deeply religious way of putting the blame where the buck ultimately stops. Perhaps slightly less explicit than the Serbian “fuck you, God, Jesus Christ, Mother of God – whyyyyyyyyyyyyy!?!?!”.

    “God’s pig”, or rather “pig of God”, would be porco di Dio.

    Just look at the vast and entirely unearned privilege that the Catholic Church possesses within the EU

    On the decline. Have you watched Spain in the last 10 years?

    It’s not going to come back, either. One country after another is losing its Catholic majority; France recently did.

    Xenophobia is a different matter! Xenophobic parties have been in the governments of several EU countries in the last 10 years, with serious consequences.

    Also, in a society that discriminates against certain subsections, it is legitimate to announce one’s pride in being a member of one of those subsections and not to be ashamed of the fact. To be gay and out, for instance, or black and not kowtow to whites is the implication of the pride.

    Do you seriously equate “I’m not ashamed to say I am” with “I’m proud to be”?

    I couldn’t do that.

    Santorum […] trails Obama in the polls by something like eight percent

    What, only!?!

    That’s fucking scary!

    You haven’t been reading the news from Hungary, have you?

    Orbán tries – but the EU doesn’t let him. Which isn’t a matter of empty words but of billions of € that Hungary only gets when Orbán makes concessions.

    My country of birth no longer exists.

    The USSR then?

    Kindly drip into the sewer when you leave.

    That’s a good way to put it.

  263. Menyambal -- damned dirty ape says

    Fat isn’t evil.

    Quite true, and I was on my way back here to explain my earlier use of “fat-ass preacher man”. That phrase is an Ozark/Appalachian term and hearkens back to the time when most people were skinny, and only the rich and or greedy were fat. A fat preacher was a bad person.

    I picked up the phrase after finding it a few places, and I need to remember that nobody else says it.

    No offense was meant or correlation assumed. I’m many pounds over my desired weight, and I am only slightly evil.

  264. Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent! says

    Well, if you’d been following, it was in the third-world. Africa to be more precise…

    Except that you, oh liar, actually referred to it as a generic third world country. Do you even read what you write?

    And you still have not explained why you were even there as empathy is beneath your extra-national but oh-so-personal pride. Were you there to laugh?

  265. David Marjanović says

    Depending on where exactly you are hanging out in Europe, you may be significantly closer to Florida than quite a few people living in the US

    Only if you’re in Alaska, Hawaii or thereabouts.

    and it may be significantly cheaper to fly there from where you are.

    That, however, is almost certainly true.

  266. daniellavine says

    Follow the crowd and you will be famous.

    Something cogent….talk or respond.

    Exactly. Say something cogent. What I’ve quoted here isn’t cogent and neither is anything else you’ve said on this thread.

    And how did you get my name wrong? It’s right there above the stuff I wrote.

  267. dianne says

    @346: Or Iceland/Greenland, both of which are closer to Florida than Washington. Ireland and Britain (the two places I was originally guessing were closer) aren’t actually closer to FL than the west coast, but they’re within 500 miles of the distance. Alaska and Hawaii are, of course, utterly hopeless.

    Flights were cheaper from London to Miami than from any of the first 3 random places in the US that popped into my head than Miami, by $200-500.

  268. says

    It is no wonder that they introduced circles in GOOGLE. No Sherbert but you are looking.

    Take a look at your responses to those you insult.

    Everytime, you just figure the person is on the wrong side/site.

    Some have been from the start, others joined later. I joined later for want of some common decency. WOW, was that a big mistake.

    It does not mean that every topic is ‘one-way’, sometimes it does go bizzare.

    There is only one moment you need to think about…..

