I just received a sampling of
Order of St. Nick’s Alternative Holiday Greeting Cards, so I have to give them a plug. If you’ve been looking for atheist Christmas cards, they’ve got ’em.
I was thinking of sending them to my family back in the Pacific Northwest, but I may have to get some more so I can send some to Bill Donohue and Bill O’Reilly, too.
Oh, my — they also have evil Christmas cards. Maybe those would be more appropriate for the Bills.
Ha! I would love to get a Darwin card for Jul.
See, this is what a War on Christmas looks like.
Just ordered some Darwin Beard cards.
Those are awesome.
Mom’s going to love getting one of those.
I am repeatedly implored not to make glib analogies about the role of Darwin as a Jesus-like figure to his acolytes. And yet here it is, staring at me from the translucent screen, as clear as day.
Ah, Pete, you’ve confused Jesus and Santa again. Also with the usual lack of any sense of irony.
“Mom’s going to love getting one of those.”
Nothing like some family strife at Christmas to distract us from the radiant truth that we should maintain focus on.
Since Pete “well meaining fool” Rooke has decreed we are jesus like acolytes of Darwin, this means we aren’t. Learn some science and history of science Pete. Maybe you will lose your belief in your imaginary god with some real information.
I’m quite happy with the vision of Darwin as Santa.
See Pete, further proof that you just get an idea that you like and no matter what evidence refutes it, you simply ignore that and go with what you like.
Pete “well meaining fool” Rooke, still operating under the delusion that your opinion is anything other that a laugh for us? The belief in imaginary beings will do that to you.
Maybe you will lose your belief in your imaginary god with some real information.
Information cannot be real or unreal, it exists irrespective of whether or not it is convenient or inconvenient, true or untrue,…
Are these the grounds that you use to dismiss the New Testament as valid? It is certainly real information – and no doubt it is true that any foundational thinking not based on this – (namely Evolutionism) – is doomed before the premise has even been fully sketched.
Only because you are completely impervious to humor and sarcasm, Mr Rooke.
because you are completely impervious to humor and sarcasm, Mr Rooke.
I don’t easily find humor in matters of such seriousness.
Until next time,
Pete Rooke.
Pete, show me one book of the apostles that was actually written at the time Jesus preached. No, you can’t. The new testatment was written a generation or two after the events described therein. There is no reliable outside evidence that historical Jesus existed. So my conclusion that the new testament is a pile of fiction is much more correct based upon the evidence.
Rookey (#13) pontificated,
What matters?
Then again, I don’t really want to know; you’ve always confused what you find serious with what intelligent people find serious.
Are these the grounds that you use to dismiss the New Testament as valid?
What “grounds”? What are you even talking about!? Darwin looks like Santa; therefore, No Jesus!
And what kind of validity are we even considering assigning to the NT? It’s “valid” theology, by the low to nonexistent standards of that realm. The burden is on you to show that it was considered anything other than theology by its authors and their contemporaries. It’s only the insecurity of later apologists that made anyone even consider that the NT accounts should be read as historical documents.
Pete Rooke @ 6
“Radiant truth”? There is no truth in religion, only abject insanity. I presume that when you find presents under your tree you assume that your imaginary god put them there? You and yours have been celebrating your god’s birth for two thousand years and still can not separate the material from the nonsense. None of this will ever penetrate a mind subjugated by irrational religion. You should be given a life ticket to the creation museum and then go and cavort with the lions in the Cincinnati Zoo and tell them you are celebrating their creator’s birth day and wish to share some heavenly peace with them.
They even have Squidmas cards!
Hehe. Rooke is SUCH a douche. Makes me giggle.
My X-mas cards this year show an angel shoving a christmas tree up the ass of a man and saying,
“Let’s See How YOU Like It!”
may i also recommend
Chaz has given permission for people to download and use it as they wish. (http://russellsteapot.com/news/latest/x-mas-stuff.html)
This is merely playing games with semantics.
“Real information”, as used above, simply meant that which truly matches reality.
More word games. The NT certainly exists, and as such is real, but that which it contains no more matches anything in reality than does the Quran or the Hindu vedas, or any other “real information” whose truth you reject.
Whereas in contrast, evolutionary biology is specifically a compendium of that which matches reality — as is all science.
Laughter always wins, Rookie.
“I am repeatedly implored not to make glib analogies about the role of Darwin as a Jesus-like figure to his acolytes. And yet here it is, staring at me from the translucent screen, as clear as day.
