You little rascals! You didn’t tell me!

I know there are a few gay contributors here. I want to know why you didn’t trust me enough to tell me about your grand plan! You were willing to spill the beans to the Vatican, but to me? Nooooo.

The Spanish Catholic Church is also concerned about homosexuality. During his Boxing Day sermon, the Bishop of Córdoba, Demetrio Fernández, said there was a conspiracy by the United Nations. "The Minister for Family of the Papal Government, Cardinal Antonelli, told me a few days ago in Zaragoza that UNESCO has a program for the next 20 years to make half the world population homosexual. To do this they have distinct programs, and will continue to implant the ideology that is already present in our schools."

I had no idea we even had a way to “make” people homosexual, but heck, if a Catholic priest says it, you know it’s got to be true. They take vows, you know, and believe in the ten commandments.


  1. Irene Delse says

    Memo to the good bishop: communion wine is to be used in moderation, not to pickle your brain…

  2. Pierce R. Butler says

    … to make half the world population homosexual.

    The male half or the female half?

  3. Azuma Hazuki says

    Got news for the pedo-in-a-dress: if people could choose their sexual orientation, all of us women would be lesbian, just based on how men treat us in general. The fact that at least 90% of us are straight is the strongest possible proof we have that people don’t choose their orientation.

    Put that in your censer and light it, you sack of shit.

  4. says

    All this time, all this scientific discourse out there that the Catholics supposedly love, and they still don’t get it that you can’t just make heterosexuals into homosexuals or vice versa. There is no excuse for such ignorance by a man of the cloth!

  5. Irene Delse says

    @ Azuma:

    Well… By that logic, some women would choose to be heterosexual to fulfil a masochistic kink ;-)

  6. says

    Half!? Just Half? You lazy homosexuals. Back in my day, it wasn’t even considered a nefarious secret plot until at least 75% of the population was effected. Hell, the secret mason plots even had a threshold of 66%. Come on teh Gays. Aim higher!

    Fear and Loathing in Damascus

  7. dianne says

    Azuma @4: I agree in general, but I must protest your characterization of the bishop. He’s no sack of shit, he’s a sack of santorum. What will the tone trolls think of us if we persist in such inaccuracy?

  8. Active Margin says

    And what exactly would the UN’s purpose for doing so be? What’s the end game?

    Phase 1: Make half the world population homosexual.
    Phase 3: Profit.

    Is this that New World Order thing the other group of kooks is carrying on about?

  9. Louis says

    Wait, does this mean I will become better at {insert male homosexual stereotype here}?

    I can/can’t live with that (delete as applicable).


  10. jacobfromlost says

    Leave it to the Catholic leadership to even think this would be possible. Project much?

    We should start a counter-conspiracy and vow to make half the population rational in 20 years.

  11. 'Tis Himself, OM. says

    It’s a plot to wipe out the Catholic priesthood. Since the Vatican has made it official policy that only heterosexuals are to be ordained, if half the male population are homosexuals then that’ll drop the number of priestly recruits way down.

  12. Brownian says

    Why you always gotta pick examples of the fringies in your campaign to discredit religion, PZ? What are Catholics, like 1/6th of Earth’s population?

    Why don’t you ever talk about the Unitarian Universalists, who number almost half a million, but are totally nice (sometimes) and therefore much more representative of religious believers?

  13. kirk says

    Well, we would have told you, but you can’t come to the meetings until your conversion date. I could see if I could pull a few strings and maybe get you moved up on the list.

  14. Larry says

    Half the world’s population, huh? Well that is a plot only an evil genius could aspire to. What’s Dr. Evil been up to lately?

  15. robro says

    Yes, yes, the UN’s black helicopters swoop in a sprinkle fairy dust on some place, and, well, voila! But, sssh! They aren’t supposed to know that we know that they know that we know…got it?

    It is terribly ironic for a cath’lick priest to accuse another organization of messing with people’s sexuality.