  269. DLC says

    [meta]Porco dumbass for banhammer ? (see ref: rampant dumbassery)[/meta]

    Re : Santorum, or the other two killer clowns: I had previously compared these twits to the three stooges, yet I had to remove that, as it deeply insulted one of America’s classic comedy groups. Santoum has about half the delegates of Romney, and yet he is still being considered practically the frontrunner.
    The level of cognitive dissonance displayed by the popular media here is incredible.
    Oh, and Mr Christian Nation and his busload of theonazies can get the fuck out of my country. I hear there’s a lovely bit of Guyana up for grabs. Be sure to take enough koolaid, assholes. You will not be missed.

  270. says

    It is no wonder that they introduced circles in GOOGLE. No Sherbert but you are looking.

    Take a look at your responses to those you insult.

    Everytime, you just figure the person is on the wrong side/site.

    Some have been from the start, others joined later. I joined later for want of some common decency. WOW, was that a big mistake.

    It does not mean that every topic is ‘one-way’, sometimes it does go bizzare.

    There is only one moment you need to think about….

    FFS learn english

  271. daniellavine says


    “troll” is not the egregious insult you seem to think it is. It’s a (possibly value-neutral) factual assessment of someone’s behavior. If someone’s saying random stupid stuff apparently to get a rise out of someone in the thread, that is trolling (that’s what Porco Dio was doing and why he was accused of being a troll).

    In your case I can’t figure out what the fuck you are saying in the first place. But your cryptic little messages have frequently seemed to me antagonistic and aimed at particular commenters here as if you were baiting them. At first blush that looks like someone being a troll.

    I don’t know if you are actually a troll or not because I simply cannot figure out what the fuck you are trying to say. So yes, cogency. Speak and respond. Your advice was good advice, please try to heed it.

  272. says


    I’ve seen a few talking heads recently talking about how Santorum and Gingrich seem to be plotting a duel-ticket in a brokered convention. And they were all fairly certain that those two intolerable, hypocritical, pandering, religious/religious-for-votes assholes could put up a very close contest against Mitt Not-the-right-religion Romney and whatever VP he might choose.

    The last speech I saw Gingrich give where he was flouting how resoundingly he and Santorum were beating Mitt, when you looked at the delegates they were picking up combined, seems to lend some credence to this possibility.

    I don’t generally trust talking heads, but it seemed like what they were saying was plausible.

    So I’m not counting out Santorum/Gingrich just yet, as frightening as that is to consider.

  273. Therrin says

    I don’t generally take to the train wreck analogy, but I’m stuck reading DH’s sentences over and over, wondering if there’s a piece missing that would make them snap into coherence.

    sometimes it does go bizzare

    Indeed, it started there.

  274. says

    I apologise for the ‘le’ instead of the ‘la’ in reference to your name.


    A.R has got a point there. You look like a troll and quack like a troll.

    Very cute word,’troll’, but there is nothing cogent in that.

    P.S. As we would say……you may be one…..and others!

  275. Therrin says

    DH (paraphrasing),

    “When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean—neither more nor less.”

  276. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    danielhaven is a walking advertisement for why it’s a bad idea to huff paint and post on blogs.

  277. says

    to daniellavine

    So in actual words, ‘Troll’, is actually a polite word for someone you disagree with.

    What I said was simple, ‘I believe in My God’, everyone else has there choice. But there is one Nerd of Redhead out there that has been on this page and others that I would like to conclude the argument with.

    I would not be doing my duty if I did not stand up.

    P.S. NERD from REDHEAD, OM Show the world we do not need a Lab

  278. John Morales says


    danielhaven responds to daniellavine:

    “troll” is not the egregious insult you seem to think it is. It’s a (possibly value-neutral) factual assessment of someone’s behavior. If someone’s saying random stupid stuff apparently to get a rise out of someone in the thread, that is trolling

    So in actual words, ‘Troll’, is actually a polite word for someone you disagree with.

    Comprehension failure.

    (I am not surprised)

    I would not be doing my duty if I did not stand up.

    Dutiful troll, you.

  279. John Morales says


    Did you guys miss this?

