I’m still getting flamage from Dr Mike S. Adams’ fans. This one just happened to tickle me, for some reason. I wonder if I can get that title engraved on my office door?
I think the funniest part of this all-caps, misspelled, strangely punctuated rant and sneer at “HIGHER????” EDUCATION is that the guy’s signature proudly says, “Employee of University of Wisconsin”.
[ guy’s signature proudly says, “Employee of University of Wisconsin”.]
His rant shows everyone how believable his claim above is.
I’m assuming this guy is not faculty at UW.
PZ, really?
That’s too cool, do you teach Black Helicopter piloting along with Evilution? What about Mind Control Ray Beam studies?
Oh, sure. Surgeon at the medical school.
Nah, not really — I checked, he’s real, he’s got some kind of business office staff position.
Mayhap, it’s Dr. Adams himself?
For some reason (I never post my email…though now that I think about it, I did post it at a couple of low-key sites), I’ve been getting hate mail from this one guy who thinks I slandered him somewhere. His last email said “What the hell is [sic] you and your gay agenda doing for America, besides giving everyone AIDS? I’d sue you for all your [sic] worth if I could afford a lawyer, jackoff!” Ah, the beloved wonder that the inteernet breeds. Anonymous hatemail.
I checked, he’s real
Oh. Oops.
Heh. Funny.
You should have t-shirts made…
Loonies can be found at all places, even in the upper floors of the White House. Why should the University of Wisconsin be any different?
Keanus summed it up perfectly.
Wow at U Wisconsin? Talk about living in hell for this guy – to be worried about “ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF LEFTIST INDOCTRINATION” – you can’t turn around without knocking one or two of these down there. This is the Uni with the guy teaching the class about how the government faked the world trade center bombing…
Well what can you expect from Teh Internets? It’s a series of tubes, just like a sewer.
Markk —
Sure, the University of Wisconsin is pretty liberal, but you can’t judge UW by its 9/11 conspiracy theorist professor any more than you can judge Northwestern by its holocaust denier or Florida State by its KKK sympathizer.
There’s an occasionally inconvenient principle called “academic freedom,” and fortunately Wisconsin Governor Jim Doyle, who’s cruising to re-election despite being attacked for refusing to fire the UW professor, understands why it exists.
I wonder if he’s a janitor at UW, but that would be a gross insult to all of the janitors I know.
As a staff researcher at the UW-Madison, I’d like to apologize on behalf of all the rational faculty and staff at our institution. And yes, we do have some rightwing fanatics here at the liberal UW. Ann Althouse, for example, is a fairly well known rightwinger. I can think of one PI (who shall remain nameless) in particular here that I (unfortunately) have to work with who is a real rightwing nutcase.
You don’t have to apologize. I have a son attending UW-Madison, so I certainly don’t have any worries about the place.
Consistent substanceless criticism from the opposition is a sign you made your points against them well. It’s the equivalent of getting booed mercilously by the opposing fans. Take a bow.
Besides, you know based on the content of Adams’ writings that his fans are going to be idiots, so it’s not like you can be surprised.
I’m pretty sure he meant, “DISCUSPING”, rather than, “DISCUSTING”.
After all, he needs to blame someone for having only one tooth left in his skull.
“the guy’s signature proudly says, “Employee of University of Wisconsin”.”
… Dollars to doughnuts he’s in the Econ department, who’ll take it? :’P
JackGoff: you are aware that it’s possible to find out quite a bit from an email header, including the sender’s IP? It’s also possible to find out his ISP account information from that. I think a “please stop harassing me by email, Mr. [Name]” delivered by snail mail, would probably get the point across. ^.^
By employee, he means – janitor
I can see this guy mouthing “Ignorance is strength” as he cleans the ladies bathrooms.
Azkyroth: He uses an anonymous hushmail account, which he changes every time I block it. I don’t know a lot about what hushmail does, but it circumvents my blocking. Plus, I can’t see any IP info…
I’ve gotten about 10 emails, but he does seem to have stopped. The last one I got was about 4 days ago.
I’ve gotten about 10 emails, but he does seem to have stopped. The last one I got was about 4 days ago.
contact your own ISP and have them do a trace.
Oh hell. Stop picking on the janitors.
I’m just a stupid and lowly undergrad at a small women’s college (the college itself is small – it’s not for small women) but I do have a question that’s been burning a hole in my pocket, in a manner for speaking.
If the most news media are controlled by Liberals, and most entertainment media are controlled by Liberals, and the public school system and most public and private colleges and universities submit their students to Leftist Indocrination from day one…
…then why aren’t most Americans registered Democrats? Why will the GOP have controlled the White House for 28 of the 40 years between 1968 and 2008? Why has the Right dominated American politics for most of the past quarter century?
Inquiring minds want to know.
I think the funniest part of this all-caps, misspelled, strangely punctuated rant and sneer at “HIGHER????” EDUCATION is that the guy’s signature proudly says, “Employee of University of Wisconsin”.
Well, what do you expect from a cheesehead?
Signed, former flatlander still doing my part to promote inter-state rivalry.
Damned if you do, damned if you literally don’t. What do these people want?
re: ISP trace. You’ll only be able to find out it’s coming from Hushmail. Likely the simplest thing to do is block all mail from *@hushmail.com but that’s a bit much perhaps. And I doubt the senders IP will be in the mail header.
That idiot. You’re a biologist, and everyone knows the “Leftist Indoctrination” positions are in the Department of Dangeral Studies.
I’ve had it with the whiny ignorant trolls. Let’s kick their asses.
Geeks vs rednecks, nerds vs holy-rollers, in the parking lot after 6th period.
Some day it may come to that. The bad part is us smart lefties are not usually armed or trained to fight.
It’s funny, now that I think about it- when someone dies for their delusional belief, they’re a martyr, strengthening the cause.
When someone dies for insisting the world is round, they’re that guy who was right hundreds of years ago, and got killed for it- learning everyone else in that era to shut up about the roundness.
Herr Von Wizzlepig, you should check out the “Dolphin” thread – there’s A Guy Name Joe citing the fact that people used to believe the earth was flat as proof that the Bible is a more reliable source of truth than is human reason. Try wrapping your brain around THAT one without a few grains of acetaminophen.
It’s obvious, innit? Those evil Democrats are simply controlling things behind the scenes, and creating the appearance of a religious neo-con hegemony is just part of their plan to avoid being unmasked. They’re either Jewish bankers or lizards, according to all the best historians…
Oh, and the earth’s hollow, too!