  16. tim rowledge, Ersatz Haderach says

    So, who do I have to talk to to make me a lesbian?

    Well, according to old graffiti – which is of course a trustworthy source of information, almost on a par with Catholic bishops – ‘my mother made me a homosexual/if I give her the wool will she make me one too?” so logically there must be a pattern for lesbians. I know there are some keen knitters on Pharyngula so start picking your wool…

  17. flapjack says

    In all fairness it’s not that big a secret.
    We’ve been developing a gayness serum known as “3 pints of lager”.
    After drinking this scientifically tested serum a number of guys who profess to being hetero when sober suddenly decide we are actually the most gorgeous thing they’ve ever clapped eyes on, and tend to make clumsy passes at us.
    Regretably, field tests demonstrate that the results are temporary and usually wear off by the next morning, so we’re now working on a drink which makes this mindstate permanent.

  18. Brownian says

    So, who do I have to talk to to make me a lesbian?

    From scratch? You must first invent the universe…

  19. Don Quijote says

    Both Fernánez and Antonelli are well known to be batshit crazy. Anyway, Antonelli got it wrong. The plan comes from UNCLE. United Network Conspiracy for Lesbian Enforcement.

  20. says

    Of course we can turn people gay. Tim Minchin figured it out; it’s through Christianity:

    “But I’ve already thought it through
    you know there’s preachers in america who reckon they can do
    sexuality converstions, i’ve heard them assert,
    they can cure a man of trouser love and turn him on to skirt.
    well i don’t see why they couldn’t pull the same trick in reverse”

  21. says

    I don’t know if the rest of you see a giant video embedded in my previous comment, but it so, I apologize. I was just expecting it to show up as a link. :|

  22. ibyea says

    Let me complete the acronym:

    Efforts to homo
    Sexualize and

  23. Gregory Greenwood says

    Another ‘teh ebil ghey conspiracy’ rant from paedophiles-R-us the Catholic church.

    Homophobes have world class projection skills – they hate, fear and want to destroy homosexuals, thus they naturally assume that homosexuals hate, fear and want to destroy heterosexuals, because they can’t imagine anyone who doesn’t have a freight of hatred bubbling away inside them like their own, and because they have the gall to claim to speak for all heterosexuals.

  24. robro says

    @Don Quijote—ah, yes, of course, secret agent “man”…I always thought there was something suspicious about Vaughn and McCallum. As for “batshit crazy” priests…How can you distinguish them? Do we get a program or something?

  25. Josh, Official SpokesGay says

    I’ve noted this before, PZ, but as the Official SpokesGay for Teh Ghey, Inc., our patented methods of faggification are a trade secret. I can reveal that we use far more than eleven herbs and spices.

  26. nanooe says

    Does the 50% include Catholic priests? If so i’m guessing they’ll have to turn some of them heterosexual?

  27. says

    I don’t know if the rest of you see a giant video embedded in my previous comment, but it so, I apologize.

    Don’t ever apologize for posting a video of Tim Minchin, especially that one!

  28. flapjack says

    All we’re saying is that before us gays got to them, Ted Haggard, George Rekers and all these men
    were totally 100% hetero. No really. What do you mean you ‘require independantly peer reviewed scientific data to back these claims’? Isn’t their word enough?

  29. truthspeaker says

    Oh, hey, I can post again.

    Well someone already did the obvious thing and took PZ to task for attacking all religion just because of something a high-ranking official of the world’s largest Christian denomination said. (~sarcasm~)

    So I guess I got nothing. “The UN has a secret plan to turn half the world’s population gay” is the kind of wacky conspiracy theory you’d find on a photocopied pamphlet in a creepy war memorabilia shop. But here it is coming out of the mouth of a high-ranking official of the world’s largest Christian denomination. And we’re supposed to respect his sincerely held beliefs? Would you respect the sincerely held beliefs of John Birch or William Luther Pierce?