    Lessee, you mention talking heads and you mention David Byrne, I link to such, you figure I’ve missed it?

    PS “Wowbanger”?


  280. John Morales says


    danielhaven, since you already ran, ran away from the thread specifically set to mock you, your cowardice and your neediness is evident.

    (Never mind, the village idiot’s duty is sacred, and Jesus died on the cross so that you could make us snigger. True, dat!)

  281. says

    To John Morales

    MY cowardice and MY neediness is evident.

    Yip, yip yip.

    Gee, How could I ever imagine to follow in such brave footsteps?
    With this awesome wisedom that you have shown and your irrefutable courage and bravery, wow You could even be a G…

    You are actually tame (sorry does lame ryhme with tane?) compared to the Nerd.

    Tissues anyone?

  282. catnip67 says

    Sorry, I arrive late, as usual

    I think a friend called the christers putting their hand in the air and swaying as the “zombie snake dance”.


    Do yourself a favor and spend less time laughing at people blighted by this and suffering from stress over it and spend more time either helping or minding your own garden for weeds, because I can assure you that they are there.

    Ing, you are absolutely correct. Americans actually have a constitution which nominally protects them from these sort of nutbags, whereas most of us do not. So even in apparently secular and diverse countries, we are only one bad election away from the same malais. Australia is a prime example. We have a (relatively) progressive minority government with an atheist female PM. And an opposition leader who is ex-seminary & a complete fucking nutjob. That and we don’t have any constutional protection from them.

    Well, maybe in history but the rest of the world has kinda moved on from shouting at people from pulpits.

    wishing it were so does not make it. every country has this risk. Even EU countries. Especially EU countries, if they contain this level of complacency.

    Why should I empathize with anyone who keeps voting for these idiots?
    If you have to ask, you’ll never know.

    And you are probably voting for the Northen EU version of the idiots like those in the US republican party

    I just point and laugh…

    Which tells us an awful lot…

    I just point and laugh…

    Ah, not just lack of empathy, but negative empathy. Or sadism, as we empathic people know it.

    Doesn’t German have a word for this? Schadenfreude?

    Frankly, i like watching the USA getting kicked hard in its balls. Just like I enjoyed it with Apartheid and the Taliban. Didn’t you?

    Aparteid and Taliban are not nations, with diverse groups of people within. USA is. If you had said you like seeing Republicans get it in the balls, or if you conversely said you enjoyed watching South Africa and Afganistan get it, then your argument would have been less fallacious.

    Tell me again with a straight face that your country, that has people like you who will watch and laugh, is immune.

    They are already there, they just don’t know it.

    How do you feel about that Anders Brevik guy? Atheistic “cultural Christian” with a lot of weird pro-Nazi ideas. I would hate to think that kind of mentality is more widespread in your part of the world than you’re letting on.

    That guy is insane. There are insane people everywhere…

    That’s the point you’ve been missing. There are crazy people everywhere, just waiting to take over your government and force you to comply with their craziness.

    Has it never occurred to you that this site – with 100k plus hits per day I believe – has a very small amount of commenters. I’d put this down to the fact that it’s a nasty little environment to be in and the vast majority of normal people (and especially non-cwazymercans) simply prefer not to swim in vomit.

    Has it occurred to you that most people who are just readers & not commenters just don’t have the time? Or have reasons which are equally valid that have nothing to do with your vomit?

    Danielhaven @ #279 et seq


  283. says

    Guys like Terry trumpet the supposed Christian foundation of America. But do theu understand that the Rapture Theology they follow was unkonwn to the Puritans? That the Founding Fathers might find bits of it familiar, but that the form we know it in today didn’t coalesce until something like 50 years after the Declaration of Independance? I wonder how the Puritans would treat someone like Terry preaching that stuff. I hear they did some nasty things to Quakers….

