Fashion statements

If you’re looking for something seditious to wear, try out the classic designs by Chris Clarke and Tim Murtaugh. We are all enemy combatants and terrorists now, so we might as well advertise the fact.


  1. George says

    Without first duct taping the “Kip Hawley is an Idiot” Ziploc bag full of 3 oz toiletries to your torso.

  2. says

    Yeah, you’re right. I should be afraid to wear a piece of cotton with ink printed on the front to an airport.

    Let’s not rock the boat at all with our “I’m not a terrorist” t-shirts. Let’s wear them to bed at night or to the beach.

  3. Kagehi says

    Gosh! Raed Jarrar was asked to take off a T-Shirt before getting on a plane! Poor baby. I wonder if it said, “I love Al-Queda”… This guys entire family was posting since day one of the war praising every terrorist attack, every false news reports and praising Saddam. He did this while sitting in @$%@$@ Syria, and praising the Syrian’s for sending more terrorists into the country. They should have shipped him back in the bloody crate (alive though mind you, being a fracking idiot isn’t justification for shooting the asshole). Now, if any damn thing he every said, any complaint he ever made, any action he ever praised or any news he ever posted about had been something he “personally” witnessed, instead of sitting comfortably outside Iraq and babbling about how 100% of everything said by us where lies, while 100% of everything said by the terrorists where truth, then had the fracking audacity to move to the US with his even more pro-terrorist wife.. I might give the shit some benefit of the doubt. His mother is the only person in his entire family that *ever* questioned the actions of Al Queda, the insurgents, Iran, Syria or anyone else, and even she was more pro-kill all the foreigners, than anti-terrorism.

    Don’t get me wrong, I love the T-shirt idea, but saying that Read inspired it would be like making a T-Shirt that read, “Peace and Love for all people!”, then attributing the idea to Bush’s war policy.

    Sorry about the rant, but I could probably go to Iraq and find actual insurgents that deserve more recognition than Read Jarrar or the his family of “arm chair” jihadists deserve.

  4. j.t.delaney says

    Gosh! Raed Jarrar was asked to take off a T-Shirt before getting on a plane! Poor baby. I wonder if it said, “I love Al-Queda”… This guys entire family was posting since day one of the war praising every terrorist attack, every false news reports and praising Saddam.

    Wow, somebody got a little wound up! Evidently, the t-shirt said “We will not be silent” (oooooh, scary!) I must ask then, Kageshi: how does writing *anything* on a t-shirt, especially something that 99% of the population can’t read anyways, hamper airline safety? The script was rather plain, and there were no graphic images. If it had said “I’d like to buy the world a coke” in Urdu, or “God Bless the Department of Homeland Security” in Farsi, my guess it woud have had the same effect. Maybe “Kageshi’s mom is the best” in Pashto?

    This had nothing to do with whatever he posted on his blog. My guess is that the semi-literate TSA $11.80-per-hour rent-a-cops who hassled him weren’t secretly enforcing some unwritten law about posting unpopular opinions on the blogosphere.

  5. j.t.delaney says

    My guess is that the semi-literate TSA $11.80-per-hour rent-a-cops who hassled him weren’t secretly enforcing some unwritten law about posting unpopular opinions on the blogosphere.

    …or, at least I hope that the semi-literate $11.80/hr rent-a-cops weren’t secretly enforcing some unwritten law about posting unpopular opinions on the blogosphere. These days, anything is possible.

  6. Graculus says

    This guys entire family was posting since day one of the war praising every terrorist attack, every false news reports and praising Saddam.

    Got any evidence of this? Or is it just the usual “if you don’t agree with us completely you’re a terrorist” rhetoric?

    He did this while sitting in @$%@$@ Syria, and praising the Syrian’s for sending more terrorists into the country.

    Half of his family is Palestian, I believe he was in Jordan mostly when he wasn’t in Iraq itself. Yes, he was in Iraq during and after the invasion, and had to travel through Syria to get there. I knew this at the time, because comments about Raed’s work in Iraq were posted by Salam Pax.

    So we have already demonstrated that you don’t have your facts straight.

  7. Chris says

    A semiliterate can make $11.80 an hour being a thug? No wonder it’s so popular… that’s over 50% more than the same semiliterate would make at McDonald’s.

    Shoot, there are people with actual high school diplomas who make less than that.

    Also: men should never use duct tape on their torsos unless they have already had their hair removed.

  8. Steve Watson says

    I hate to point this out, but some expressions are (legitimately, IMHO) restricted at airport security, eg. making jokes about bombs, etc. I assume that’s so the poor screeners don’t have to distinguish between real threats and wise-ass jokers. While expressing one’s opinion of the intelligence of certain upper bureaucrats ought to be allowable, I can see where mentioning “terrorist” or “enemy combatant” (even in a negative or satirical context) might be pushing the limits.