  30. says

    Motherhood must be protected and supported. We will defend a law protecting motherhood with measures helping pregnant women, in particular those in difficult situations,” the PP said during the election campaign.

    I totally agree with the above statement. However I would disagree with the Catlickspitlles above as I wouldn’t want anyone to have to take on the huge responsibility of motherhood if they did not want to.

    The thing I don’t get is how forcing vulnerable women to give birth and then transferring the responsibility for raising them onto the state (Let’s face it even the Catholic orphanages are mostly state funded)is helping and supporting motherhood.

    If I didn’t know better I’d think they were trying to ensure a regular supply of fresh meat for the flock.

  31. hypatiasdaughter says

    Can I nominate this whole thread for the January Molly?
    You guys make me laugh…..AND Tim Minchin!

  32. jefferylanam says

    So, who do I have to talk to to make me a lesbian?

    You have to bring your own fabric.

  33. Brownian says

    Following flapjack’s link, I find an article on Southaven Mayor Greg Davis:

    Receipts from embattled Southaven Mayor Greg Davis reveal that he had the city pay for wide-ranging expenses including thousands of dollars worth of liquor, expensive dinners at a local restaurant and a visit to an adult store catering to gay men while on a recruitment trip to Canada [emphasis mine].


  34. F says

    And what exactly would the UN’s purpose for doing so be? What’s the end game?

    Phase 1: Make half the world population homosexual.

    (Phase 2: Birth control by default.)

    Phase 3: Profit.

    Of course, the real purpose isn’t the UN’s but the RCC’s: To have enemies everywhere so as to point them out and stir up sentiment and action against gay people.

  35. says

    Presumably this supposed plot to turn half the planet gay is a variation on the common conspiracy theory that the “powers that be” want to heavily reduce the EArth

  36. says

    What I find most humorous is his plan would probably be a fairly effective population control. And he could be heralded as the savior of humanity in later centuries. Oh wait, this is the religion that still thinks it can out-populate all others. Well, damnit.

  37. says

    Gah, sorry about that. It’s supposed to read:

    Presumably this supposed plot to turn half the planet gay is a variation on the common conspiracy theory that the “powers that be” want to heavily reduce the Earth’s population for one nefaroius reason or another. Obviously if half the planet is gay they won’t be having babies like God wants them to.

  38. Azkyroth says

    Presumably this supposed plot to turn half the planet gay is a variation on the common conspiracy theory that the “powers that be” want to heavily reduce the EArth

    Is the church stockpiling oxidants to foil them? O.o

  39. Gregory Greenwood says

    One of the things I find simulatneously funny and worrying about homophobes like Demetrio Fernández is that they seem to view homosexual men as sexually ravenous individuals who scheme day and night about how they can ‘convert’ heterosexual men so that they can have their way with them, and for this reason the likes of Fernández fear that they too may be ‘targeted’.

    Whenever I encounter this attitude, the first thought that crosses my mind is ‘don’t flatter yourself’ – what makes all these homophobes think that they are so darn irresistable to gay men? To the extent that they apparently believe that no ridiculously covoluted plot is too Byzantine if it gives homosexuals the slightest shot at ‘teh hot, hot ghey secks’ with them?

    Talk about an inflated ego…

  40. Azkyroth says

    I hope they aren’t storing the oxidants and foil hats in the same place.

    (Actually, I have to admit I kinda hope they are :3)

  41. Irene Delse says

    @ andrewbrown:

    They should stockpile foil hats, to protect against Teh Ebil Ghey Rays!

  42. Margaret says

    If they go ahead with their plans to make the male half of the population homosexual, I hope they also make the female half of the population lesbian or else there are going to be a lot of very unhappy women.

  43. procrastinator will get an avatar real soon now says

    I knew it. I knew it! The Bishop was right about this nefarious plot. Teh geyz even have a word for it, faggification.