  284. says

    will lead to anarchy and a larger government.

    and to communist nazis and muslim atheists…

    Apparently it is a little inherent otherwise you wouldn’t be in this mess now, would you?

    if you don’t understand what people are saying to you, don’t respond. it makes you look like an idiot. what is happening to the US is something that’s inherent to humanity as a whole, not to Americanness specifically.

    Well, maybe in history but the rest of the world has kinda moved on from shouting at people from pulpits.

    wishful thinking

    There is simply no way that a presidential candidate could get away with this ANYWHERE in the EU.

    not actually true, since Poland and Hungary are in the EU

    Oh, yeah, you want me to have empathy for YOU because SOMEBODY ELSE voted for them?
    Do you have the same empathy for me?
    Thought not.

    no wonder you’re stupid; you project so hard, you are actually literally talking to yourself here.
    of course people here would have the same empathy for anyone else in the situation of having their rights/their wellbeing voted away by other people.

    Yeah, because if empathy did work in that way then we could all sit back and drown in a big pool of empathy together. And nothing would get done.

    ROTFLMAO. when you have to make up incoherent shit like that, you know you’re not just losing the argument; the argument is denying every having been anywhere near you and is demanding a restraining order and suing for defamation.

    People suffering under dictatorships.

    why? dictators always get at least 100% of the vote, so clearly you shouldn’t have empathy for those people, since they keep on voting in these dictators.

    American fuckwit preacher tells foreigners and non-believers to fuck off at a presidential candidates rally and this does WHAT HARM to which ACTUAL PEOPLE? Is this guy actually criminally liable for something?

    because “harmful” and “criminal” are, like, totes synonyms

    The pride argument stands and has very little to do with this thread and my point of view on cwazymercans.

    only because you’re too fucking dumb to see a contradiction no matter how many times people explain it to you.

    I don’t think that “American Exceptionalism” is anything but wholly ingrained in the US psyche.

    considering a large number of Americans don’t believe in American Exceptionalism”, while a lot of Europeans, including you, believe in the European Exceptionalism you’ve demonstrated in a number of comments, I’d say you’re wrong, as usual.

    where were all the WHITE people protesting that no arrest had been made yet?

    here and here you fucking idiot.

    Anyway. as a European and an international person, I’d like to assure my American friends that we aren’t all such fucking morons. And I’d like to assure Porco Dio that plenty Europeans think he’s a fucking asshole.

  285. Wowbagger, Madman of Insleyfarne says

    danielhaven, do all of us – and yourself – a favour: put down the paint can and step away from computer. Get some fresh air.

    Trust me when I say that your brain really, really, REALLY needs it.

  286. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    Never abandoned but when a Nerd shows the partial brain of an anemone and can only resort to immoral ways that are proof of a total lack of morals, then I do not even need to step in a lab,

    This from an amoral incoherant fuckwit who can’t get his delusional thinking to match with reality? I spent all day visiting a relative who had a stroke in their rehab facility. Your imaginary deity didn’t come up once. Not from, me, my relative, the therapists, nurses, and help staff. Worthless sort your imaginary deity, as it cures nothing. Doing moral things to help other people, second nature to atheists.

  287. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    I Believe that Jesus died on the Cross for (not only) but for my sins. I cannot prove my faith to you. I have never said that you must believe. You choose whatever way.

    Your imaginary deity didn’t die on a cross because it doesn’t exist. Never did, never will, except in your delusional mind. If you believe without evidence that is delusion. Your belief in an imaginary deity is delusional thinking. Your testament is that of a delusional fool, full of sound, fury, lies and bullshit. Everybody here knows that. Your word is worthless. Either point to the evidence, or shut the fuck up as you are tacitly acknowledging our point with every inane and insipid repetitive lie and bullshit.

    I joined later for want of some common decency. WOW, was that a big mistake.

    You have no decency. All you have is lies and bullshit. Which you prove by lying and bullshitting. Try third party evidence from say the peer reviewed scientific literature for support for your beliefs. That’s right, there isn’t any…Whereas evolution has a million or so scientific papers supporting it. You lose delusional fool.