Posted by: Pete Rooke”
Let me guess, you graduated from one of those bible-thumpin’-colleges.
You can’t even tell the difference between Santa and Jesus.
I must admit, I like the Santa/Darwin image. Darwin did open up a big bag of gifts for all the boys & girls. And his gift bag keeps pouring out new “gifts” all the time.
I bought two boxes a few days ago. I hope they live up to expectations.
I likie the Xman bat, but it should have a little Santa hat.
Want some fun with Rookie?
Hey, Rooke! Give us an objective definition of information.
Well, since PZ brings the subject up, I’ve been looking recently for an image that was around a couple of years ago, your basic Cthulhu image with something like “May Cthulhu grant you a quick and painless death in this season of snow and ice” for a caption. I’ve googled for it, but it seems the original has gone missing, and I’m not finding any copies either. Does anyone here have a copy of that? (Yes, if it comes down to it, it probably wouldn’t be hard at all to make a new version.)
Pete Rooke, #13: I don’t easily find humor in matters of such seriousness.
Yeah, Darwin dressed as Santa Claus. I can see how that’s far too serious a matter to joke around.
Not surprisingly, Pete’s sense of humor is about on par with his sense of reason.
I’m not seeing anything evil about the vampire bat Xmas cards. In fact, I think I just found what we’re sending this year. To the people we know who will appreciate them – everybody else gets the generic Walgreen’s assortment.
My mom loved the Merry Squidmas cards. We considered getting them and sending them to some of our more…ah…conservative neighbors, but our desire not to have our buildings torched surpassed our snark capacity.
I gotta say, I prefer the squidmas cards to Darwin cards. Not everyone would recognize Darwin, but who doesn’t appreciate a squid in front of a christmas tree?
CJO has the winning argument to Rooke. I think people may have missed it. I repeat it below in full:
When you’re dealing with the fundamentalism, it’s best not to try too hard.
I gotta say, I prefer the squidmas cards to Darwin cards. Not everyone would recognize Darwin, but who doesn’t appreciate a squid in front of a christmas tree?
CJO has the winning argument to Rooke. I think people may have missed it. I repeat it below in full:
When you’re dealing with the fundamentalism, it’s best not to try too hard.
If anyone’s contemplating supporting something a bit queerer, Tab of KhaosKomix is selling 100 Christmas cards with very SFW (and nice) covers.
(www.khaoskomix.com/images/store/card2.jpg sans the water stamp)
Can be ordered internationally. I’m hoping to get one of them as an xmas pressie from a friend.
I’m contemplating drawing random santa-squids for my e-cards this christmas :-D
Bill Donohue would totally go off and write some sort of treatise regarding how the MERE IDEA of you sending him a card like this is an unforgivable affront to all Catholics. His persecution complex never fails to fascinate/horrify me.
I’m from Buffalo, and wondered briefly why you were sending xmas cards to our NFL team.
:-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
A bit of self-irony is very healthy.
Remember, the one who laughs last hasn’t understood the joke.
Merry Newtonmas, Mr Rooke.
Yeah, Darwin dressed as Santa Claus. I can see how that’s far too serious a matter to joke around.
Much better to make your own Christmas cards, perhaps out of the skin of a loved one.
Ah, another occasion on which I wish I were a LOL-user.
I think Pete Rooke needs a visit from Scrooge’s spirits!
Those are nice. I might have to start a new Christmas tradition: get secular cards and send them to my parents and to Bill O’Reilly.
Yay, Squidmas!
…. as featured on the Colbert Report!! …
“I’m from Buffalo, and wondered briefly why you were sending xmas cards to our NFL team.”
I would imagine that the Patriots would be sending X-Mas cards to them after the way the Bills have played the last several weeks.
Amusing, but I’ll pass. I still have two boxes of those National Geographic baby penguin cards.
There’s one that’s missing…
A card from Robot Santa holding a nasty RPG saying “You’ve been naughty… Very naughty!”
Atheist Christmas cards are an interesting idea, but why the focus on evolution & Darwin in these? Only one of the cards wasn’t about evolution – Secular Greetings. Is it too much to ask for a little more variety?
None of the cards seemed appropriate for Bill Donohue. So, I searched the internet and found:
Qwerty – Holy shite! That’s me in that drawing.
Ha, ha! Thanks, I’m ordering some.
That was very funny, I loved the letter he read out.