  44. says

    One question to ask these wonderfully simpleminded sexually dysfunctional individuals with their inability to cope with anything more than binary morality is what about bisexuality?

    Which half will teh Evil Gayz put them in??

  45. Azkyroth says

    Where are you hiding the gay ray?

    Haven’t you heard about the research on Lambda Rays?

    Which half will teh Evil Gayz put them in??

    The bottom half, I suppose. :P

  46. andyo says

    Anyone remembers where Hitchens said something about these people, that without the protection that undue reverence religion gives them, they would be just people shouting in street corners asking for money, or something to that effect? I’m pretty sure it was one of his speeches or debates, but can’t remember the exact quote.

  47. says

    Ah yes as the pure and holy Mother Catholic Church would never think with the smaller of its two heads would it???

    As Stephen Fry said the church is obsessed with sex in the same way an anorexic is obsessed with food.

    N.B. Why is an all male organisation referred to as Mother Church?

  48. mikee says

    So how is this great conversion supposed to take place?

    Is there some sort of gay ray? If so could I borrow it, I’ll start making my list of targets – hmmm, Ben Affleck, that cute guy at the gym …
    Actually do you think we could use it in reverse on Ted Haggard?

    And what about Ray Comfort – to zap or not to zap, that is the question. Whether tis nobler to turn him and watch his brain implode, or best to keep him straight so he doesn’t reduce the fabulousness of it all. decisions, decisions

    Or is it something that is being put in the food? That approach has benefits – we can tell all the religious nutters that this is how it is being done and they will starve to death :-)

  49. says

    mikee @75

    I like the way you have all the bases covered,

    Animal: Ben Affleck (plz can i have Jenifer Garner?)

    Vegetable: Ray Comfort (Hopefully will only be mating with other cauliflower brains)

    Mineral: Ted Haggard loves crystals apparently!!

    methinks we should tell the fundies that the gay juice is in the air, being pumped out from secret power station chimneys. Would give them an incentive to actually do something about climate change as a side benefit!!!

  50. says

    Imagine the real problems that you’d have to deal with if it was possible to turn people gay. Want revenge on a happily married person with children? Turn them gay! You could blackmail rich people into paying you not to turn their kids gay. Maybe if you’re serving a life sentence, turn yourself gay.

  51. neogeshel says

    well, it would certainly make it easier to get a date. maybe we should start looking into it.

  52. ogremeister says

    Andrewbrown @ 71:

    …what about bisexuality?

    Which half will teh Evil Gayz put them in??

    If it’s actually a ray-type device as speculated, it would appear to be polarized. If hetero becomes homo, then I suppose bi would become…asexual?

  53. says

    HAHA those fools! The ray was merely a decoy! Who ever heard of a ray that makes people gay that’s absurd. The real invention is this *holds up vial* Queeracol! And the plan is brilliant. It will be added into a substance that is popularly consumed by heterosexual douches (amongst others). BEER.

    What did you think I would tell you if there was any chance you could stop me? I did it 15 minutes ago.

    This spring break every frat boy and Plaaaaaaaayaaaaaaaaaaaaaah will find themselves suddenly and frighteningly disinterested in the wet t-shirt contests! Mauahahahahahahahahahaha!

  54. Mattir says

    So all those homosocial MRA assholes will now become Totes Ghey and leave the “targets” alone? Works for me – is there a fund I can contribute to so as to speed the work along?

    Also, the Tuesday evening Radical Lesbian Sock Collective™ (we meet at the local Panera’s, naturally) will begin knitting additional lesbians for anyone who sends me gift certificates at KnitPicks or Halcyon Yarns. Really. (And the wicked DaughterSpawn, noting that the RLSC actually has only straight and a couple of bi women, asked recently how many bisexual women we should recruit so as to have one entire lesbian.)

    I’m still waiting for my Ghey Secks with Brownian™ (sadface) – even though I’m first in line, he’s just not getting to work.

