Stephen Colbert: you are ON NOTICE! » « Father’s Day suggestions It’s alive! The Panda’s Thumb is back online again, in case you’ve been missing it. Share this:PrintEmailShare on TumblrTweet Stephen Colbert: you are ON NOTICE! » « Father’s Day suggestions
Madhu says 7 June 2007 at 3:05 pm Great! And now for something different – did you catch the Colbert Report last night, PZ (or your acolytes)? Shouldn’t you be responding to his attack on cephalopods, starting with the crazy f#?king octopi?
Hip Hip Hooray!
And now for something different – did you catch the Colbert Report last night, PZ (or your acolytes)? Shouldn’t you be responding to his attack on cephalopods, starting with the crazy f#?king octopi?
It seems to be down again, at least for me.
Any idea when TalkOrigins.Org will be fully functional again?