    A.R has got a point there. You look like a troll and quack like a troll.

    Talking about yourself again. You are a troll DH. You don’t engage properly, with third party evidence. You think you are funny and teaching something when you sound incoherent and stupid. The latter fits.

    P.S. NERD from REDHEAD, OM Show the world we do not need a Lab

    Ah, proving my point again incoherent one. Yes the world doesn’t need a dog. Or imaginary deities. But it does need science, as science, which isn’t static, is advancing knowledge, while religion, which is static, incoherent and delusional, impedes advancing human knowledge. Knowing a deity isn’t necessary to be considered smart. In fact, 94% of the members of the Academy of Science don’t believe in personal deities. Being smart says ignore the imaginary, like fairies, pixies leprechauns, and deities.

  288. Brownian says

    Hasn’t the English language suffered enough!?

    danielhaven finally wrote something that made sense:

    I wish I could have seen ‘Talking Heads’ live and David Byrne is …..he just is.

    Now would be a good time to stop.

  289. ginckgo says

    As usual on this channel, I’m confused about how to vote: I want to give thumbs up for RWW highlighting this dangerous loony, but I want to give his rant the thumbs down. What’s a watermelon to do?!?

  290. Azkyroth says


    Something cogent would be like sitting on the outside and seeing part of the debate where ‘NO WHITE IS SEEN IN THE PICTURE’. Who has got over race and racism? While, because of the colour of your skin, you must explain. Generalise and you are annihilated. Many issues……….


    Something cogent apart from the many real factors that occur every second. YES, I would like to discuss something cogent.

    As said before, insult me but do not label me with pretentious falsehoods that only show your weaknesses.

    I Believe that Jesus died on the Cross for (not only) but for my sins. I cannot prove my faith to you. I have never said that you must believe. You choose whatever way.

    Can we have some dressing for the word salad?

  291. Azkyroth says

    Well, if you’d been following, it was in the third-world. Africa to be more precise…

    Well, Africa IS a country, after all…

  292. chigau (√-1) says

    Porco Dio
    There are source of information on the internet that are NOT youtube.

    everyone (except or maybe including danielhaven)
    Have you really never had a conversation with a schizophrenic person with schizophrenia?

  293. says

    If you put danielhaven and monkey each in separate rooms hitting keys at random on a typewriter for an infinite amount of time, the monkey will almost surely type the complete works of William Shakespeare first.

    Further, it is certain the monkey will score the first coherent sentence.

  294. says

    I notice he stutters a lot when he realizes the things falling out of his face are utter and complete bullshit. I’m sure there’s someone here with qualifications to point out all the cues indicating he’s fully aware he’s flinging crap but knows where the blow-dry haircut and Armani suit come from – imbeciles for Jeebus.

  295. says

    McCthulhu @389

    i’m sure there’s someone here with qualifications to point out all the cues indicating he’s fully aware he’s flinging crap but knows where the blow-dry haircut and Armani suit come from

    Going full pedant here because this subject (discerning the truthfulness of a person, and specifically in this case based on their indicators) is my, as Joseph Campbell would call it, bliss.

    No, there aren’t any experts with qualifications that could point such a thing out based on “obvious” physical indicators.

    Interrogation, at which I am an “expert”, is more art that science. Not that it can’t be quantified, but rather given the “classified” nature of the vast majority of interrogation there are very few public studies based on any significant data.

    With that said, there are people with decent sample sizes – that is to say they have hundreds or thousands of samples, and have direct access to and observation of hundreds or thousands of more samples, including the true/false results of a decent set of these examples… that might anecdotally add some worth to the discussion.

    Also, even though interrogation (or, far more generally in the case of this posts – the ability to discern dishonest from honest without inside information or close questioning) is currently, technically, more art than science… there are some really great artists in history, and some of them were scientifically and skeptically minded.