  55. says

    Aratina Cage:

    they still don’t get it that you can’t just make heterosexuals into homosexuals or vice versa.

    You never saw me back in the day, going door to door with the toasters.

    *Must stock up on toasters, dammit*

  56. Mattir says

    Who’s the HordeMember who got hit on by each of a pair of Mormon missionaries, introduced them to each other, and watched thereafter as the wholesome youth left off harassing strangers about becoming Mormons and took up with each other? They’re probably part of that UNESCO plan.

  57. RhubarbTheBear says

    There are places where guys like you and Dennett could go, and be very popular. Just sayin’.

  58. says


    Haven’t been hit on by Mormons but I have Hitchslapped them. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, using the info on the Mormon cult church from GING.

    Interestingly the two clean cut young innocents sent to my door knew nothing of the history of their own organisation. Wonder why?

  59. Azuma Hazuki says

    I suppose the jig us up…I can reveal how we do it.

    Sexuality is actually mediated by subatomic particles. The standard model is not incomplete; but when scientists found out the relevant particles, they were put under a gag order lest the enemy find out how to generate them and use them as a weapon, turning our entire population gay and destroying us within a generation.

    The specific particles are bosons, those with spin-0 attributes. We know of H+, H-, and H0 so far, these being the gay boson, lesbian boson, and heterosexual boson (aka yaoion, yurion, and heteron). It’s a simple matter of collimating a beam of the desired type from an accelerator and aiming them at the target. They’re not tremendously high-energy and are fairly long-lived, relativistically speaking.

  60. christianvon kietzell says

    Wow, that would be so cool. Finally, all the cute guys I have a crush on get to return the feeling :)

  61. Hairhead says

    This must be projection. It must be. There is no other explanation for the faulty premises, the twisted logic, and the insane conclusion. Bishop Fernandez, I conclude, has been thinking about nothing but cock for the last forty years or so. So sad that he is obsessed with the thing that he denies himself.

    I feel sorry for him, I really do. I imagine his thought processes must go something like this:

    FERNANDEZ: (Cock, cock, cock, hairy root, stiffies) Good morning.

    ASSISTANT: Good morning, Bishop, what would you like for breakfast?

    FERNANDEZ: (Sausage, wieners, tube steak . . . NO! I cannot reveal myself!) Some fruit and yogurt please.

    ASSISTANT: Here you are, sir, a bowl of stirred yogurt, with your bananas and mangosteens on the side, for you to peel.

    FERNANDEZ: (Gazes at the mangosteens and thinks, they look like balls, hairy, hairy balls, oh, I’d love to roll them around in my mouth . . NO! Pick up the banana. Stop caressing it! He’s looking at you!) Thank you, I love some fruit in the morning. (My God, that yogurt looks like . . . cum! Lord, why do you tempt me so!)

    ASSISTANT: Bishop, you knocked your mangosteens on the floor. Let me pick them up. (The assistant bends from the waist down; he pants are drawn tight over his young, firm buttocks. The Bishop’s eyes caress the tempting hemispheres of sinful flesh.)

    FERNANDEZ: I think I have the theme of my new sermon!

    ASSISTANT: That excites me, sir. Oh! That banana just seemed to pop right out of your hand! Let me clean it up. (Bends over again.)

    FERNANDEZ: (Oh Lord, it cannot be you tempting me, surely you would not put your loyal servant through such pain! It must be . . . UNESCO. That’s it, UNESCO! United Nations Educators for Sucking Cock Orally! It’s been there all the time, right in front of me!) Bishop Fernandez pats his assistant’s buttocks fondly as the young man straightens up.

    FERNANDEZ: You may go now.

    ASSISTANT: Don’t you want some clean fruit? All that I gave you has fallen on the floor!

    FERNANDEZ: No, it is not necessary. I will make do with the yogurt. (Tempting! Foul dairy!) I have my sermon to write, and I must do so while the passion is upon me.