    On a totally unrelated* point yes, Santorum, along with nearly all of the GOP candidates I’ve seen publicly, exhibit a dizzying array of dishonest “tells” and indicators of deceit, even if I were to totally disregard factual errors.

    Sadly, so do a number (but far, far less common) of liberals.

    *maybe not totally

  296. says

    Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says:
    20 March 2012 at 8:30 pm
    Never abandoned but when a Nerd shows the partial brain of an anemone and can only resort to immoral ways that are proof of a total lack of morals, then I do not even need to step in a lab,
    This from an amoral incoherant fuckwit who can’t get his delusional thinking to match with reality? I spent all day visiting a relative who had a stroke in their rehab facility. Your imaginary deity didn’t come up once. Not from, me, my relative, the therapists, nurses, and help staff. Worthless sort your imaginary deity, as it cures nothing. Doing moral things to help other people, second nature to atheists

    My sympathies go out to your relative and my prayers are with them, their family and you. If everything could be cured then we would all live forever. I am impressed by the fact that you thought of the imaginary deity at the time.

    At this point you have made it difficult but the ‘Doing moral things….’ just shows that atheists cannot get from first to second.

    And at least I am only a F…wit at this point, who cannot type like a monkey.

  297. says

    Azkyroth says:
    20 March 2012 at 11:05 pm
    Well, if you’d been following, it was in the third-world. Africa to be more precise…
    Well, Africa IS a country, after all…


  298. says

    chigau (√-1)

    everyone (except or maybe including danielhaven)

    Was just out having a delicious club sandwich with shaved ham, cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, gherkin and a fantabulous sauce but it maybe or an exception.

  299. says

    Nerd of Redhead, OM

    In fact, 94% of the members of the Academy of Science don’t believe in personal deities.

    From Wikipedia…..
    This list includes approximately 2,000 current (not past) members and 350 foreign associates of the United States National Academy of Sciences, each of whom is affiliated with one of 31 disciplinary sections. Each person’s name, primary institution, and election year are given. This list does not include deceased members.

    Sounds fancy but 94% of 2000-2350 and my biggest question is, ‘What about the 6%?’, never mind us.

  300. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    My sympathies go out to your relative and my prayers are with them,

    Fuck your mental masturbation that is prayers. They don’t work, and you would know that if you ignored your inane and stupid presuppositional thinking and looked at the evidence, which shows prayers do nothing. But then you and reality are strangers. You don’t pray for atheists. That is an insult. You might stupidly think you are being nice. You aren’t.

    What about the 6%?’, never mind us.

    Stupid on that one topic, just like you. Where is your evidence for your imaginary deity? Still the delusional fool, and proud of being deluded. Which is why we see you as nothing but a liar and bullshitter, like all other godbots. Your word is worthless, since if you lie about one thing, what else will you lie about??? Think about that.

  301. says

    To Nerd of Redhead

    If you do not believe, most likely nothing will happen.

    I haven’t brought up anything because your first words would be liar, bullshitter, worthless, lie and whatever other insult you can come up with.

    From Wikipedia….
    The origins of the shroud and its image are the subject of intense debate among scientists, theologians, historians and researchers.

    According to former Nature editor Philip Ball, “it’s fair to say that, despite the seemingly definitive tests in 1988, the status of the Shroud of Turin is murkier than ever. Not least, the nature of the image and how it was fixed on the cloth remain deeply puzzling”.[6] The shroud is one of the most studied artifacts in human history, and one of the most controversial

    Like I said before, not your missing link.

    So go for it, Mr ‘I want proof’, tell us you have learnt something new.

    P.S. I do not have to think about what you think about and make up!

  302. Ogvorbis: shameless AND impudent! says

    I’m confused. When did the United States become Saudi Arabia or Iran?

    Give us time. Give us time.

  303. KG says

    According to former Nature editor Philip Ball, “it’s fair to say that, despite the seemingly definitive tests in 1988, the status of the Shroud of Turin is murkier than ever. – danielhaven

    Utter crap of course, even if a former Nature editor says it. The shroud is a 14th century forgery – the fraud was even documented (in a letter to the Pope from the bishop of Troyes) at the time. Carbon dating has confirmed a 14th century date and no, there are no genuine reasons to doubt the finding (and what a coincidence that it gave just the dates we would expect from the forgery hypothesis, if in fact it’s 1st century). The fact that we don’t know exactly how the forgery was done is irrelevant: the techniques of the extensive medieval relic-forging industry were, naturally, not documented.

  304. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    If you do not believe, most likely nothing will happen.

    Even if you believe, nothing happens. NIH-CAM has looked at it with the proper controls. Otherwise, you should be able to show, not just claim, it works. From the Wiki article on faith healing:

    A Cochrane review of intercessory prayer[39] found conflicting evidence for claims of a positive effect, but there was a conclusion that “evidence presented so far is interesting enough to justify further study.” A recent study not included in the review found that intercessory prayer had no effect on complication-free recovery from heart surgery, but curiously the group certain of receiving intercessory prayer experienced higher rates of complications.[40] (See also Studies on intercessory prayer)

    Two citations showing you are wrong. And not one citation from you that you are right…

    despite the seemingly definitive tests in 1988, the status of the Shroud of Turin is murkier than ever. Not least, the nature of the image and how it was fixed on the cloth remain deeply puzzling”.[6] The shroud is one of the most studied artifacts in human history, and one of the most controversial

    Actually, the image has been replicated by a skeptic, but of course the shroudies can’t admit that. The carbon-14 dating was definitive proof of a forgery. Still lying to yourself, then lying to us. Not a good way to build the “truthteller” you wish to be seen as. All it does is convince us of your liar and bullshitter status, unable to determine your delusions from reality.

  305. says

    So KG

    According to you, Carbon dating is 100% accurate and other parts that have been scientifically tested after that (WHY) are irrelevent. With no knowledge, I would challenge your carbon dating.

    To actually re-aqauint you with the point. It is not about the Shroud but the mere fact that there are many examples of how my belief has been studied in a lab…. the word proven is pretty subjective in your changing climate.

    Don’t fool yourself into a dizzy spin by harping on fragments.

  306. says

    Have you really never had a conversation with a schizophrenic person with schizophrenia?

    Yes I used to ride the bus with a person with schizophrenia receiving medication/treatment for it on a regular basis. He was very nice and talkative, mostly coherent, but would explain to people and for lack of a better term, apologize for certain things caused by either his condition or the medication side effects that were noticeable and might unnerve people.

  307. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    that there are many examples of how my belief has been studied in a lab…

    Your idiocy knows no bounds.

    That’s not studying belief, that’s studying physical evidence,

  308. says

    To Nerd of Redhead

    My last point was to show something new. You are sitting disputing scientific studies with the same belief that if you say something often enough, everyone will believe. You categorically denounce scientists, who are experts in their fields, to suit your own belief. Yip, Yip, Yip. Your own beliefs.

    Unfortunately, in your case, it is only the words ‘incoherent’ and ‘proof’ that has been constant since your first posting +/-2009.

    Do I really have to even bother with the numbers of this so-called proof – NIH-CAM – try to prove if a prayer works?????
    Not any of your citations show I am wrong.

    And without researching, that is the best answer you can come up with?????

  309. theophontes 777 says

    @ Ing

    PZ please please please don’t let this person continue to embarrass themselves like this. It’s cruel.

    Banhammering would be cruel. I have a better suggestion. PZ could ringfence goddists and their ilk in the new TZT. This would allow for experiments without the risk of contamination of other threads. (I have some exiting ideas, but obviously cannot discuss right now.)

    @ DH666

    And without researching, that is the best answer you can come up with?