    ASSISTANT: As you wish, sir.

  62. says


    I’m now unable to get those mental images out of my head. I close my eyes and the horror returns!!!

    It’s just too scarily plausible!!!

  63. says

    Out of all the UN agencies he could come up, it’s UNESCO? If he’d claimed it was the UN Population Fund, or perhaps the Development Group in general, trying to reduce population growth, that might be somewhat not completely implausible. The first thing a conspiracy theory needs to even begin making sense is a plausible motive, and I just don’t see how turning half the world’s population gay is going to help UNESCO administer World Heritage Sites.

  64. says

    And I might add that if “UNESCO” stands for “UN Educators for Sucking Cock Orally,” they failed to perform their task at the UN Inter-Agency Games I’ve been to (though I’ve had some good times with personnel from the IMO and IFAD).

  65. says

    Why are all the guys flattered that it would be exclusively the male half of population?
    Oh, right, lesbians don’t exist.

    Fun fact: A 50% homosexual population would reduce abortions by approximately the same number. Not that homosexuals don’t procreate, but they hardly ever do so without planning.
    Terms and conditions apply.

  66. says


    I wouldn’t presume to speak for the horde, but for myself, it’s more about tweaking the nose of exclusively all male homophobic RCC.

    As far as the RCC goes I suspect you may be right, that lesbianism doesn’t enter into their thinking at all, mainly as a woman doesn’t count as a fully formed human being.

    As far as the abortions thing goes, I suspect the RCC view is an all or nothing proposition, one is too many.

  67. chigau (同じ) says

    With all the knitting talk, somewhere up there I read something as
    Ghey Socks with Brownian.
    mind still boggling

  68. opposablethumbs, que le pouce enragé mette les pouces says

    We can post again now? OK, lame joke:

    How often does the Catholic church say something sane? Una vez cada muerte de obispo …

    (sorry, I couldn’t resist it. And I know most people will know this anyway, but for the non Spanish speakers it’s an idiomatic expression that means “once in a blue moon” but translates literally as “once every bishop’s death”)

  69. tungl says

    I heard somewhere* that men are more likely to be gay the more older brothers they have. If this is so, then it’s the RCC (and other fundie groups) with their “every sperm is sacred”-trope who is actually working hard to increase the number of gay men on the planet. The average secular 0 to 3 children family is not doing much in that direction…

    *I probably got this from Dan Savage and it might be total bogus and I don’t mean this to be taken anymore seriously than you would, say, a papal bull.

  70. says


    I want to know why you didn’t trust me enough to tell me about your grand plan!

    Sorry PZ I thought you knew. The ghey memo must have been intercepted by this brave Bishop. We thought he was one of our secret agent cross dressers, it was very cunning.

    Damn, the ghey gestapo is foiled again!!!

    So now have we decided whether we are going to make all the girls gay and always have someone to go hang out with, or turn all the men gay… and save on the 3 pints of lager?

  71. flapjack says

    Muahhahahhahahaaaaaaa! Those fools at the Vatican think they’ve foiled our dastardly plot to turn straight celebate pensioners gay by arousing them with our homoerotic displays, but we’ve had sleeper cells within the Vatican for centuries.
    Ever wondered why the women painted on the Cistine chapel ceiling have such broad shoulders and big hands? Michaelangelo (one of our own) never used women as life models. All cross-dressing dudes I think you’ll find. The entire ceiling is nothing less than 16th century gay porn.
    And this footage is just our latest diabolical plot to turn Ratzinger gay under the pretext of light entertainment!
    The fact that he has to think twice about rising from his seat at the end says it all!

  72. Azkyroth says

    As far as the abortions thing goes, I suspect the RCC view is an all or nothing proposition, one is too many.

    No, two is too many.

    Theirs or their daughter’s is an unfortunate necessity.

  73. Alex the Pretty Good says

    Ah, that explains a lot.

    Apparently my recruiter must have misread hir mission statement and in stead of turning half the world’s population gay, xe thought it was “Turn the world’s population half gay.”

  74. jblilie says

    There was an excellent piece on NPR this morning, one of their Story Corps pieces. It was an interview with a man who grew up gay in Kentucky with a very intolerant family. As he said, “I became a very good liar.”

    One day, when his mother intercepted a valentine’s day card from a male friend of his, she took him out in the woods and held a loaded shorgun to his head and told him, “This is the tree where I take my son and blow his head off, if he evers decides to become a faggot.”

    Think hard about what it would be like to live under that!

    We have a very long way to go yet.

    Please click on that link above and lsiten — it’s only about a minute.

  75. nogods4me says

    Good for them, this planet needs some population relief. Though I guess with science, this doesn’t necessarily mean a reduction in population.

    It would be fun to see the fundies’ reaction to the fact that “normal” means you are homosexual.

  76. says

    Think hard about what it would be like to live under that!

    Sometimes you don’t, you commit suicide, then your death gets waved in the face of other gays to show how mentally unbalanced homosexuality is by these same people.

    Although, now that story brings up an interesting question. How many of those “suicides” then really were…

  77. Gregory Greenwood says

    We Are Ing @ 83;

    HAHA those fools! The ray was merely a decoy! Who ever heard of a ray that makes people gay that’s absurd. The real invention is this *holds up vial* Queeracol! And the plan is brilliant. It will be added into a substance that is popularly consumed by heterosexual douches (amongst others). BEER.

    So this means that only straight teetotalers like me will remain heterosexual?

    *dabs on some cologne*

    Looks like my odds with the ladies are about to improve (which is just as well – I need all the help I can get).

  78. says

    Is Queeracol the active ingredient in Gaiagra?

    No, but you’re not far off. Queeracol is a precurser molecule that can be activated and modified by several sets of catylists into the other active chemicals.

    In the body testosterone normally activates the inactive Queeracol into Queeracyclo which attacks the hawtoganglion in the brain and reverses it (a similar chemical emoichol is sometimes developed by frightened genocidal plants to induce suicide in humans). Gaiagra is actually Queeropentaphenol, which is made from a Queeracol base but is significantly different in dosing and response.

  79. says

    So this means that only straight teetotalers like me will remain heterosexual?

    *dabs on some cologne*

    Looks like my odds with the ladies are about to improve (which is just as well – I need all the help I can get).

    You don’t want to know what I did to the cologne

  80. truthspeaker says

    Fortunately for me and my fiancee, I only drink beer I brew myself and she barely drinks at all.

    But if her desktop wallpaper changes from Sean Bean to Alicia Witt I’ll know what happened.

  81. Irene Delse says


    If it’s actually a ray-type device as speculated, it would appear to be polarized. If hetero becomes homo, then I suppose bi would become…asexual?

    I wonder, will that work in reverse? For asexuals to become bi? If so, I have a wonderfully varied future in front of me…

  82. says

    Ironic when a member of the catholic church condemn another group of having “distinct programs…to implant the ideology that is already present in our schools.” Isn’t this what the catholic church does best?

  83. Gregory Greenwood says

    We Are Ing @ 119;

    You don’t want to know what I did to the cologne

    Gah! Undone by vanity!

    Oh well, nevermind. At least there will soon be plenty more gay men in the world – maybe one of them will appreciate my unique sense of wit and good taste in cologne.

    Just tell me where to go to be fabulous-ified…

  84. jalyth says

    @tungl, 107 – That’s true. It’s science. Dan Savage may have been the one you heard it from. The more children (or at least boys) that any individual woman has, the more likely the younger one(s) are gay. I read it in a book Savage recommended. I feel like I should have a link, but I don’t.

  85. MFHeadcase, not frothing, its just toothpaste. says

    Mattir @ 91… That was me, but I think I was a patsy for the plot, as I hadn’t heard of it until now.