    “without researching”? What you describe here is a religious, certainly not ascientific, methodology.

  310. says

    To Rev. BigDumbChimp and Ing: I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream So I Comment Instead

    Actually never wanted to go there to show a sign of courtesy as I figured that most would know that many aspects of my belief have been studied, extensively. Your last comment is a two-edge sword.

    As for Ing, you way missed out on the games, scales, ratings or whatever else. You are actually so far behind the crowd, you cannot see.

  311. says

    As for Ing, you way missed out on the games, scales, ratings or whatever else. You are actually so far behind the crowd, you cannot see.,

    If I claim to be a wise man, it surely means that I don’t know

    Though your eyes are clear you still are a blind man.

    Though you speak you still are a mad man

    You hear the voices ever calling

  312. Nerd of Redhead, Dances OM Trolls says

    According to you, Carbon dating is 100% accurate and other parts that have been scientifically tested after that (WHY) are irrelevent.

    What other parts? All scientific data agree it is a forgery, except for “tests” run by known shroudies, with a reputation for lying and bullshitting to prove their faith isn’t wrong.

    . With no knowledge, I would challenge your carbon dating.

    You have no knowledge, especially scientific knowledge, which is required to challenge the carbon dating. Science is only refuted by more science, and you keep presenting no science, only sophistry. The carbon dating is fine, as three independent groups gave dates that surrounded the forgery date.

    the word proven is pretty subjective in your changing climate.

    Ah, but it is proven, as it is only subjective in your delusional mind, but not our rational minds. Still lying and bullshitting to yourself, then lying and bullshitting to us. Fool, as we see through your idiocy.

    My last point was to show something new.

    You showed nothing new. All you showed was an attempt at handwaving, smoke, and mirrors. Typical of a godbot who has to rely on handwaving, smoke, and mirrors. Scientists don’t need those distraction mechanisms, as our evidence is solid. Whereas your evidence falls apart in a mild breeze.

    Do I really have to even bother with the numbers of this so-called proof – NIH-CAM – try to prove if a prayer works?????

    Yes, you do. You also need to show you have taken into account the normal progression of the disease, and the “Placebo effect”, to screen out false positives. You aren’t right until you actually show some evidence. Your claim is considered bogus, coming from a liar and bullshitter such as yourself, without third party evidence.

    Actually never wanted to go there to show a sign of courtesy as I figured that most would know that many aspects of my belief have been studied, extensively.

    Not evidenced by your inane and fuckwitted statements. You are studying drivel, with logic full of holes and presupposition. You tell lies which we easily expose. We can’t take your word for anything; too many lies.

  313. Rev. BigDumbChimp says

    many aspects of my belief have been studied, extensively

    That mean’s exactly nothing.

    They’ve been studied and…..

    What comes next is important.

  314. Anri says

    danielhaven says:

    Actually never wanted to go there to show a sign of courtesy as I figured that most would know that many aspects of my belief have been studied, extensively. Your last comment is a two-edge sword.

    Oh, goody!

    Here we have, at long last, after so many centuries of searching, scientific proof of gawd!

    It’s coming!



    I mean, just any time now!

    . . .

    Really soon, I mean like soonish soon.

    Oh, that was just gas.

    But soon…

  315. says

    It’s coming!


    Yes, it is. What impedes these great discoveries and their revelation is scientific censorship and all of the money pouring into the Darwin lobby.

    Yes. Yes, really. Because ID and the other religionists are brimming with great ideas like… Well, they have them, don’t you worry, they’ve informed us that they do. And all of the the Dominionist money is used up in fighting Darwinist persecution, so of course they can’t use that money, they’d have to get government grants.

    Of course that’s so. Look at the flagellum…and if you don’t have a complete pre-life chemicals to bacterial flagellum scenario that fits with all of the facts right now, clearly God did it–because God can do everything.

    Yet you won’t pay us to tell you that.

    Glen Davidson